"What damage?" He Yaoshi frowned and asked.

Zhou Mengli paused and said in a low voice, "I can't be sure."

"Is there any good way?" He Yao asked her, suppressing the churning irritability in his heart.

"Yes." Zhou Mengli contacted He Yaoshi specifically for this reason. She said, "Forced interruption means using tranquilizers or... just knocking him out directly!"

He Yaoshi understood.

He notified all the owl wolf players who came together, and after seeing Ren Fengquan, don't try to talk to him, just knock him out!

After a long journey, they finally came to the place where the news said they saw the two people.

As expected by He Yaoshi and Zong Mingzhe, this is exactly the place where Nard asked them to find the nun.

According to the person who assisted them, this place is under the control of the faction in power, and even if other forces step in, they will be immediately monitored.

He Yaoshi and Zong Mingzhe analyzed it, and felt that those who hindered their actions here were probably part of the people in power.If there is any interest-related transaction between Nard and the people in power here, things will be even more difficult.

It's best to get Nard down before he makes a move, and get out of here quickly.

After discussing the action plan, He Yaoshi and Zong Mingzhe split into two groups to find out the whereabouts of the two people here.

In the Xiaolang headquarters, the technicians were running around in a hurry like ants on a hot pot.Because He Yaoshi and the others didn't bring much equipment in, the technicians could do very little.

Feng Xuelan looked at them anxiously, as if her heart was put in a frying pan.

She hated in her heart, if it wasn't for the injury on her leg, she would have gone with those two people no matter what.No matter what happens there, it's better than sitting here and waiting!
After a while, some news came from the front, and the technicians immediately got busy.

Feng Xuelan stood up on one leg, looked around, and found that she was the only person here who had nothing to do.

She felt even more uncomfortable!
When she sat in the wheelchair again, Feng Xuelan suddenly realized that some of her previous thoughts were really naive.

Only now was she able to understand Ye Chengxi's mood a little bit.

In the past, she thought that as long as she could prove to Ye Chengxi that she could participate in battles while sitting in a wheelchair, and she could achieve good results, then Ye Chengxi would be full of confidence in the future.But when the real battle started, Feng Xuelan herself could only sit here, doing nothing, watching others fight, and doing it herself in a hurry!
Even if she proves that she can fight in a wheelchair, so what?
Can she go to the battlefield like this?

cannot.Certainly not!
The anxiety of waiting in the back, the discomfort of being excluded when everyone was performing the task, and the annoyance of her own legs, these are the things Ye Chengxi will really face in the future!

Feng Xuelan found that everyone here has such a tolerance for her, no matter what she does is right or wrong, they all treat her with tolerance, sometimes even protect her and encourage her...

At this moment, Feng Xuelan suddenly heard someone whispering beside her, "Xuelan, are you hungry? If so, I'll get you something to eat."

The person who spoke was Daylily. Although Feng Xuelan had already piled up snacks in front of him, it was time for breakfast now.Under Wu Yan's years of teaching, all the owl wolf team members know that snacks cannot be eaten as meals.

Feng Xuelan shook his head, pointed to his screen and said, "Don't you have something to do? Let me go to the cafeteria. I'll bring everyone's breakfast with them."

Hearing what Feng Xuelan said, Day Lily hesitated for a moment.

Feng Xuelan knew why he hesitated, so she burst out laughing.

"If you are worried, let Alpha send a message, and I won't go."

Daylily looked at Feng Xuelan and smiled.

"Actually, it's not that I'm worried about you, it's Team He and the others who are worried about you."

After saying this, Huang Huacai stood up and pushed Feng Xuelan's wheelchair out.

"Xue Lan, you can go. I want to eat buns, don't forget to bring them back for me."

"Don't worry, Xiao Jinzi must have made buns."

Feng Xuelan pushed the wheelchair out, and the mechanical dog Alpha followed her all the time.

When they left the command center, Feng Xuelan couldn't help but sighed, and reached out to pat Alpha's cold head.

Alpha responded to her with a cry, and Feng Xuelan smiled helplessly, "I wish I had four legs like you, one is injured, and I still have three."

Alpha yelled again, Feng Xuelan nodded, "Yes, if you had three legs, they wouldn't take you to the battlefield. By the way, Mr. Zhu said that you can't use it on the battlefield yet, even small planes You can’t do that kind of thing like throwing explosives casually. There are too many rules in the Owl Wolf Brigade, if you were in a place like Tomorrow’s Day, you would have been used long ago..."

While saying this, Feng Xuelan was thinking about the situation in the daytime of tomorrow.

She suddenly discovered that some things seemed to be far away from her.For example, casual killing is a matter of course in tomorrow's day, but He Yaoshi has told her more than once that as a member of the Owlwolf team, you cannot kill casually.

What if there is a violation of discipline?
Feng Xuelan knew the answer to this question all too well.

He Yaoshi told her solemnly that once the owl wolf team members violated discipline, they might be removed from the team.

Feng Xuelan turned to look at Alpha, and said with a smile, "You will definitely not violate discipline."

Alpha yelled at her twice, wagging her tail quickly.

Feng Xuelan reached out to pat it, pointed at it, and said loudly, "Target! Canteen!"

Alpha rushed out with a whoosh, but after running a certain distance, it ran back and turned around Feng Xuelan back and forth like this, which was no different from a real dog.

Feng Xuelan pushed the wheelchair towards the cafeteria, thinking in her heart, she didn't know if the matter of Ren Fengquan was a violation of discipline...

When they came to the cafeteria, they saw that it was as lively as usual.

However, there were not many people who came to eat, because such a thing happened in the team, most of them were still guarding their respective posts in case they encountered something that needed them to do.

"Xuelan?" Xiao Jinzi was surprised when he saw the figure pushing the wheelchair in.

According to his thinking, Feng Xuelan must be very busy when there are combat missions.Although her leg was injured, the fighting power she showed in that match was enough to make everyone forget that she was a sick person.

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