"You will forget everything that happened today until..."

The voice in my ear gradually became distant, and some pictures appeared in my mind.But these images flashed by so quickly that she didn't even have time to see them clearly.

When she opened her eyes again, she looked around in a daze, and saw a strange woman in front of her...

"Who are you?" She got up from the recliner in doubt, and then found that she had a cast on her leg.

what happened?

She tried her best to recall, but she still couldn't remember when she was injured.

Impossible... Tomorrow she will become an alpha, how could she be injured at this time!Could it be that she was plotted against?
Oops...it must be!There must be someone who didn't want her to become an alpha, so they played tricks behind the scenes!
Damn it!Obviously someone reminded her to be more careful, but she was still careless!

But who can sneak attack her?
Here... what is it again?
Zhou Mengli looked at Feng Xuelan, and from her eyes, she could see the incomparable vigilance and cold murderous aura...

Zhou Mengli felt as if what she was facing was not a person, but a ferocious beast. As long as she acted rashly, the beast would jump up and tear her to pieces...

"Xuelan, don't you remember me?" Zhou Mengli asked tentatively.

Feng Xuelan looked even more puzzled, and the murderous aura emanating from her body became stronger.

Cold sweat dripped from Zhou Mengli's forehead. She tried her best to stabilize her mind and said to Feng Xuelan, "I am a psychiatrist, and my name is Zhou Mengli. Can you tell me who you are?"

Psychologist?No wonder it looks a little familiar here.She didn't like what those guys did.

But the woman in front of him looked like a docile sheep, Feng Xuelan was slightly less wary of her.

She raised her head proudly and snorted at Zhou Mengli, "Is there anyone on this island who doesn't know me? Tomorrow I will become an Alpha!"

Zhou Mengli couldn't help but gasped when she heard the words.

She thought for a while, and said to Feng Xuelan, "Alpha... There are two people who want to meet you, can you wait for me here for a while?"

Hearing that this woman called her "Alpha" directly, Feng Xuelan's heart suddenly became happy.

This is the address she has been looking forward to for a long time, and now she can finally hear others address her like this, which really makes her feel very pleasant.

"Okay. You go and bring them here."

Although she didn't know enough about the situation in front of her, she didn't feel scared.

What if I hurt a leg?To her alpha, this is nothing.It would be best for those who plot against her to come out by themselves, otherwise she will find them out and kill them all!
Zhou Mengli got up tremblingly and left the consultation room. When she closed the door, several people outside could see her face was as white as paper.

"Memory interrupted?" Zong Mingzhe looked at Zhou Mengli in surprise, not knowing what she was talking about.

Zhou Mengli was about to cry, and told them in a low voice, "I don't know why Xuelan woke up suddenly under hypnosis, and her memory was stuck at that point in time. That is to say... For Xuelan As far as she is concerned, she is now the Miuna of that day, and she will become an Alpha tomorrow, and what happened after that day does not exist for the present Xuelan!"

Li Qinghui hurriedly said to Zhou Mengli, "I have seen such a situation in the materials!"

Zhou Mengli seemed to be pardoned, and urged Li Qinghui, "Hurry up and look for it! Let's see what we should do now!"

The preparations the two made in advance were basically to prevent Feng Xuelan from falling into a coma like Ren Fengquan and unable to wake up. For this extremely rare situation, Zhou Mengli didn't even anticipate it in advance!

The research done by Li Qinghui is more comprehensive. He quickly searched out the relevant information according to the index he made in advance. After careful review, Li Qinghui frowned and said, "This situation has happened several times For example, several experimental subjects were re-hypnotized, and finally returned to normal."

Hearing what he said, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Zong Mingzhe asked Li Qinghui eagerly, "Will it affect her?"

Li Qinghui said while looking at the data, "According to the final research report... Immediately perform a second hypnosis, the impact on the experimental subjects is too great..."

He read the report at a glance, thought for a while, and said to a few people in a low voice, "This second hypnosis can't be done right away, at least a few days of buffer period is needed, and the success rate can be increased by letting her actively cooperate..." Leaving Qinghui turned to look at Feng Xuelan displayed on the screen, frowned and said, "The current Xuelan...it may not be easy for her to cooperate with us..."

When everyone heard the words, they all turned to look at the monitor.

Feng Xuelan's cold and murderous eyes clearly proved that Li Qinghui's thoughts were correct.

No one thought things would turn out like this.

He Yaoshi asked Zhou Mengli, "Can the clues obtained from Xuelan help Fengquan's condition?"

Zhou Mengli came back to her senses when she heard the words, and nodded vigorously, "Through Xuelan's performance, we have mastered the process and method of Nard's mind control over her. According to this process and method, we can control Fengquan again. Attempt to awaken. As for success or failure..."

Zhou Mengli didn't say what happened next, but everyone present knew it well.

He Yaoshi asked Li Qinghui again, "With Xuelan's current situation, what do you think we should do?"

In fact, Li Qinghui was also struggling with this matter.

"It's best to let her rest in a safe environment, and pay attention to the injuries on her legs...We must also gain her trust, so that we can perform a second hypnosis..."

It's easy to say, but they all know that Feng Xuelan is not a person who can be imprisoned, not to mention that she has changed back to the previous Alpha.

"Lock her up." He Yaoshi not only had to consider Feng Xuelan's safety, he also had to consider the safety of other people in the Owl Wolf Brigade.

He absolutely did not dare to underestimate the cruelty and ability of "Alpha", and he could not let Feng Xuelan do something that would make her extremely regretful under such circumstances.

He Yaoshi looked at Zong Mingzhe, he could see that Zong Mingzhe did not agree with his idea.

"Mingzhe, it's safer for her." He Yaoshi persuaded him, "Now let's lock her up for a few days, and when she recovers, we'll make up for her."

Zong Mingzhe knew that He Yaoshi's idea was correct, but he just didn't want Feng Xuelan to be locked up as a dangerous person or a prisoner.

"He Dui, let me watch her, it's only a few days, I won't let her get into trouble."

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