Feng Xuelan looked at Qin Huhao in surprise, and listened to Qin Huhao explaining to her in detail.

"The expert said that a woman's greatest weapon is tears, and the best way to coax a man is to be coquettish! You must not go head-to-head with him, only you soften up, use your softness to make his heart soften, you Only then can he make him feel sorry for you in turn, and when the time comes, he will be hit with a single blow, just give him a taste of the sweetness!"

Qin Huhao recited such a passage like reciting a text, obviously these were the original words Yin Ruoying told him.

Feng Xuelan thought about it carefully, and felt that an expert is an expert, which makes sense.


behave in a spoiled manner?

She had acted like a spoiled child to Zong Mingzhe before, but it was just a joke and she couldn't take it seriously.Now let her act like a baby to the angry Zong Mingzhe...

Feng Xuelan really flinched a bit.

Seeing this, Qin Huhao encouraged her, "There's nothing shameful in acting coquettishly with your boyfriend, Xue Lan, you can only use this method now. Didn't you see? Although we were on the road for a day and a night, but Team Zong is in a bad mood, and we can't bear the low pressure. You are taking a mission to act like a baby, and all of us are counting on you to coax Team Zong well!"

Feng Xuelan smiled wryly when she heard the words, she knew that Qin Huhao said this just to give her the courage to take this step.

"Okay! Then I'll act like a baby!"

Feng Xuelan took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, and left here.

She originally wanted to observe what Zong Mingzhe was doing, but she didn't expect that as soon as she appeared, a team member came over to report, "Team Zong has gone to the command tent!"

Feng Xuelan came to the command tent, and as soon as she appeared, several other team members in the tent immediately made excuses to go out.While walking, they winked at Feng Xuelan, obviously they all supported Feng Xuelan's "acting like a baby".

When they went out, Feng Xuelan couldn't help but sighed.

This matter was spread by Qin Huhao, Feng Xuelan had nothing to do.

Looking at Zong Mingzhe again, he looked down at the document in his hand as if he hadn't noticed the situation.

Feng Xuelan knew that he was just pretending, no matter what he was doing, no matter how lightly she moved, he could immediately detect her presence.

Act like a baby, act like a baby.

Feng Xuelan said this silently in her heart, leaned close to Zong Mingzhe, hesitatingly stretched out her hand and gently grabbed Zong Mingzhe's sleeve, shaking it slightly, trying to pretend to be the kind of hand that Yin Ruoying used when she heard Yin Ruoying in the hospital. In a coquettish tone, he said to Zong Mingzhe, "Mingzhe, don't be angry, okay..."

Having said this, Feng Xuelan let go of her hand abruptly, turned around and shivered.

Even she can't stand it!What kind of coquetry is this!Scary enough!
So embarrassing.

Feng Xuelan walked out, but before she could take two steps, someone grabbed her arm.

Feng Xuelan turned around in surprise, and saw Zong Mingzhe standing behind her.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and his deep eyes were full of love.

"You're here, why do you still have to leave." Zong Mingzhe held her arm tightly and whispered, "Is this the way they came up with for you? Just leave with a word?"

Hearing what he said, Feng Xuelan's heart suddenly churned.

He knew everything, everything about her, he didn't know anything.

So what she thinks in her heart, why she makes mistakes, how regretful she is after he gets angry, how much she wants him to forgive herself, all this, he must know!

Feng Xuelan felt wronged.

"You know it all, why don't you forgive me? Am I really so wrong that you can't forgive me? I won't act like a baby! I won't make you happy either! But I don't want you to be angry with me all the time! I'm mad at myself, but I don't know what to do! I want to say I'm never going to let this happen again, but I know you won't believe me again... so I don't know what to do How to do it! You are right, I use all my brains to think about how to kill people, I don't understand anything else! I broke your heart, let you down, and made you never want to Take care of me..."

Before Feng Xuelan could finish speaking, Zong Mingzhe suddenly raised his hand and covered her mouth.

Feng Xuelan looked at Zong Mingzhe in surprise, and Zong Mingzhe also looked at her in surprise.

"Who told you that I don't want to talk to you anymore?" Zong Mingzhe asked, "Who told you that I can't forgive you anymore? Who said that you won't make me happy anymore?"

Zong Mingzhe put down his hands, but Feng Xuelan still couldn't say a word.

Her eyes were already full of tears, and her vision of Zong Mingzhe was a little blurred.

A drop of tear slipped down her cheek, just touching the fingertip that Zong Mingzhe was caressing up.

"If there's only one person in this world who can make me happy, it's you. If there's only one person in this world I can talk to, it's you. If there's only one person in this world that I love Forgive me, then this person is still you."

Zong Mingzhe gently wiped away the tear, then held Feng Xuelan's cheek, and pressed a kiss on her lips.

More tears fell from the corners of Feng Xuelan's eyes, but these tears were no longer from grievances.

Feng Xuelan hugged Zong Mingzhe tightly, letting all these tears stick to his chest.

This man understood her and tolerated her. Even if she did something wrong, even if he was angry and disappointed, in the end, he would still forgive her.Even if she doesn't know how to apologize, even if she doesn't know how to act like a baby, even the explanation seems so clumsy.But he still held her tightly in his arms, and his eyes were still full of love.

"I'm sorry... Mingzhe, I'm sorry..." Feng Xuelan cried.

Zong Mingzhe patted her on the back lightly, and whispered in her ear, "Don't cry Xuelan, I shouldn't lose my temper like this. I saw you disappear in front of my eyes, and at that moment I felt like I suddenly understood how you felt when you went to Savage Island for me. I also suddenly understood how much pain He Dui has endured for so many years. I was afraid, afraid that something would happen to you, and afraid of losing you. Because of fear, So your promise to me becomes more important, and I'm so angry that you failed to keep that promise. In the final analysis, it's me..."

"No! It's not you, it's me!" Feng Xuelan knew that Zong Mingzhe was going to take the responsibility on himself, but this matter was definitely not Zong Mingzhe's fault anyway, Feng Xuelan looked up at him, choked up Say, "This promise, I will keep it from now on. As long as you still look at me, I will never leave your sight."

Zong Mingzhe could see Feng Xuelan's determination.No matter how angry or disappointed he was before, Feng Xuelan's tears washed everything away in one go.

Zong Mingzhe held her tightly in his arms again, and said to her in a low voice, "Then we have agreed, and you are not allowed to go back on your word."

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