With Li Qinghui by his side, Feng Xuelan's mood calmed down a lot.For what happened to Fu Jiuchong and Ding Yuxi, together with what happened to this child, Feng Xuelan blamed tomorrow's day.

"Fu Jiuzhong is my elder brother, and now he has suffered such a thing, I must avenge him." Feng Xuelan said to Li Qinghui, "Even if Mingzhe disagrees, I must do this. I must completely destroy Tomorrow's Day."

Hearing what Feng Xuelan said, Li Qinghui looked at her and smiled.

Feng Xuelan looked at him suspiciously, and then heard Li Qinghui say, "Xuelan, you must not have noticed that even the tone of your word revenge is different from before. If you used to Saying the word revenge must be full of anger and resentment, no one can stop you, not even dare to stop you. But now, I think when you want to do it, it is not out of hatred and anger , but out of justice. You are going to destroy Tomorrow's Day, not all because Fu Jiuzhong is your brother, and you see them encounter such misfortune, but because you are firm in what you should do belief."

After chatting with Feng Xuelan for half a night, Li Qinghui became more sure of his previous thoughts.

Feng Xuelan has changed, becoming more mature and powerful than before.

But Feng Xuelan couldn't understand what he said.

"I've never thought about justice." Feng Xuelan frowned and said to Li Qinghui, "It's always been like this. I never did justice in the past, and I don't think I am qualified to do it now. to judge what conduct is just."

Li Qinghui nodded, "You do things according to your inner thoughts. When you only have ruthlessness in your heart, what you want to do must be ruthless. Mingzhe and the others are leading the way, and you have walked side by side with them, so you are walking the same path as them. You don’t judge justice or not, but I believe you should know that the path they are walking is absolutely There is no darkness. They are the ones who clear the darkness. You have now become the one who can clear the darkness."

Li Qinghui's words were still mysterious to Feng Xuelan, but Feng Xuelan understood what Li Qinghui meant, and she also remembered what He Yaoshi had said to her back then.

Feng Xuelan asked He Yaoshi, what exactly is the duty and mission of a soldier, how should she judge whether her actions are in line with this duty and mission, and whether she, a person who has killed countless people, really has Qualified to undertake this responsibility and mission.

At that time, He Yaoshi told her that if one day, when she was faced with a choice, she remembered the questions she had asked once again, then she should understand the answers to these questions.

At that time, Feng Xuelan thought that He Yaoshi was too troublesome and didn't want to answer, but now, Feng Xuelan understood what He Yaoshi said.

Although she didn't want to pursue any justice, when facing what happened to Fu Jiuzhong, she did look at it from a different perspective.

Compared with hatred and anger, Feng Xuelan is thinking more about how to protect at this moment.

Not only did she want to protect Fu Jiuzhong's child, she also wanted to protect the peace and harmony here.

When she told Amo's sister Heda about this country, Feng Xuelan has never forgotten Heda's yearning and envious look.If this yearning and envy can be kept in Heda's heart, Feng Xuelan feels that she is willing to do her best.

Revenge is perhaps just the way she is most used to, and it is also the way she is most used to saying it.But the purpose of a person's actions may not really be the same as what she said.

Li Qinghui may have seen her thoughts that she didn't even realize.

Seeing that Feng Xuelan seemed to have thought clearly, Li Qinghui patted Feng Xuelan's shoulder lightly, and said to her, "Don't worry, I think Mingzhe and the others will not object to this matter."

Feng Xuelan thought about it, and felt that Li Qinghui was right.Her expression became much more relaxed as a result.

At this time Li Qinghui's cell phone vibrated suddenly, he hurriedly got up and went out to answer the phone, Feng Xuelan's heart also rose to his throat.She knew that Li Qinghui had greeted the hospital, and if there was any news about Fu Jiuzhong and Ding Yuxi, someone would immediately notify Li Qinghui.

The child who was sleeping soundly didn't know whether he heard Li Qinghui's footsteps or felt Feng Xuelan's anxiety, but he also woke up at this time.Feng Xuelan rocked the child in her arms, looking at her little face, she felt even more uncomfortable.

After a while, Li Qinghui came back.

"How is it?" Feng Xuelan asked eagerly.

Li Qinghui said excitedly, "He's saved! Fu Jiuzhong still needs a liver transplant. I don't think it's a problem for him. Ding Yuxi has survived too!"

Li Qinghui's words were like a stream of sweet spring flowing into Feng Xuelan's heart, and her eye circles turned red all of a sudden.

Feng Xuelan hugged the child tightly, seeing that she was looking at the two of them with those big clear black eyes, Feng Xuelan smiled, and said to the child, "Little girl, do you hear me? I can meet you and continue to take care of you! Even your half dad is still alive! You have to treat him well in the future, he saved your life, you know?"

The child even waved his little hands and smiled, Feng Xuelan also laughed, but the tears also fell from his eyes.

Li Qinghui looked a little dazed, at this moment Feng Xuelan seemed to be full of maternal love, she had never seen Li Qinghui like this before.

When he came back to his senses, he remembered that he had promised the hospital to help.

Li Qinghui left in a hurry, Feng Xuelan couldn't stay still anymore.Fortunately, she soon got a promise from Mr. Zong Tingshou, who even promised that Feng Xuelan would take care of the child himself.Only then did Feng Xuelan feel relieved to leave the child at the Zong family, and she returned to the hospital by herself.

She waited here until the afternoon, when Li Qinghui came to tell her that Fu Jiuchong had woken up.

The Fu family made a lot of noise and wanted to see Fu Jiuchong, but the doctor stopped them all.Li Qinghui and Feng Xuelan glanced at each other, and they both understood what to do.

In the intensive care unit, Li Qinghui sent away the nurses who were staying here, and came to check on Fu Jiuchong's situation.

Fu Jiuzhong was still unable to move, but when Li Qinghui asked him a few questions, Fu Jiuzhong could answer them fluently. It seemed that his mind was still very clear.

"Doctor! Where's my daughter? How's my daughter?" Fu Jiuzhong held Li Qinghui's sleeve tightly, as if trying his best to get the answer.

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