Sweet Porcelain: The Uncle Flash Married

Chapter 391 Don't be impetuous

Raising his eyebrows, Lu Hengwei looked at his assistant seriously, "I am fully aware of what you said, but I have my own considerations, and this is not my impulsive decision, but my deliberate decision. You just have to do it, and the consequences are not something you need to think about."

The assistant was stunned for a while after seeing Lu Heng's serious face. After confirming that Lu Hengwei was serious and not joking, the assistant nodded slowly, "I know Mr. Lu, I'll do it right away!"

"Well, go!" Lu Hengwei knew that his assistant would understand what he meant, and Lu Hengwei also believed that the assistant knew very well. Once he made a decision, he would definitely not change it easily. That's why the assistant didn't continue to persuade him.

After the assistant walked out, Lu Hengwei opened the work report in front of him and looked at it. Although Qiao Limo was hospitalized these days, he spent most of his time in the hospital and rarely returned home, but Lu's He also did not leave behind his work.

These reports should be the latest. They were all brought in by the assistant this morning and planned to be sorted out and sent to the hospital. After all, all his work has been done in the hospital for so many days, but now he came to the company suddenly , the assistant also saved to send him to the hospital.

Lu Hengwei carefully flipped through the documents in front of him, and from time to time he picked up the Parker pen in his hand to write and draw on it. Before he knew it, more than two hours had passed. When Lu Hengwei closed the document in his hand, the assistant happened to Knock and come in.

"Mr. Lu, this is the recent situation of all shareholders, and it's all on it!" The assistant put the fruits of his labor on Lu Hengwei's desk, with a smug look on his face, and successfully completed the task in just two hours. He couldn't help but feel complacent.

Lu Hengwei also showed surprise when he saw the assistant walk in. How long has he finished the work he gave?
Picking up the documents on his desk, Lu Hengwei took a rough look, frowning from time to time on his pensive face, as if there was something dissatisfied.

The assistant has been watching Lu Hengwei's reaction carefully, and pursed his lips after seeing Lu Hengwei's tightly knit brows. He clenched it tightly, and his fingers were slightly white from the force.

"Mr. Lu, is it... Did I do something wrong?" Finally, he couldn't hold back, the assistant asked Lu Hengwei what his problem was in a low voice, and kept ignoring it. Seeing Lu Hengwei frowning, he I really feel that I am suffering as much as Ling Chi, so I might as well give him a happy one.

Lu Hengwei didn't look up when he heard the assistant's words, but instead asked a question that had nothing to do with the documents in his hand, "How did you sort out the documents with a really not small workload in a short period of time? As far as I know, These few board members are not so easy to investigate.

And even if you organize and collect data in a short period of time, you can't finish it in two hours, how did you do it?"

Lu Hengwei finally raised his head, his face was obviously puzzled, he was really curious about how his assistant did it!
The assistant, who was still restless, heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Lu Hengwei's words, and a smug smugness crossed his face imperceptibly.

"Mr. Lu, it's like this. I started to investigate when I found out that the board of directors was restless, but I haven't had time to tell you, so now you ask me to organize and collect these materials, and I finished it easily."

After hearing the assistant's words, Lu Hengwei nodded, with a clear look on his face, no wonder, if it wasn't because he had prepared before, he couldn't complete the task in such a short time, and at the same time, because Lu Hengwei The assistant's keen intuition was greatly appreciated.

Because he was not in the company, and he only received the news in the past two days, but the assistant had already started to investigate, it must be said that he was a little impressed.

"You have done a good job. It is indeed commendable that you can start to investigate what is wrong before I have given you a task. But in the future, you need to notify me as soon as possible, not by yourself. Go and investigate. Otherwise, if I don't know anything about this matter when you find it out, the company is already in trouble, is it because of you or me?"

Lu Hengwei looked at his assistant with a cold face. He admitted that it is indeed commendable for the assistant to be prepared in advance in this matter, but one yard counts for one yard. He started the investigation by himself but did not notify him immediately , It is indeed his imperfection. In this kind of thing, Lu Hengwei has always been very clear about rewards and punishments.

Sure enough, the smug assistant lowered his head in shame after hearing Lu Hengwei's words, "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I was negligent!"

The assistant just felt ashamed at this moment. He admitted that he actually did it with the mentality of wanting to monopolize the credit and grab the credit. Originally, Lu Hengwei had no time to go back to the company because of Qiao Limo's busy schedule.

If he had done this before Lu Hengwei returned to the company, he would definitely be appreciated by Lu Hengwei, which is one of the reasons why he didn't tell Lu Hengwei about it, but now the assistant is listening After hearing these words from Lu Hengwei, I suddenly realized how irrational my actions were.

Lu Hengwei's dark eyes have been locked on the assistant's figure, and he is also carefully observing the assistant's reaction. After seeing the relief on the assistant's face and talking about everything, Lu Hengwei raised his eyebrows in relief .

Of course he knew what his assistant was thinking, and it was precisely because he knew what he was thinking at the beginning that he purposely said these words to him, hoping that he would understand that eager for quick success is not good for his future.

Most people nowadays are impetuous, but impetuousness often only brings them painful lessons. He hopes that the assistant can understand.

"I hope this doesn't happen a second time!"

Lu Hengwei looked into the assistant's eyes and said seriously, this is his suggestion to him, and it is also a lesson for him, Lu Hengwei doesn't want his assistant to make the same mistake next time, it won't do him any good, not only If he doesn't get the appreciation he expected, he may lose his job instead. No matter where he will work in the future, this is a lesson he taught him.

"I know Boss Lu!" The assistant nodded earnestly. He knew that Lu Hengwei was doing it for his own good, and at the same time felt ashamed of himself for being smart.

"Well, as long as you know, notify all members of the board of directors, and a meeting will be held in 10 minutes."

Lu Hengwei saw that the assistant had learned his lesson, so he nodded and started to talk about the business. He just wants to hurry up and settle the company's affairs, and then he can go to the hospital with peace of mind. Otherwise, this matter will always be on his mind. Feel uncomfortable doing anything.

"Yes!" Seeing that Lu Hengwei started to return to work, the assistant nodded seriously and walked out, returning to his previous aggressive and daring appearance.

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