After hearing her words, Shen Congyuan quickly ordered a few dishes to the waiter.After the waiter left, Shen Congyuan took a sip of tea from the teacup in front of him, and then asked Shen Anxi casually: "How does it feel to be a teacher in elementary school?"

At this time, Shen Anxi turned her gaze back from lingering in the garden: "It's pretty good. The children there are very obedient and obedient. It's just that the school is too poor, and many facilities are not complete."

After Shen Congyuan briefly talked to Shen Anxi, he heard the phone in his pocket ring.He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, saw that it was the call from the private detective last night, and pressed the answer button: "Good morning."

The private detective on the phone also said to Shen Congyuan at this time: "Good morning, Mr. Shen. I have found the person you asked me to investigate."

Shen Congyuan was overjoyed, and then said into the phone's microphone: "Well, tell me."

"Shen Anxi, an English teacher at Huaying Primary School, only recently became a teacher. This woman is not from that village. For some reason, she fell down the hillside and was rescued by the people in that village before she became a teacher in Huaying Primary School. It's from the teacher." The private detective on the other end of the mobile phone searched for information about himself, and told Shen Congyuan all about it.

Shen Congyuan glanced at Shen Anxi in front of him, and his heart was filled with joy.Then the woman in front of her is the person he, Shen Congyuan, has been looking for all this time, there is no mistake.Immediately, he said into the phone's microphone: "Okay. Thank you. I'll ask the accountant to transfer the money to you later." After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Shen Anxi on the opposite side saw Shen Congyuan's eyes looking at him, for some reason, suddenly filled with joy, feeling a little strange in his heart, but it was hard to say it out.

At this time, the waiter came over with the food.After all the dishes were served, Shen Congyuan said lightly: "Then let's start eating, and I'll take you to a place after eating."

What surprised Shen Anxi was that the dishes Shen Congyuan ordered were all her favorites.It was as if Shen Congyuan knew her taste.Also, as soon as Shen Anxi stepped into this hotel, she had a strange feeling, as if she had been here before.Everything here seems familiar.

In fact, Shen Congyuan brought her here specially to see if he could help her recall the past.In the past, Shen Anxi really liked coming here.Basically at least once or twice a week.

Seeing Shen Anxi eating quietly, Shen Congyuan put down the spoon in his hand and smiled at her: "Does the food still suit your taste?"

Shen Anxi raised her head upon hearing the words, and smiled politely at Shen Congyuan: "The dishes are all very good."

Shen Congyuan nodded slightly at this moment: "That's good."

Sunshine came in from the window and fell on Shen Anxi's body. Half of her body was bathed in the sun, and half of her body was bright and half dark, giving off a strange beauty.The half of the face under the sun is now slender and clear, and the white and delicate skin on the face is more transparent and smooth.She was much thinner than before, and her delicate nose was straighter and straighter.The nose is pointed and extremely delicate.

Shen Anxi bit the piece of snack on the chopsticks, and when his eyes accidentally passed over Shen Congyuan who was opposite, he found that he was looking at him without blinking.His gaze was very strange, as if he was looking at someone he had known for a long time.

Thinking of last night when he said that he was like his wife, Shen Anxi thought to himself, what happened between this Mr. Shen and his wife?But Shen Anxi naturally didn't ask what was in his heart.This is someone else's private matter, and it is very impolite to inquire about other people's privacy at will.

So at the moment, Shen Anxi pretended not to see Shen Congyuan's eyes, and lowered his head again, continuing to eat the food in front of him.

After the two of them finished eating the food in front of them silently one after another, Shen Congyuan proposed to go to another place.

Shen Anxi was a little curious, so she asked Shen Congyuan immediately: "Where are we going?"

Shen Congyuan just lowered his head and smiled slightly, and then answered her: "You will know when you go there."

Shen Anxi took a deep breath immediately.In order to raise donations for the school, she just endured it.So she immediately raised her eyes to Shen Congyuan and said, "Well, let's go there now."

The car drove up the mountainside and stopped in front of a villa with a grand and chic design.Then Shen Anxi heard Shen Congyuan say: "It's here."

This is the place where Shen Congyuan proposed to Shen Anxi in the first place. Shen Congyuan brought her here, hoping to evoke some memories of Shen Anxi.

After hearing Shen Congyuan's words, Shen Anxi got out of the car and walked towards the villa.When he walked to the front of the villa, Shen Anxi had a strange feeling in his heart.She couldn't tell what it was like, sweet?happiness?
But why did she feel happy and sweet when she saw a villa?
Footsteps sounded behind her, Shen Anxi turned her head and saw Shen Congyuan standing behind her: "We need to dance here before we can enter the villa."

Shen Anxi was very surprised, she had never heard of dancing before entering the villa.Immediately, she felt as if she had heard this sentence somewhere, and then she saw Shen Congyuan pressing her fingerprint at the fingerprint reader next to the gate of the villa.The hollowed-out and carved villa door is slowly opening at this moment.

There is a courtyard between the gate and the entrance of the house. Some flowers and trees are planted on the left side of the courtyard. The rest of the courtyard is empty, and the empty space is made of square bricks.

Shen Congyuan stretched out his hand towards Shen Anxi at this moment: "Come on, I'll take you to this door-opening dance."

Shen Anxi had no choice but to stretch out her hand and put it into his broad palm: "This is really novel. I haven't seen any villa that opens the door like this."

After hearing her words, Shen Congyuan just turned his head and smiled at her.I don't know if it was an illusion, but Shen Anxi felt that his smile seemed a little bit bitter and helpless.

Shen Anxi followed him to the square bricks in the courtyard.As soon as I stepped on those square bricks, there was music.At this time, Shen Anxi heard Shen Congyuan say in her ear: "Follow the prescribed dance steps, and a complete foxtrot music will be played in the courtyard. Then the door of the house will open."

Shen Anxi suddenly realized and said, "So that's how it is."

Shen Anxi let Shen Congyuan lead her and danced on the bricks.In the morning of late autumn, with the cool autumn wind blowing on his face, Shen Anxi followed Shen Congyuan's dance steps, and he could see the extremely blue sky above his head.

The cool wind mixed with a few traces of unknown scent of flowers and plants, just dancing like this, Shen Anxi felt very freehand in his heart.

After the music was played, Shen Congyuan and Shen Anxi also finished dancing a foxtrot.The two closed doors at the door of the house are slowly opening at this moment.

Shen Anxi followed Shen Congyuan into the villa.As soon as she stepped into the villa, the strange feeling surged in Shen Anxi's heart again.She looked around, the hall was decorated in an elegant and simple manner, with beautiful reliefs on the walls on all four sides.Shen Anxi's gaze froze on a relief on the wall.

It was a relief of a long-haired woman holding a lantern. For some reason, Shen Anxi felt that she looked familiar, as if she had seen this relief not long ago.

Shen Congyuan next to her looked at her and said, "Anxi?"

Shen Anxi turned to look at Shen Congyuan, and then said: "It's nothing, I just think this relief is very familiar. Maybe I've seen it somewhere before." As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Anxi felt strange when she saw Shen Congyuan's face beaming with joy, but she also Without asking carefully, she said again: "Where are we going now?" She still didn't understand why Shen Congyuan brought her here.

Upon hearing this, Shen Congyuan said, "Let's go up to the top of the building from the nearby elevator." Shen Anxi nodded, and followed him on the elevator to the top of the building.

As soon as he reached the top of the building, Shen Anxi was a little surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.The space on the roof is very large, and some flowers and plants are planted ingeniously, as well as benches, tables and swings.It's a great place for a party or gathering.

What puzzled Shen Anxi the most was that there was a large round piece of glass in the middle of the roof and the ground, and I don't know what its purpose was.

Shen Congyuan stretched out his hand again at this moment: "Come on, give me your hand."

Shen Anxi stretched out her hand suspiciously, Shen Congyuan held her hand, and walked towards the big round glass in the middle.

When the two of them walked to the round glass, Shen Anxi saw Shen Congyuan taking out a small square from his pocket, and then he pressed the small square, and the round glass under his feet began to move. rise.

The circular glass rose into the air, and then began to expand in size.Because the round glass is transparent, the two seem to be standing in mid-air at this moment.

From this angle, Shen Anxi can see the whole city.Because this is halfway up the mountain, you can still see the faint mist in the mountains.

"What are we going to do here?" Shen Anxi asked.

"Dancing." Shen Congyuan answered her.

dancing again?Shen Anxi muttered, this Mr. Shen is really weird, he brought her here for no reason, and even stood on such a big piece of glass to dance in mid-air.She really didn't want to dance with him anymore, for no apparent reason.After thinking about it, Shen Anxi could only think of such an excuse: "Mr. Shen, I'm a little afraid of heights. Standing here now, I feel a little dizzy. Why don't we go down?"

Shen Congyuan knew that Shen Anxi was not afraid of heights, otherwise he would not have been able to dance with her here.He looked at Shen Anxi's face and knew that she didn't want to be here anymore.At that moment, Shen Congyuan didn't expose her, so he lowered his eyes and said, "Okay, then let's go down."

Falling to the ground, Shen Congyuan asked Shen Anxi softly: "Is it better now? Do you want some water?" Shen Congyuan knew very well that Shen Anxi's saying that he was uncomfortable was actually just an excuse, but he couldn't expose it face to face. She, therefore, had no choice but to play with her.

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