At this moment, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Shen Congyuan's mouth, "I'm living in fear." His dark eyes fixed on Shen Anxi at this moment, "Anxi, I originally wanted you to recover your memory slowly, But now I've changed my mind."

The afternoon sun fell into Shen Congyuan's eyes, which looked very bright and soft: "I'll take you to the doctor and get your memory back."

Shen Anxi looked at him blankly.At the moment, my heart is full of chaotic thoughts.She didn't know how to make this decision.On the one hand, she really wanted to come back and stay by Shen Congyuan's side.But on the other hand, she was afraid that Shen Congyuan had concealed some facts and did not explain them to her, or that he kept her by his side with ulterior motives.
Before her memory recovered, she didn't dare to trust anyone, but she didn't want to let go of any clues.

Seeing that Shen Anxi was just looking at him in silence, but didn't speak, Shen Congyuan asked again: "Is that okay? I'll take you to the doctor and get back your previous memories."

Shen Anxi murmured at this time, her voice was very soft, but her words were clear: "Then tell me, did you have a wife before you knew me?"

After hearing Shen Anxi's words, Shen Congyuan was stunned for a moment.He blurted out and said: "I, Shen Congyuan, have only had one wife in my life." After a pause, he said again: "Who did you hear that before I met you, I had a wife?"

"Zhou Linlin." Shen Anxi answered him.

Shen Congyuan laughed: "No wonder." Then Shen Congyuan heard Shen Anxi say: "Zhou Linlin said, after I was with you, I suffered a lot and was always made things difficult by your ex-wife."

Shen Congyuan laughed again: "Where did I get my ex-wife? My wife has always been only you. Don't listen to her nonsense." After a pause, he continued, "However, after you are with me, you can't stand it anymore. Don’t worry, this is true.”

Shen Anxi raised her face at this moment, looked at Shen Congyuan without blinking and said, "Then why did she say that?"

Shen Congyuan didn't bother to speculate on the psychology of people like Zhou Linlin, so he said to Shen Anxi: "Why she said that, I don't know, maybe it's because of jealousy or something. I don't have time to delve into them A woman's psychology. She kidnapped you before, in short, you just don't believe what she says."

Having said this, Shen Congyuan thought for a while, and then asked Shen Anxi: "It's because of this that you said you wanted to leave me and the two children?"

Shen Anxi lowered his head and said: "Not all of them. The main reason is that the memory has not been recovered, and then"

Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Shen Congyuan picked up her words and said, "Then my attitude towards you was bad that day, which caused the emotions that were accumulated in your heart to explode, didn't it?"

Shen Anxi nodded at this time, as a default.

At this time, Shen Congyuan held her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, and then said: "It was indeed my fault that day, because of the company's affairs, so I was in a bad mood. Then when I came back and saw the child was sick, listen It was your negligence, so I couldn't control my temper for a while, so I just said something to you. Forgive me, please?"

Shen Anxi thought about what happened that day, and then said: "Actually, there was something wrong with me that day. I went to your company to be clumsy, and then came back to feed the baby cold soy milk." After a pause, she said, "If it were me If it's you, maybe I can't help but get angry too."

The two apologized to each other, and then hugged each other.The afternoon sun shines into the room through the bright and clean long windows on the terrace, creating a warm and peaceful picture.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Shen Congyuan took Shen Anxi to a tertiary hospital in the city, took a CT scan of the brain, and then asked the brain doctor for some opinions.From the brain doctor, Shen Congyuan learned that Shen Anxi's brain was not damaged at all.The current amnesia is only temporary, and there may also be some psychological factors causing the amnesia.

When Shen Congyuan asked the brain doctor why Shen Anxi lost his memory due to psychological reasons, the doctor couldn't answer why.Just let him take Shen Anxi to the psychology department to have a look, maybe he can find the answer.

So after Shen Congyuan brought Shen Anxi out of the hospital, he asked Dong Shaohua to introduce some excellent psychologists.Dong Shaohua recommended to Shen Congyuan a psychological clinic that he had been to.

After Shen Congyuan obtained the address and phone number of the psychological clinic, he took Shen Anxi there.

When I arrived at the psychological clinic, a bookish man wearing glasses greeted me.Shen Congyuan reached out his hand politely and shook hands with the man wearing glasses: "Hi, my name is Shen Congyuan. Mr. Dong Shaohua introduced me."

The man answered him immediately: "My name is Fu Xiuran, and I am a national first-class psychiatrist in this clinic." Having said that, he made a gesture of invitation, and then said, "Why don't we sit down and talk about it in detail?"

Shen Congyuan nodded slightly, and sat down with Shen Anxi on the sofa in the living room.Fu Xiuran went to the water dispenser not far away to make tea.And Shen Congyuan, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the environment of the psychological clinic.

There are several Monet's oil paintings hanging on the wall, and there are no extra decorations around.The walls are very white, which goes well with the pale gray tone of the interior.Generally speaking, the reception room of this clinic is elegantly decorated, yet simple.

Shen Congyuan looked around for a while, then turned his head and saw the confused and helpless expression on the face of Shen Anxi who was sitting next to him, he lowered his head and approached Shen Anxi: "What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

After Shen Anxi heard his words, she turned her head sideways, looked at him and said, "No. I'm just trying to see if I can remember the past." Because Shen Congyuan had told Shen Anxi before that she started The psychiatrist is also a psychiatrist, so when he came here, Shen Anxi was trying to search for the memory of the psychiatric clinic in his mind.

Still nothing.The memory of the psychiatric clinic was blank in her mind.

At this time, Fu Xiuran came to the two of them with tea: "Let's drink some Pu'er tea first, both of you." After putting the tea in front of the two of them, Fu Xiuran sat down opposite them.

At this time, Shen Congyuan took a sip of the Pu'er tea in front of him, and felt the sweet fragrance lingering on his nose, leaving a fragrance on his lips and teeth.Immediately, he was full of praise for this Pu'er tea.Shen Congyuan exchanged a few words with Fu Xiuran, and then said to him: "My wife fell down the hillside before, and the doctor diagnosed her with a concussion. At that time, she lost her previous memory. It has been a long time, and I took her to the After doing a brain scan, the brain doctor said that her brain was not damaged. The memory loss may be psychological. That's why I brought her here to you."

After hearing Shen Congyuan's words, Fu Xiuran stretched out his fingers, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then nodded slightly.Then he pondered for a moment, and then asked Shen Congyuan: "Does Mrs. Shen usually feel uncomfortable? For example, headache and nausea?"

Shen Congyuan looked at Shen Anxi with a smile at this moment, motioning for her to answer the psychiatrist's question in front of her.

Shen Anxi thought for a while, then shook his head at Fu Xiuran: "I don't feel uncomfortable at all. It's just that I don't remember the past, and I don't have any memory when I hear others talking about my past."

Fu Xiuran nodded slightly.He looked at Shen Anxi in front of him for a while.With big eyes, a slightly thin face, and a pointed chin, she is a standard gentle beauty.The temperament is undoubtedly the kind that makes people feel very comfortable and clean.

Seeing him sizing her up, Shen Anxi raised her eyes, looked at Fu Xiuran, with a slightly puzzled expression, and gave him a polite smile in return.

Fu Xiuran asked again at this time: "Is there no memory at all, or does it mean that when you see places you have been to before, you will occasionally feel familiar?"

Shen Anxi lowered his eyes, trying to recall what he had experienced before.After reminiscing for a while, she answered Fu Xiuran: "In my dream, I dreamed of the place where I lived with my husband before. It seems... I also felt familiar with some places and some words. But which places and which words are specific. I can't remember it for a while."

Fu Xiuran took a sip of tea at this moment, and pondered for a while.Then he asked, "So, have you ever tried to recall something, but had a headache?"

Shen Anxi didn't need to recall this question, and immediately answered him quickly: "I have it. It seems that I have tried it many times. It is the kind of very severe, fast-onset headache."

Fu Xiuran nodded, and then asked another question: "Is the love life of your husband and wife okay? I mean, before Mrs. Shen lost her memory, what kind of state was your relationship in?"

At this moment, Shen Congyuan looked up at the psychiatrist in front of him: "The emotional life of our husband and wife has always been very good. There are no gaps or anything like that."

Afterwards, Fu Xiuran asked some questions, and Shen Congyuan answered some questions that Shen Anxi didn't know.

After Fu Xiuran asked some questions, he said to Shen Congyuan: "Now I want to go to the consulting room with Mrs. Shen and talk to her alone. Does Mr. Shen mind?"

Shen Congyuan thought to himself, if he minded, he wouldn't bring Shen Anxi here.At that moment, he nodded slightly to Fu Xiuran, expressing his agreement.

At that moment, Fu Xiuran stood up from the chair, and said to Shen Anxi: "Then, Mrs. Shen, come with me."

Shen Anxi stood up from the soft sofa at this time, and Shen Congyuan next to her took her hand at this moment, and said to her: "Don't be afraid, I'll wait for you here." Then, he pulled Shen Anxi up hand, put it to his lips, and kissed it lightly.

Shen Anxi's heart became very soft all of a sudden, and the fear in her heart seemed to be reduced, and she said to Shen Congyuan at that moment: "Okay. Then sit here obediently and wait for me to come out."

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