Zhou Lanlan also snuggled up to Shen Zongyuan's side, like a little bird. She shook hands with Charlie Browno politely: "Nice to meet you, Mr. John, just call me Lanlan."

Shen Zongyuan looked at the expressions of the two of them with interest.After observing for a while, Shen Zongyuan said with a smile: "Then I'll go to the kitchen to work first, Lan Lan, give me the squid in your hand." After speaking, he took the squid from Zhou Lanlan's hand, and went into the kitchen go.

After Shen Zongyuan's figure disappeared around the corner, Zhou Lanlan approached Charlie Brown and said in a low voice, "I didn't know he asked me to come here to meet you. If I had known that I wanted to meet you, I wouldn't have come here."

Charlie Browno picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water, then lowered his voice and said to Zhou Lanlan: "I didn't know that I came to see you. Could it be that Shen Zongyuan knew something?"

Just as Charlie Brown finished saying this, he heard Shen Zongyuan's voice behind him: "What are you talking about? Lan Lan, come to the kitchen and help me wash the dishes, okay?"

"Okay, I'll come right now." Saying that, Zhou Lanlan stood up from the sofa and walked gracefully into the kitchen.

Zhou Lanlan walked into the kitchen, and Shen Zongyuan gave her a basket full of cabbage: "Take these under the tap and rinse them."

Zhou Lanlan nodded, then went to the faucet with the basket in hand.She washed the vegetables in the basket carefully, then walked back to Shen Zongyuan with the basket and said, "Brother Zongyuan, the washing is done."

"Yes, you don't need to call me brother Zongyuan, you can just call me Zongyuan." Shen Zongyuan took the vegetable basket in her hand, and then turned around to face the frying pan again.

As soon as he picked up the spatula, Shen Zongyuan felt Zhou Lanlan hugging him from behind: "Zongyuan, I really hope we can be together like this forever."

Shen Zongyuan stood there for a few seconds, then broke Zhou Lanlan's hand: "Lanlan, go out first, and come in after I finish cooking."

Zhou Lanlan looked at him at this moment and asked, "Don't you need me to help you cook together?"

Shen Zongyuan smiled at her: "No need, I agreed to come to taste my cooking, how can I ask you to cook. Besides, you probably don't know how to cook, do you?"

Zhou Lanlan thought for a while, and felt that what Shen Zongyuan said was right, she didn't know how to cook, so she clapped her hands and said, "Okay, then I'll wait to eat your cooking." After finishing speaking, She turned and left the kitchen.

After about an hour or so, Shen Zongyuan brought all the prepared dishes to the table.

The three gathered around the dining table and ate.During the period, Shen Zongyuan heard Zhou Lanlan say with praise: "This is delicious, and that is also delicious. Wow, Zongyuan, you are so good at cooking. How do you cook squid? It's so delicious."

Shen Zongyuan smiled, put down the chopsticks in his hand, chewed and swallowed the food in his mouth, and then said: "First boil it in clean water, then cut it into pieces, put it in a casserole and stew it with spices." So far , Shen Zongyuan turned his head and grinned at Zhou Lanlan: "Why are you asking this, do you want to learn to cook it for me?"

Zhou Lanlan didn't say anything, but lowered her head shyly.

Charlie Browno on the side saw Zhou Lanlan's expression, his eyes became a little strange.

At this time, Shen Zongyuan said again: "Lan Lan, don't just talk to me, talk to Mr. John, after all, Mr. John is the protagonist today."

When Zhou Lanlan heard this, she started chatting with Charlie Browno.During the chat between the two, Shen Zongyuan also said a few words along the topic from time to time, and the three finished their meal talking and laughing.

After dinner, Shen Zongyuan proposed to go to the pier to take a boat to watch the night view.Zhou Lanlan excused herself by saying that she was not feeling well.Shen Zongyuan greeted Zhou Lanlan a few words, and then went out with Charlie Browno.

the next day.

After Shen Zongyuan got up, he washed up briefly, and then called the private detective.It was quickly connected over there: "Mr. Shen, good morning."

"Good morning. I'm calling to tell you something." Shen Zongyuan said into the phone's microphone at this moment.

"What's the matter?" The voice of the private detective on the other end of the phone suddenly became serious.

"I had a meal with Zhou Lanlan and John Smith last night. According to my observation, these two people must have known each other before, and there must be something hiding from me. I guess this time Anxi's disappearance is also It has something to do with them, I hope Detective Guo can focus on investigating these two people." Shen Zongyuan said the above words in one breath into the phone microphone.

"Okay, I will. Don't worry, Mr. Shen." The private detective on the other end of the phone said to Shen Zongyuan.

After Shen Zongyuan hung up the phone, he threw the phone on the bed, and then collapsed on the bed.

He was really upset and upset.Why do annoying things always come one after another?There wasn't even time for him to catch his breath.well.Really annoying.

The sun shines in from the long windows, casting a yellowish radiance on everything in the house.At this time, Zhou Lanlan's face bathed in the sun looked pure and beautiful in every way.

At this time, Charlie Browno, who was sitting across from her, suddenly said, "You can't be exposed to the sun all the time."

Zhou Lanlan put down the teacup in her hand, then raised her eyebrows and asked back: "Why?"

"Because your face in the sun will make people find that you have plastic surgery. You can see for yourself, where you are at the root of the mountain." Charlie Browno nodded at Zhou Lanlan's mountain root.

"Take your hands away, what do you do if you don't have anything to do with me." Zhou Lanlan said, casting a blank look at Charlie Browno.

"Yes, yes, I can't touch you. Shen Zongyuan will be very happy when he touches you." Charlie Browno satirized her at this time.

Zhou Lanlan didn't bother to talk to him, so she took out a small mirror from her handbag, and took a picture in front of the mirror.

Zhou Lanlan turned her face to the sun, and sure enough, she saw that her mountain roots were transparent under the sunlight.She was a little unhappy, so she pursed her lips tightly and put the mirror back in her handbag.

Zhou Lanlan sat silently, drinking jasmine tea and eating breakfast.Charlie Browno didn't speak any more.The two ate their breakfast relatively silently. After a while, Zhou Lanlan suddenly broke the silence: "How is Shen Anxi doing recently?"

Charlie Browno took a sip of tea before slowly saying: "She's okay. I give her medicine every day, so that her limbs are weak and she can't escape."

Zhou Lanlan pondered for a while, and then said: "Be careful not to feed too much medicine at once, and kill her with medicine."

Charlie Browno said at this time: "Isn't it better if the medicine is dead? Your rival in love is gone, and then you can monopolize Shen Zongyuan." The smile on his face looked a little weird.

Zhou Lanlan was stuffing a piece of almond pastry into her mouth at this time. After hearing what he said, she didn't talk to him, but just gave him a blank look.

Charlie Browno laughed to himself.He was just eating with a smile on the corner of his mouth.After eating for a while, Charlie Browno raised his head and said to Zhou Lanlan: "Yesterday, Shen Zongyuan arranged for you, me and him to meet. It's really weird. Maybe he saw something."

Zhou Lanlan pondered at this moment: "Probably not. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I didn't notice anything wrong."

Charlie Browno thought in his heart, with your IQ, even if there is something wrong, you won't be able to detect it.At that moment, he smiled and said: "We'd better be careful. Why don't we meet each other soon, lest Shen Zongyuan get suspicious." Then, Charlie Browno took a piece of cake and put it into his mouth.

Zhou Lanlan was completely full. At this time, she drank a few sips of tea, then put the teacup on the table, and said to Charlie Brown, "Don't be so careful. I think it's just a coincidence that he asked us to meet. You It's better not to be a guilty conscience, it's better to have too much heart."

Charlie Browno lowered his eyes at this moment, and the sun shone on his face, outlining the outline of his high nose and deep forehead: "It's better to be careful. As you Chinese say, being careful makes a ten-thousand-year ship."

Zhou Lanlan was silent for a while, then picked up a silk handkerchief at hand and wiped her mouth: "I just hope this matter can be over quickly so that I can get the reward I deserve."

Charlie Browno smiled at this time: "What do you want to do after you get 3000 million?" Charlie Browno promised her before that he would give her 3000 million as a reward when the matter was over.

Zhou Lanlan's gaze moved out of the window, as if she was thinking about something, and then she said: "I haven't made up my mind yet. But as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want."

On this day, Zhou Lanlan with heavy makeup on her face was walking on the way to Charlie Browno's residence.She was walking on the road with her head held high, when suddenly a man in a black shirt came up to her and bumped into her.

Zhou Lanlan looked up impatiently at the man who hit her, expecting to hear an apology from him, but unexpectedly the man whispered to her: "Go ahead, turn left at the intersection ahead, walk into that In the alley, I'll wait for you there. Mr. Charlie Browno asked me to come."

Zhou Lanlan showed a surprised expression first, then nodded slightly towards the man.

Seeing her nodding to him, the man knew that she understood what he wanted to express.At that moment, he brushed past Zhou Lanlan as if nothing had happened and left.

Zhou Lanlan walked into the alley, she couldn't help but slow down.When they reached a corner, a hand suddenly stretched out and pulled her over there.

"Miss Zhou, it's me." A familiar voice rang in Zhou Lanlan's ear.Zhou Lanlan took a closer look and saw that it was the man who pretended to bump into her on the street just now.

"Is there anything special?" Zhou Lanlan asked when she saw the other party's serious expression.

"Mr. Charlie said that a private detective has been following you recently, so don't go to Mr. Charlie any longer. He will naturally find a way to contact you." The man in the black shirt said to Zhou Lanlan.

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