At this moment, Shen Zongyuan heard Ah Shu who was next to him say: "Boss, let's leave quickly, or we won't be able to leave if we don't disturb the people in the villa."

Shen Zongyuan nodded, hugged Shen Anxi by the waist, and walked out the door.

the next day.

Shen Zongyuan woke up to the ringtone of his mobile phone.Rubbing his hair and frowning, he got up from the bed, then reached out to the small table next to the bed, took his mobile phone, and pressed the answer button without seeing who was calling: "Hi, who is it?" ?”

"It's me." John Smith's voice came from the other end of the phone, and to Shen Zongyuan's surprise, his voice was smiling for some reason.

"What's the matter? Mr. John?" Shen Zongyuan thought, he rescued Shen Anxi by himself last night, so it was expected that John Smith would come to Xingshi to question him.

"Mr. Zongyuan, didn't you know that you took my Miss Zhou Lanlan away last night?" John Smith hung up the phone after finishing his sentence.

After hearing these words, Shen Zongyuan woke up most of his sleepiness, and then his eyes moved to the woman next to him.

Is she Zhou Lanlan?
After he rescued her last night, it was already past four o'clock in the morning. He was so exhausted that he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.He never suspected that the woman in front of him was not Shen Anxi.

Shen Zongyuan shook her awake at this moment.This "Shen Anxi" was obviously still sleepy.Shen Zongyuan said to her at this time: "Anxi, I want to ask you something."

The woman in front of her sat up first, rubbed her eyes, and then said: "Zongyuan, what do you want to ask me? I'm still sleepy, let me sleep." After saying this, she lay down again .

Shen Zongyuan gave out an address at this time, and then said to her: "Do you remember what this place is?"

"I don't remember, what's wrong with you, you haven't woken up yet." The woman next to him turned over, turned her back to him, and murmured.

What Shen Zongyuan said just now was the address of the villa when he proposed to Shen Anxi.It is impossible not to remember the real Shen Anxi.Then the one lying on the bed at his home is not the real Shen Anxi, the real Shen Anxi is still in the hands of John Smith.

Thinking of this, Shen Zongyuan pulled up Zhou Lanlan who was sleeping on the bed, and said to her: "You are not Anxi, are you? You are Zhou Lanlan, right?" Shen Zongyuan saw a trace of panic flashing across Zhou Lanlan's face, Then he said coldly to her: "You don't need to explain, Mr. John Smith just called and told me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Zongyuan flicked Zhou Lanlan's hand.

Zhou Lanlan was completely sleepy at this time, she didn't know that John Smith would have a showdown with Shen Zongyuan so soon.At that moment, she put her heart to one side, thinking that she should just go all out, and Shen Zongyuan can't do anything to her: "Yes, that's right, I'm Zhou Lanlan. It was John Smith who asked me to pretend to be Shen Anxi to deceive you."

Shen Zongyuan turned his face away, and gave a soft snort.

"It's true that I like you. My feelings for you are true. The reason why I agreed to John Smith's request to approach you is also because I really like you." Zhou Lanlan said, hugging Shen Zongyuan .

Shen Zongyuan pulled her away: "Go back to John Smith, tell me where Shen Anxi is, let me rescue her, and I will cancel this matter with you."

Zhou Lanlan stared at him at this moment.After a while, she said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Inside Charlie Browno's residence.

At this time, Charlie Brown was drinking tea, but found a figure in the living room.He took a closer look and found that it was Zhou Lanlan.

He picked up a piece of bread on the table, put it in his mouth and took a bite, then smiled at Zhou Lanlan and said, "Come back so soon? Doesn't Shen Zongyuan blame you?"

At this time, Zhou Lanlan picked up a small porcelain cup, then picked up the teapot, poured a glass of water into it, took a few sips, and then said slowly: "Since he knows that I am not Shen Anxi, let me leave his Home, is there anything strange about this?"

"It's nothing strange. I thought he would hold you hostage or something, or force me to ask about my affairs." Charlie Browno swallowed the food in his mouth, then picked up the cup, drank some water and then Said: "He didn't take you as a hostage, you can't get along with him day and night, you are very disappointed."

Zhou Lanlan gave him a blank look at this time: "What are you talking about in a mess. It's really boring." After a pause, she continued: "But I didn't expect you to tell my real identity so soon, and you won't Worried that Shen Zongyuan would beat me up in a fit of anger or something."

Charlie Browno took another sip of water at this time, and said calmly: "Shen Zongyuan is such a gentleman, he never hits a woman. What are you afraid of?"

"You don't care about my safety at all, right? Anyway, I'm just a pawn in your plan, just throw it away when you're done using it." Zhou Lanlan said sarcastically.

"Miss Zhou, why do you say that, of course I care about your safety." Charlie Browno replied lightly.

Zhou Lanlan smiled coldly, and said after a while: "Really? But fortunately, I'm fine now. By the way, where did you get Shen Anxi?"

Charlie Brown stood up from his seat at this moment: "I took it to a hidden place."

Seeing that Charlie Brown didn't trust her, Zhou Lanlan didn't ask any more questions.

Zhou Lanlan stayed at Charlie Browno's residence until the afternoon.She kept an eye on Charlie Browno secretly, and when she saw him go out, she followed him quietly.

Charlie Brown walked out the door and walked up a straight street.Zhou Lanlan followed behind, during which Charlie Browno did not look back, and Zhou Lanlan followed him with confidence.After following for about 10 minutes, Zhou Lanlan found that Charlie Brown had arrived at a cafe.

Zhou Lanlan stayed in a milk tea shop opposite the cafe for a while, and found that Charlie Brown was drinking coffee and chatting with a man inside.

Zhou Lanlan felt irritable, but she still patiently waited in the milk tea shop.After waiting for more than an hour, Zhou Lanlan had already drank two cups of milk tea before Charlie Brown finally got up from his seat and walked out of the coffee shop.

Zhou Lanlan followed cautiously, only to find that Charlie Browno had gone straight back to his residence.Zhou Lanlan stomped her feet angrily, then turned around and went straight back to her residence.

Back at the residence, Zhou Lanlan received a call from Shen Congyuan.Shen Congyuan on the phone said to Zhou Lanlan very coldly: "Have you found anything?"

Zhou Lanlan said timidly into the phone's microphone: "I didn't find anything. I followed Charlie Browno outside for a walk today, and he didn't go to the place where Shen Anxi was hiding."

"It's not an option for you to follow him like this. What if he finds out? You might as well inquire about the news from his assistants or servants. It's safer." Shen Congyuan on the phone said to Zhou Lanlan a little coldly at this moment.

At this time, Zhou Lanlan said into the microphone of the mobile phone: "Okay, then I will try the method you said starting tomorrow."

Shen Congyuan on the other end of the phone hummed lightly, and hung up the phone quickly before Zhou Lanlan could answer.

The next day, Zhou Lanlan got up very early.After dressing up in the vanity mirror, she set off for Charlie Browno's residence.

Arriving at Charlie Brown's residence, Zhou Lanlan found that Charlie Brown was not at home today.She curiously asked the servant in the house, "Where did Mr. Charlie go?"

"Mr. Charlie didn't say anything, he just said he wanted to go out." The servant answered Zhou Lanlan while sweeping the dust on the table: "Besides, where the master is going is not something that our servants should ask."

Zhou Lanlan nodded thoughtfully.Then she went into the back room and went to find Joey, Charlie Browno's butler.

The housekeeper, Joey, was counting the dishes he bought today in the kitchen, when he heard a woman's voice behind him: "Joy, what are you doing here?"

The housekeeper, Joey, turned his head and saw Zhou Lanlan with delicate makeup standing behind him, smiling brightly at him.The housekeeper, Joey, was a little puzzled. Usually Zhou Lanlan didn't care much about him. What happened today?Joey, the housekeeper, was not used to seeing him with such a smile all of a sudden.

"I want to ask you something. Usually, Mr. Charlie, will you take you to the place where Mrs. Shen is hiding?" Zhou Lanlan walked up to the housekeeper Joey and asked.

Butler Joey was not used to Zhou Lanlan asking such direct questions, so he answered her with some hesitation: "Why does Miss Zhou want to know this?" Butler Joey can speak Chinese, but with a strong accent when speaking Chinese, Now because of Zhou Lanlan's questioning, his accent when speaking Chinese became even stronger.

"You don't need to ask so many questions, just answer my questions honestly." Zhou Lanlan said to the butler Joey.

Butler Joey was originally a gentle person, and in his eyes, Zhou Lanlan and Charlie Brown were good friends, so no matter what, Butler Joey had to treat her with some kindness.Immediately he replied to Zhou Lanlan: "Yes. Because sometimes Mr. Charlie needs help, so he will let me accompany him to the place where Mrs. Shen is hiding."

"Tell me about that place." Zhou Lanlan excitedly grabbed the butler Joey by the collar and said.

"No, then Mr. Charlie will blame me. Mr. Charlie said that under no circumstances should anyone tell anyone where Mrs. Shen is hiding." Joey the housekeeper said tremblingly at this time.

"Tell me, the benefits are indispensable to you." Zhou Lanlan continued to threaten and lure, and when she was speaking, she continued to step forward and approach the housekeeper Joey.

Butler Joey took a few steps back, and then walked to the side: "No, Mr. Charlie said that you can't tell others, so I just can't tell others, no matter how much you give me, it's useless."

Next, no matter how coercive Zhou Lanlan was, the housekeeper Joey just refused to tell her where Shen Anxi was hiding.

Zhou Lanlan planned to follow the housekeeper Joey in the next few days.

It was a sunny day, and the housekeeper, Joey, went out early.Zhou Lanlan saw the timing and followed.I saw the butler Joey hailing a taxi on the side of the street, and Zhou Lanlan hurriedly hailed a taxi and asked him to follow the butler Joey.

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