Jun Nan pointed to the front of the bluestone slab, he could see through none of the dots and circles on it.

Anya stared at the stone slab intently, and said, "Brother Junnan, have you checked it? Doesn't the mark on the picture exist?"

"That's not true, Anya, look here, the mark is a circle, but after I went up, I found that there are hundreds of thousands of round stones. And here, the mark is a rectangle, but there is nothing. There is only a patch of grass." Jun Nan pointed at the stone slab, feeling confused himself.

He has been to this holy peak mountain countless times in the past ten years, and he has also explored it countless times. He can't explain why such a big mountain was hollowed out, but he knows that it was a long time ago, and there used to be humans and demons here. The place of the decisive battle.

A tribal elder told him that the ancient Holy Peak Mountain has been used as a barrier to stop the demons since it was left over from prehistoric times.Countless battles, large and small, have taken place here for thousands of years.Countless magic soldiers were buried in the vast open land between the foot of Dongshan Mountain and the port of St. Louis. In a battle 1000 years ago, 10 demons were slaughtered by humans at the foot of Dongshan Mountain.Legend has it that a meteorite fell from the sky. The huge meteorite completely broke the morale of the demons. 8 people were buried by the meteorite, and 2 people fell into the sea and died.

Jun Nan and Anya recalled a tribal elder who once told him about the battle history of Shengfeng Mountain.

"Brother Junnan, have you seen the meteorite at the foot of Dongshan Mountain?" Anya asked Junnan curiously.

"Of course not. Those are all legends. No one has seen meteorites. But at the foot of Dongshan Mountain, all the way to St. Louis Port, there are quite a lot of large and small boulders." Jun Nan said casually.

"Round stone? Meteorite? Brother Junnan, could it be that they are a stone?" Anya thought deeply.

"What kind of stone, how could there be a stone from the sky? It's just a legend!" Jun Nan replied quickly.

"Brother Junnan, what is marked here?" Anya pointed to the top position on the map.

"Quanquan, what's the matter, Anya?" Jun Nan looked at Anya's curious expression, and felt that she had thought of something.

"Have you ever been to the top of Shengfeng Mountain?" Anya asked.

"Of course I did, what's wrong?"

"Is there a boulder on the top floor?" Anya asked one after another.

"Of course there are. And there are a lot of them, almost the entire top of the mountain!" Jun Nan said with certainty.

Suddenly, Jun Nan seemed to think of something, looked at Anya, and Anya also looked at him, and they both said at the same time: "The meteorite in the world!"

Anya jumped up and said to Junnan: "Brother Junnan, look, it is said that a huge meteorite fell from the sky, and the demon soldier was instantly dissipated. It means that the demon soldier saw a huge stone rolling down his head from the foot of the mountain. It was actually a stone that came down from the mountain, not It's a meteorite from the sky."

"Yes! That's right, Anya. I remembered that the rocks on the mountain are the same boulders as the boulders at the foot of Dongshan and near the port of St. Louis. That is to say, the boulders on the mountain are used to destroy the demon soldiers. .” Jun Nan’s analysis was correct.

Anya was also so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and burst out laughing.

"Brother Junnan, write these down, let's go and have a look!" Anya moved the torch in her hand again, and looked at it carefully.

"Anya, let's go, I'll take you to see it." Jun Nan led the way and brought Anya to the top of the holy peak.

This cave is really too big, Jun Nan took Anya for about half a day, and finally climbed from the bottom of the cave to the top of the holy peak.

Jun Nan took food and water from the stone room and handed them to Anya.The hall at the top of the holy peak has seen sunlight piercing in.It had been dark for a long time, and the cold wind from outside was blowing in.

Jun Nan raised a fire, and it burned blazingly after a while.He arranged another resting place for Anya. Under the stone wall near the east of the hall, Jun Nan laid a stone bed with animal skins.

"An Ya, I'm afraid I won't be able to climb to the top today. It's already dark outside, and it won't be too late to go up tomorrow. You have a good night's rest, and the bed is ready for you." Anya looked back at the stone bed, and then Looking at Jun Nan on the opposite side of the bonfire, a warm current surged into his heart.For the man in front of her, Anya would be shocked every time she saw his eyes.She didn't know why, but every time Jun Nan took her hand, she could feel her heart beating faster.This feeling has never been felt in 17 years.

King Yunge was also very kind to himself, and Anya also felt the king's love, but Anya didn't feel the same way when she was with Jun Nan.Anya pulled a piece of roasted rabbit meat from the fire and handed it to Jun Nan.Jun Nan just tore off a small piece symbolically, and pushed it to Anya.Anya felt her body and mind warm up.

After eating, Anya was tired, she was lying on the stone bed, Jun Nan went over to cover her with some animal skins, and gradually fell asleep.Watching Jun Nan leave the bed, Anya's heart flew to the camp of the National Defense Army.

In the camp of the National Defense Army, the atmosphere was quite tense at this time.Because Ya Si rode the Gale Horse and ran back alone.

At the foot of Shengfeng Mountain, Yasi saw Anya jumping into the magic soldiers, so he made up his mind and galloped towards the camp of the National Defense Army.The Bleeding Horse is a spiritual horse. When it ran for a mile, it made a long tear and stopped.Yasi found that not far ahead, and a small group of magic soldiers rushed over.But in this small group of magic soldiers, there was a man who looked like a school guard officer walking in front of the group.She looked around, but couldn't find a way.

The magic soldiers also found Yasi at the same time, and rushed over like crazy. Yasi took out the flying feather arrow from the horseback, put on the bow and drew the string, and shot down three magic soldiers in a row. At this time, the other magic soldiers had rushed to Ya Si. in front of.

Ya Si drew out his long sword, jumped off his horse, and fought with the magic soldiers.Five or six magic soldiers are nothing in front of Ya Si, but the school guards of the magic soldiers are not easy to deal with.Seven demon soldiers and a school guard surrounded Yasi in the middle, Yasi shielded from left and right, slashed back and forth, and cut down several magic soldiers.

This magic soldier school guard is also very good at fighting, and when Yasi stabbed another magic soldier, his steel sword cut Yasi's left arm.Yasi let out an "oops", and found that he was hit by the sword, bleeding profusely, and could no longer fight the magic soldiers, so he made a feint and jumped out of the circle.

Bleeding Horse ran to Ya Si, what a spiritual BMW.Finding that Yasi was injured, he quickly possessed him.Yasi jumped on the saddle, pulled the rein, and the wind horse sprinted, jumped over the head of the magic soldier, and pulled Yasi along the path, heading west.

Ya Si injured his arm bone, bleeding profusely. At this time, he was bumping on the horse's back, and the pain was unbearable.She grabbed the wind horse and rolled over beside the stream.Tear off a piece of the skirt, and tie it tightly above the wound.After drinking a few mouthfuls of stream water, he jumped on his horse to see if it was getting late, and came to the camp of the National Defense Army.

The Gale Horse pulled the injured Yasi and galloped forward like flying.A good BMW horse can travel thousands of miles a day.

As soon as General Ayer searched for the camp and reached the gate of the camp, he heard the gatekeeper shouting in front: "Who dares to break into the barracks at night."

"I am the school guard Yasi, open the gate!" Yasi shouted into the camp with his last breath.

Hearing that it was the school guard Yasi, the gatekeeper hurriedly opened the gate, and several soldiers ran over.At this time, Yasi had fallen off the horse and fell off the horse with a 'plop'.

Al heard it was Yasi's voice, and ran over quickly.Seeing Yasi lying on the ground, he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to carry Yasi on their backs and run to the military tent.

Due to excessive bleeding and weak body, Yasi passed out.Yun Ge heard the report from the soldiers, and hurried to Ya Si's tent with the medical officer.

The medical officer looked at Yasi's wound, applied medicine to him, and told General Al that the school guard Yasi passed out because of bleeding and weakness, and his life was not in danger.

King Yun Ge looked around, but there was no sign of Anya, so he hurriedly asked, "General Ayer, why doesn't Anya come back?"

"Your Majesty, Ya Si came back by himself, riding a Gale Horse."

"What, Anya didn't come back? Where did she go, what did Ya Si say?" Yun Ge was anxious, looking at Al and asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, when Yasi came back, he passed out. The medical officer said that he would wake up after resting for a while. Please go back and rest. As soon as there is news, Al will report it immediately!"

Yun Ge paced back and forth in the military tent, he looked at Ya Si, wishing she would wake up earlier, he needs to know where Anya is now!

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