Let's fight, exorcist girl

Chapter 169 A Gang of Inhumane Guys

Anya looked at Ya Si and Ai Shisan, and asked in surprise, "Could it be the same person?"

"It should be the same person. This witch is really lingering, but since she was injured by Brother Jun Nan, she probably won't show her face again for the time being." Yasi said.

"The demons really invested their money and sent so many people here, who else would there be?" Ai Shisan said.

"It seems that Tang Rigao intends to stay in Yunji Continent all the time. We have to find a way to get rid of them, otherwise who knows what troubles will arise." Anya felt that the tasks on her body were heavy, and the demons might have invested a lot of manpower to come here. Empire.If these people deliberately destroy the safety of the royal city, there will be no peace in the world of the human race.

"Anya, the demons are cruel by nature, you must pay attention to safety." Jun Nan looked at Anya, then Ya Si and Ai Shisan, and said: "Don't take it lightly, let alone act alone, Tang Rigao and Ai Shisan Longtai definitely cannot be dealt with by just one or two people."

"We know, you have to be careful yourself." Anya was not worried about herself, for fear that Jun Nan's place would not go well.

Junnan is really busy here, because Qiao Ben, the former princess of St. Louis County in the east of Yunji Continent, is just about to make a move. He wants to support A Rongtai on Shenjun Island in Yunji Continent, so he made a small move in St. Louis, determined to contain Wang Cheng's attention reduces the pressure on Ah Rong.

Jun Nan discussed with Botong Li that Qiao Ben must be completely wiped out in time, and he cannot be allowed to do anything wrong and let his power grow stronger and stronger.

General Ayer was once again ordered to take charge of the extermination of Qiao Ben.The troops were ordered by the governor's office to be dispatched from nearby tribes and counties, and soon a team of tens of thousands of people was assembled, ready to attack Qiaoben at any time.

Junnan's main task is to prepare for crossing the sea, but an advance team has already secretly set off to investigate on Shenjun Island.

Xing Tian and Ya Si led the team.

Xing Tian was asked by Jun Nan from Mr. Yao Shun in Wangcheng Zhian Mansion.

Because Jun Nan knew that Xing Tian grew up on Yunji Island, and Yunji Island was sparsely populated and desolate everywhere, Xing Tian had already practiced the skills of survival in the wild and search and rescue on deserted islands.

Berton Lee selected ten people from the Exorcist Mansion to board the Shenjun Island with Xing Tian, ​​and Yasi was of course among them, because Yasi ranked first in the search specialty of the Exorcist Mansion, so he was selected as a matter of course.

Eleven people touched Shenjun Island unknowingly.

Shenjun Island, an island between the Yunji Continent of the Human Race and the Youzhou Continent of the Demon Race.In fact, it is not appropriate to call it an island, because it has an area the size of two counties.

After the outbreak of the ancient nuclear war, Youzhou Continent was polluted by nuclear radiation, and Shenjun Island was not spared.Therefore, the human race seldom set foot on this land, so as not to be infected by nuclear radiation and become a monster that is neither human nor demon.

Demons rarely set foot on Shenjun Island, not because they are afraid of nuclear pollution, because they themselves are the product of nuclear pollution.It's just because there are many natives on Shenjun Island, and they are used to the forest and wilderness, and they have no good intentions towards the demons, and they often have fierce battles with the demons who landed on the island.But the demons have never been cheap, and even if they control Shenjun Island, they don't have many valuable resources to plunder.

Therefore, humans and demons have always been reluctant to set foot on the strange land of Shenjun Island.

However, this land is indeed very strange, because Xing Tian and Yasi took the fighters to the Shenjun Island for two days and did not find a road that they could walk at will.

"Brother Xingtian, this place is really desolate." Looking at the endless forest in front of him, Ya Si suddenly felt desolate and lonely.

"Hehe, little Yasi, you don't know anything. A place like this, interesting things, beautiful places, and some mysteries you don't know are all in this forest." Xing Tian pointed to the forest ahead.

"What's the mystery? It's just that there are more wolves, tigers and leopards, or it's just the local aborigines." Ya Si didn't think so.

Xing Tian smiled, and then looked at the fighter behind Ya Si: "Tsing Yi, you and everyone should start cooking quickly, so we can move on after eating."

"Ah? Still moving forward?" Tsing Yi was probably a little tired, and looked at Tian Ya beside him.

Tianya looked at Xingtian and said, "Brother Xingtian, there is no trace of natives or demons along the way, and if you continue walking, you will reach the southern foot of Shenjun Island."

"Tianya is talking nonsense, this place has not yet reached the middle of Shenjun Island. But you will see indigenous people in this forest." Xing Tian smiled and looked up at the forest.

"Really? Why didn't I feel that there were indigenous people?" Tsing Yi asked.

Ya Si became nervous, looked at Xing Tian and everyone, and said, "Of course it is true, because we are surrounded."

"What?" Everyone panicked and kept looking around.

"That's right, it's too late to run now." Xing Tian shrugged at everyone, and looked ahead again, "No one should do anything without me, they are wild and there are a lot of people."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a hundred and ten bare-breasted indigenous people surrounded him from all directions, and the fighters gathered together in shock.

"Everyone, don't mess up." Xing Tian and Ya Si kept everyone behind.

Everyone showed fear, holding swords in their hands, and retreated tightly together.Looking at the surrounding natives, all of them were holding sharp spears, and were aiming at the fighters fiercely with bared mouths and fangs. They seemed to be uncertain whether Xing Tian and the others were enemies or friends.

"Dear gods, we have no hostility. We just came to Shenjun Island to look for the demons." Xing Tian first expressed his attitude, "I know you and our language are similar, so don't misunderstand, we are just passing by."

"How do you know they will speak our words?" Ya Si asked Xing Tian softly.

"Even the human race and the demon race share the same language, can there be other languages?"

"Oh! Brother Xingtian knows a lot."

"Shut up, you'll be pierced by them if you talk too much." Xing Tian glanced at the surrounding locals from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly his expression became kind, but it was extremely unnatural.

An indigenous man who seemed to be the leader walked over from behind the crowd, looked carefully at Xing Tian and the others, and then turned to his own people and said, "Take them all back."

The natives waved their spears and were about to come up, Xing Tian hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute."

The leader looked at Xing Tian, ​​raised his spear and was about to step forward, Xing Tian hurriedly said: "Don't be angry, gods, just listen to me!"

The leader put down his spear and saw that Xing Tian was not hostile, so he asked, "Who are you? Dare to break into our territory?"

"Hey, brother Xingtian, they really know how to speak human." Ya Si whispered in Xingtian's ear.

Xing Tian hurriedly touched Yasi, and then smiled at the native leader: "We are from the Yunji Continent. We heard that the demons are running rampant on Shenjun Island and wantonly killing the locals. We are ordered to come and investigate. We will immediately Let's go, and I hope the gods will forgive me if I disturb you."

What Xing Tian said was so sincere that he seemed to be convinced even himself.But the natives in front of them didn't buy it, and took a few steps forward, narrowing the encirclement.

"How do I see that there is no difference between you and the demons? You are all demons!" The leader suddenly became angry, and pointed at Xing Tian and was about to go mad.

"We are really a human race, definitely not a demon race." Xing Tian said while gesticulating his clothes and face with his hands, indicating the difference between himself and the demon race.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, they are all in the same group, arrest them." The natives were unwilling to pay attention to Xing Tian's sophistry, and wanted to arrest more than a dozen people in the circle.

As soon as the natives surged up, they were about to take everyone down.

As soon as Ya Si was in a hurry, he drew out his knife and was about to step forward.Xing Tian grabbed Yasi: "Yasi, don't hurt them."

Ya Si felt that what Xing Tian said made sense, and whispered to everyone: "Follow me and jump out."

After speaking, Yasi was the first to jump out, and ran back directly around the head of the aborigine.

Seeing Yasi flying out, everyone turned over in her direction.However, there were a few juniors whose skills were a little weaker, and they fell close, and were directly pushed to the ground by a few natives.

Seeing that his own people were captured, Xing Tian didn't dare to act rashly, and stood opposite the natives and stared at them.

Ya Si and a few people who jumped out ran back again, and stood behind Xing Tian: "What should we do now? They have three juniors in their hands."

Xing Tian blocked them and stepped back: "What can we do, play by ear."

"Brother Xingtian, don't let them hurt our people, don't let me replace them." Yasi was a little anxious.

"In exchange for what, what they want is all of us, do you think they will be willing to let us go?"

"Then what? I can't leave them."

Seeing that Yasi was a little excited, Xing Tian gritted his teeth and said, "There is really no other way but to rob them, and we can't care about the lives of these natives."

After Xing Tian finished speaking, he drew out his long knife and shouted at everyone: "We can't let our people be taken away by them. If not, we will kill them."

Xing Tian looked at the aborigines who were about to surround him again, his eyes were bloodshot instantly, and the red really looked like he was going to kill someone.

Holding the swords tightly in their hands, Tianya and Tsing Yi told behind them: "This group of natives are inhumane, brutal and ruthless. Don't be polite when you strike. We must save them."

"Understood." Everyone was also extremely nervous, holding swords in both hands, and they were bound to win.

"Wait!" Yasi waved his hand suddenly and walked to the front of the line.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Ya Si suspiciously.

The natives on the opposite side were also concentrating on fighting to the death and were ready to fight, but they were taken back two steps by Yasi's sudden sound.

"Yasi, what are you doing?" Xing Tian asked slightly.

As if he didn't hear it, Yasi coughed deliberately, moistened his throat again, and said to the aborigine opposite: "Okay, I just made a joke with you, I'm sorry, my gods. Actually Well, we're friends because I know one of you."

Xing Tian was confused and didn't know what kind of medicine was buried in Yasi's gourd.

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