Yasi turned around and saw an old man coming from the path behind him.

"Elder Yun Ji!" Tian Ya shouted.

Yasi looked back and forth, and saw two old men, one fat and one thin, one tall and one short, the difference was so clear.

It was the second elder Yunji, and Ya Si could tell clearly that it was exactly the second elder Yunji that Master Botong Li had mentioned. Their appearance and posture were beyond reproach, and they were indeed two people.

"Fatty, these kids are a bit naughty, do we have to fix them?" The skinny old man on the steps said first.

"Haha! Skinny old man, do you think we are bullying children like this?" The fat old man also laughed loudly, pointing the long sword in his hand at the students of the Exorcism House.

"So you are the two elders of Yunji. I think it is more appropriate to call you the second ghost of Yunji because of your virtue, haha!" Ya Si glanced at the fat man behind him and said.

"Girl, you have a poisonous mouth, do you want to die early!" Fat Tuo became angry from embarrassment.

The thin old man never got angry, and said to Ya Si: "Are you their leader?"

Yasi smiled slightly, ignored the thin old man, and said to the juniors: "We met the two people we were looking for today. It seems that we are very lucky! There is only one person left to watch this dirty Beard, brothers and sisters, come on."

As soon as Ya Si mentioned the Nether Sword, he went straight to Fat Tuo.

Tian Ya also swung his sword, leading five or six students to kill the thin old man on the steps.

The thin old man volleyed down and landed among the students of the Exorcism House.

The two elders of Yunji are not ordinary people of three religions and nine streams, their names have been resounded throughout the Yunji Continent many years ago, everyone knows everyone, and their kung fu is naturally ranked among the top masters.

Ya Si and three students surrounded Fat Tuo and fought hard.But this time it was a hard stumble, and the five were forced to retreat steadily. One of the female students was punched by the fat man, a rib was broken, and she fell to the ground.

Tianya is also exhausted from the battle, every step of the way is frightening.Several times when he stepped forward, he was kicked by the skinny old man and threw himself backwards, turning him on his back.

Ya Si thought while fighting, and realized that if the fight continued like this, the whole army would be wiped out and die in the underground black market.

The ten people were forced by Yun Ji to a narrow path less than a few meters away, with a stone wall behind them, and there was no way to retreat.

The two elders, Yun Ji, fought steadily and steadily, forcing ten students from the Exorcism House to have nowhere to fight back.

"Fat Tuo, haha, leave no one behind, kill!"

"Skinny old man, you are ruthless, okay! Kill"

The two elders, Yun Ji, suddenly turned around a few meters away at the same time, and jumped up at the same time, with their long swords in their hands sweeping towards Ya Si and the others in an arc.

"Not good!" Yasi secretly groaned in his heart, closed his eyes, and thought: Today I will be left in the underground black market!
Just when Yasi and the others were desperate and helpless, a sudden roar sounded from above their heads, "Yasi, sister is here."

As soon as Yasi heard this voice, he hurriedly opened his eyes, really overjoyed.

It was none other than Anya, with senior Zhong Yu standing behind her.

But why did Anya suddenly come to the underground black market?You must know that the underground black market in Wangcheng is between the Exorcism Mansion and the Pope of the Holy Dynasty, and the residential area is at the southern end of the Exorcism Mansion.The northernmost end of the residential area where Anya is located is more than ten miles away from the underground black market. How did she come here in such a timely manner?

Anya led the team to enter from the north side of the residential area, and slowly looked around, but the residents stopped and watched.

"Caixia, if this continues, don't even talk about finding the two elders of Yunji, even if they are around here, they would have slipped away long ago." Anya said to Caixia.

"Senior Sister Anya, what should I do then? You can't be so ostentatious!"

Anya was silent, and she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a signal cannon rose from the northwest sky and exploded at high altitude.

"Look, senior sister."

Anya looked up, was taken aback, and said to Caixia: "Caixia, there is a situation in the Exorcism Mansion, you take everyone back to the mansion quickly, pay attention to safety, I will go first."

After Anya finished speaking, the person flew into the sky, and with a somersault, he was away from everyone's sight.

Anya was very anxious and didn't know what happened in the direction of the Exorcist Mansion. According to the agreement, whoever found the elder Yun Ji or was in danger should release the signal cannon as soon as possible, and the students who saw it must rush to the accident site immediately.

Anya didn't have time to think about it, the wind rose under her feet, her shoulders were like wings, and she floated straight in the direction of the Exorcism Mansion.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the Exorcist Mansion. It was Shufeng's team who fired the signal cannon by mistake, which caused unnecessary panic.

The nearby search team also rushed over, only to find out that it was a false alarm.

Anya was also terribly frightened, she was the farthest away but came the fastest, and was the first to arrive there.

"Comfort Senior Sister, it's all my fault. I didn't manage them properly and set up signals indiscriminately, making everyone rush back and forth, wasting time." Shufeng blamed himself very much, and apologized to Anya and everyone else.

Anya was about to speak when she suddenly noticed another signal cannon rising four or five miles behind the Exorcism Mansion.

"It's the underground black market, it's Ya Si's team." After An Ya finished speaking, she ran to the underground black market quickly.

This time the signal cannon was not misplaced, but Zhong Yu was passing by the underground black market and lit the signal to recruit people when he found something in the black market.

Zhong Yu's team was rushing towards the Pope of the Holy Dynasty, and suddenly saw the signal cannon raised near the Exorcism Mansion in Shufeng's search area, and hurriedly led everyone back.

Returning to the Exorcism Mansion from the holy pilgrimage, the Pope must pass through the underground black market in Wangcheng.Zhong Yu passed by the underground black market, and suddenly found a large number of vendors and people running out of the black market.

"What happened?" Zhong Yu stopped a man and asked.

The man was obviously a little scared, and said in a panic: "It seems that the people from the Exorcism Manor are fighting with someone else."

Zhong Yu and the other students wanted to squeeze in, but found themselves pushed out by the crowd.

"Send the signal!" Zhong Yu shouted.So some students lit the signal cannon and sent out a signal for help.

Zhong Yu and his two juniors jumped onto a roof and ran along the roof to the underground black market.

Vendors and crowds poured out of the entrance of the underground black market. Zhong Yu tried several times, but was brought out by the crowd.

"Zhong Yu!" Anya floated across the sea of ​​people like a wind, and jumped to the roof.

"Senior Sister Anya, Ya Si is inside, I heard that he is fighting with others." Zhong Yu said to Anya in a hurry.

"Don't panic. Well, there are not many people left, let's go in."

Anya jumped forward, followed by Zhong Yu.

Messy things were piled up on the steps in a haphazard manner, and ten students from the Exorcism House were cornered at the bottom of the steps, unable to get out.

Seeing that the blade of the second elder Yun Ji was about to strike at the students of the Exorcism Mansion, Anya jumped into the air and shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, Ya Si, here comes Anya." 
Anya's dragon-slaying lightning strike swept forward, and a blue light struck towards the second elder Yun Ji.

Fat Tuo and Thin Old Man were about to use their strength, but they were stopped by a roar, and hurriedly drew back, raising their knives to block Anya's blade.

When the three blades intersect, the advantage is the victory. The blade of Dragon Slaying Lightning Slash hit Yunji Erlao's treasured sword instantly, and there were only two crisp sounds of 'click', and Yunji Erlao's sharp blade was cut in two.

The elder Yunji was forced back by a sudden force, and hit the stone wall above Yasi's head, and then rolled down.

Fat Tuo and Thin Old Man were just about to get up, when a dozen or so long swords reached their throats.

Few people can withstand Anya's sudden blow, especially the elder Yun Ji.Fat Tuo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, glared at Anya and said, "What kind of hero is attacking from behind?"

"I didn't say that I'm a hero, but the two are representatives of the Yunji Continent, and just helping the evildoers will damage their reputations." Anya put back the dragon-slaying lightning strike, approached the two elders of Yunji and said.

"An Ya, right? I've heard about it a long time ago, but I haven't seen it. She does have some strength." Fat Tuo said.

"Why haven't we seen it? Didn't we fight each other in the streets? It's just a pity that you ran away."

The thin old man tilted his head, as if recalling the scene that night he and Fat Tuo pretended to sell chestnuts to rescue the two men in black, "It's this girl."

"Hehe, none of this is important. The important thing is that we really caught you today. Zhong Yu, tie them up and bring them back to the Exorcist Mansion." Anya ordered.

A few students took out the rope from behind, tied the elder Yunji tightly, and escorted the two of them, including the bearded man, out from the underground black market.

Soon, a group of twenty or so people returned to the Exorcism Mansion.

The injured students were sent to the Medical Department of the Exorcism Mansion.Berton Li Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's dangerous. Fortunately, Anya arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"The students of the Exorcism House are all highly skilled in martial arts, but they still have no power to fight back against a master like Yun Ji Erlao." Anya said aside.

"So, I have always had an idea. I don't know what Anya thinks." Berton Lee looked at Anya and said.

"Senior brother, it's okay to speak up, there's nothing else my family can't say."

"I've always wanted you to train the students of the Exorcism Mansion, but since you entered Wangcheng, you have been busy, and I have buried this idea in my heart." Berton Lee said to Anya.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but it's just that seniors like Senior Brother are teaching here, so they should have more than enough rubbing."

"It took me a long time to practice my skills to reach this level, but these students can't wait that long. Although the demons are temporarily expelled, their reproductive ability is several times that of our human race, and they will make a comeback in the near future. Time is running out, and my ability can't let them quickly reach the level where they can be promoted to first-class skills. But you, Anya, are different. Your practice is to take the wrong path and take shortcuts. You focus on exorcising demons and demons, and you are very handy in dealing with demons. "Botong Liyu said to Anya earnestly.He poured out all the words he kept in his heart, and what he said was sincere and true.

"Since senior brother said so, after the recent case at hand is settled, I will do my best to assist senior brother and lead the students well." Anya also readily agreed.

"Then thank you, Junior Sister, and I feel relieved. Alright, let's interrogate Yun Ji and see what they say."

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