Arongtai's gold is constantly being sent out, and the reserves of more than a dozen gold mines are really indescribable.

"The military division should have arrived in Santa County. I hope everything goes well." A Rongtai was looking at the front of the mine and said to himself, then turned back and said to his followers: "Look at these miners, no one can run out."

The mining area was full of miners, scattered in every corner, soldiers beat the lazy and exhausted laborers from time to time, and there were wailing and pain coming from the mining area from time to time.

A Rongtai shouted into the mining area: "Ah Liu, how are you getting ready?"

"Don't worry, my lord, everything is properly arranged." Ah Liu also shouted at Mrs. Ah Rong.

A Rongtai nodded, looked up at the sky, the south wind was blowing, and it seemed to rain, she said to herself: "Oh! It's a pity."

The attendants didn't know what Arongtai meant, but Arongtai was thinking in her heart: Anya, let you be busy for a while, can you still take care of the battle at the Sun God Square?

Anya has just returned to An Yi Residence from the Inner Palace.Just now, King Yun Ge summoned Berton Lee and Anya, because news came from the garrison at the port of St. Louis that they had found traces of individual magic soldiers.

This made Yunge very worried.Fortunately, Berton Lee and Anya's analysis reassured him.Berton Lee's analysis is that a few magic soldiers slipped through the net in St. Louis and were unable to return to the Youzhou Continent. They could only stay at night near St. Louis in the Yunji Continent.

Anya also agrees with Berton Lee's analysis, because the hundreds of thousands of troops inevitably have omissions, and it is common sense that there are a few surviving magic soldiers.

As soon as Anya went back to the room and sat down, Yin Kexing, the chief guard, ran in panting.

"General, something is wrong, Mr. Berton Li calls you to hurry up and gather in the courtyard."

"This is a big deal, otherwise senior brother wouldn't have asked me to bring the horse to gather." Anya didn't allow herself to think about it, she jumped on her war horse, Gaifengju, and came to the courtyard of the Exorcism Mansion.

All the students lined up in the compound one after another, and Berton Lee paced up and down in front of the line with his hands behind his back, desperately anxious.

"Brother, why are you so nervous." Anya jumped off the horse and hurried forward and asked.

As soon as Berton Li heard that Anya was coming, he hurried forward, "Anya, dead soldiers and a large number of zombies were found in the Wangjia mine in the southwest of Wangcheng. The situation is very critical. If we don't encircle and suppress them in time, it may spread to the surrounding area and even Wangcheng."

"Zombie?" Anya asked in surprise, not knowing what it was.

"It means that after a living person is bitten by a dead man, he becomes a zombie, and he also goes to bite others." Berton Lee gave a brief introduction, and then said to the students of the Exorcism House: "All students, immediately divide into three teams, Zhong Yu, Shufeng, and Yasi led a team each, went to the horsemen to ride horses, and immediately rushed to the Southwest Wang family mining area to gather, without my order, no one is allowed to approach the mining area."

"Brother, let's go first and meet outside the city." Anya stepped onto the Gale Horse, and led a dozen horse-riding students from the Exorcist House towards the southwest mining area.

Anya's gale horse looked like long wings, leaving behind the students of the Exorcism House far away, and galloped to the southwest mining area.

Here were mines originally, but after being mined, they became uneven hills.The road with a radius of more than ten miles is surrounded by barbed wire to prevent people from stealing.

Anya stopped the Bleeding Horse, and heard a heart-piercing cry from a distance, "Help me! Help me, ah... ah...".

Anya urged the horse to run over, and jumped off the horse near the barbed wire.

"How could this happen! What's going on?" Anya was stunned by the scene in front of her.There are dead bodies and wandering dead men everywhere in the fence of the mine area, and some laborers who have been bitten by the dead men also climbed up from the ground one after another, turned into zombies, and crawled towards the surrounding barbed wire step by step.

Anya walked past the wire fence and came to the main entrance of the mining area.Several soldiers who had been bitten slowly got up from the ground, leaving blood gushing from the corners of their mouths.Smelling someone behind him, the soldier turned his head slowly, and Anya took a few steps back in shock.

Anya, the dead man on Moyun Ridge outside the city, had seen it before, but it was at night, and there were no lights around, so she couldn't see clearly.But the zombies in front of her really shocked her. There was no human appearance here, they were simply terrifying monsters.

Those with eyes but no eyes, those with legs but no arms, those with hearts and lungs, and the corpses flying all over the place, all of them are extremely disgusting to look at.

The cavalry behind rushed over, and then Yasi's team also ran to the front one after another.

"Sister Anya, this..." Yasi just glanced at the mining area, before he finished speaking, his stomach rolled and he vomited something out.

"Yasi! How are you, are you okay!" Anya patted Yasi on the back.

"Sister Anya, this, these are all monsters, they are so disgusting, uh..." Ya Si squatted down again and vomited out.

"Everyone, pay attention to safety, don't get too close, wait until the master of the mansion comes over." Anya said to the students of the Exorcist Mansion behind.

"Sister Anya, what should I do? It's much more disgusting than the dead men on Moyun Ridge, let alone getting close, it's disgusting to look at." Yasi vomited a little weakly.

"Don't be afraid, these monsters are most afraid of having their heads cut off. Once they get close, just chop off their heads. Don't do it randomly." Anya reminded every student.

At this time, dust and smoke billowed from behind, and Berton Lee led other students from the Exorcism House and dozens of police officers from the Police House to the barbed wire fence.

"Anya, how's the situation?" Bertonley asked while looking over from his horse, "It's broken, why are there so many dead soldiers? Are all the workers from the mining area inside?"

"I don't know, it should be." Anya took a few steps back, because several zombies had already rushed towards Anya, blocked by the barbed wire, and were screaming 'ooohoo'.

"Everyone get off your horses and get ready to fight, Yasi, arrange for someone to go to the camp of the National Defense Army in the west of the city to rescue the soldiers and find General Xu Hu." Botong Li shouted at Yasi, and then looked at the students of the Exorcist Mansion, "Today we must Be extra careful, you can't fight alone, you have to get together and move forward step by step, understand?"

"Understood!" The students agreed in unison, drew out their long swords in unison, and put into battle mode.

"Brother, you can't let the dead men and zombies gather in one place, or they will eventually break through the fence and rush out of the mining area. You must send people around the fence to lure them and distract them, so we can kill them one by one." Anya said to Berton Lee said.

Berton Li turned his head to face Zhong Yu, "Zhong Yu, take ten people around to lure zombies, we can't let them all gather here."

"It's the head of the mansion, Tianya, take your people and follow me." Zhong Yu took Tianya and ran to the upper reaches of the mining area.

Both the dead man and the zombies smelled people, and suddenly found a lot of people gathered at the gate of the mining area, and they all turned their heads and walked towards the students from the Exorcism House and the police officers from the Public Security House.

"Too many, there are five or six hundred people, at most not many, and there are many people dressed as soldiers among them." Anya raised her toes, "How could so many people be attacked? Even if they retreat now, they can still run out." most of the people."

"Let's talk about it later," Berton Lee said to the students, "We can't let these dead soldiers bite or claw us, or we will become monsters like them." Berton Lee was a little bit reluctant to bear these children They, but you can't use them as vases to display, you can only train them in actual combat, not to mention that before the arrival of the National Defense Army, in order to prevent the zombies from crawling out of the fence, they can only go in and slaughter them first.

"Caixia, your team stays to block the gate to prevent the zombies from slipping out. The others follow me in and kill!" Berton Li Changjian waved and jumped over the wire fence.

The zombies found someone jumping behind them, turned around and rushed towards Berton Lee.Berton Lee hurriedly backed away, and the zombie left the gate and ran towards him.

Anya raised her foot and kicked open the iron gate, and stepped in, followed by the students from the Exorcist House and the police officers from the Public Security House rushing in.

The dead soldiers and losers saw a large number of living people pouring in, like starved ghosts who had been starving for many days, they rushed towards Anya and the students from the Exorcism House.

Anya's dragon slaying slashed at the two zombies with a lightning strike, and the knife started to fall.Yasi did not show weakness, the Nether sword pierced the sky, split the heads of several dead men in succession, and charged into the zombies.

The students of the Exorcism House followed the instructions of the head of the house, step by step, steadily and steadily, and gradually moved forward
Zhong Yu led people to lure the zombies outside the fence, but with little success, because more than 100 living people are more attractive to these dead soldiers and zombies who like human blood.

"Go inside." Zhong Yu jumped into the mining area first, and the others followed suit.

Yasi's Nether Sword is the most yin weapon, but it is like a fish in water for killing warriors and zombies, and piles of zombies died at Yasi's feet.

Anya wanted to find a place far away from her companions, because her big move was in the group attack mode, and if the scale was not well grasped, it would affect her companions.

Anya chopped off the head of a dead man and flew deep into the mining area.The moment it flew over the zombie's head, Dragon Slayer Lightning let out a devil-like howl, and the zombie was shocked when he heard it.

"Flying...flying...dancing!" Anya performed the "24 Demon Slaying Styles", and there were several explosions in the pile of zombies in front of her, and the corpses were flying, blood was splashing everywhere, and pieces of zombies were blown up. The fragments, broken to pieces.

Ya Si also killed the rise, and the Nether Sword shuttled among the zombies, and every place it passed was also decapitated.Ya Si killed a little impatiently, he was some distance away from everyone, surrounded by dozens of zombies.

Ya Si thought and flew out, but the zombies didn't give her a chance at all, and she might be clawed to the flesh if she was not careful.Zombies gathered around more and more, Ya Si was a little powerless, and hurriedly shouted: "Someone help me."

Shufeng heard it clearly among the crowd, he lifted himself up and passed over the head of the dead man, and landed on the back of the zombie behind Yasi.Shufeng was a little eager to save people, swung his long sword and slashed fiercely, and came to Yasi.

"Yasi, let's go." Shufeng kicked down two zombies, pulled Yasi and jumped out, stepped on the shoulders of the zombies and jumped back into the crowd.

"Thank you Shufeng senior." Ya Si was terrified, but thanks to Shufeng's sharp nose and quick eyes, he dragged Ya Si back.

"Be careful, isn't the head of the palace not letting you leave the team? Follow me." Shufeng grabbed Ya Si and put him behind him.

"Senior, be careful!" Before Yasi finished speaking, a zombie next to him clawed at Shufeng's neck with his hands.

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