The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 104 You are so pitiful

Sizern said angrily: "Is the throne so important to you? You can't live without being a king?"

Louis's red eyes immediately stared at Sizern, as if he wanted to pounce on him, he said mockingly: "Of course you speak lightly, Your Highness Sizern, you are the only son of the Elven King, no matter what You will be the next elf king. Eternal life, noble and beautiful elf prince, of course you said it lightly, you must be laughing at me, an ugly and humble mortal, for not accepting your favor, right? Right, right--"

he roared frantically.

Sizern really felt sorry for him, he said: "I never thought of being the king of elves."

Louis laughed wildly again: "Yes, you dismissed my dream of the throne, what a broad mind, what a noble sentiment! Compared with you, I am a mortal like dust, right! Why should you be a speck of dust? Is it a waste of time? Or do you have too much time and nowhere to spend it when you have eternal life, so you come to entertain me to satisfy your kind heart..."

"Hey, don't go too far! Cizern is kind and well-meaning, you can just ignore him and speculate about him maliciously." Bai Ling said angrily.

Seeing her stunningly beautiful face, Louis felt ashamed of himself, but soon this feeling was replaced by malice, and he said, "I've heard of you, Bai Ling, right! Even if you don't have to deliberately, you can hear it all the time." They mentioned your name, the most beautiful woman in the world, you are indeed more beautiful than my fiancée. It's much more courageous than those women, they don't dare to look at my face..."

Bai Ling felt bored when he heard him chattering on and on.Louis went on to say: "Just now I said he was not good, and you got angry. You like him very much, don't you..."

Bai Ling was caught by what he said, and looked towards Sizern, who caught her sight but avoided it.

"If Sizern becomes like me one day, will you be scared to death like that bitch Gladys! I..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Cizern interrupted him.

Louis looked back and forth at Cizern, Bai Ling, Mia, and Manfilo, then laughed and said mockingly: "I am a poor person, and you four are also poor people. I said that even your own Things have not been cleared up, so how can you spare time to take care of me?"

He sat on the ground and laughed wildly, then his eyes were slack, and he kept saying: "Poor, pitiful, pitiful...hahaha..."

His "poor" sound was like a thorn, piercing into Sizern, Bai Ling, Mia, and Manfilo. Vale and Yuri didn't understand the meaning of Louis's words. , but all four of them understood, and their expressions all changed.

Seeing that Louis was in a very unstable mood, Valle and Yuri suggested that they go out first.

Mia gave her younger brother a sad look, and Manfiro helped her go out.Cizern looked at Bai Ling, he was silent at first, and then said to her in the same tone as before: "Let's go out first!"

Bai Ling didn't know why, but Louis, a reckless person, saw through their relationship at a glance.But Bai Ling didn't want to pretend that he didn't say anything just now, she suddenly turned her head and said loudly to Louis firmly: "I won't, I won't be like Gladys, if I love someone, no matter what he becomes I love him no matter what he looks like, let alone become like you, even if he turns into a corpse, I will hug him and rot with him."

The goblin's resolute words shocked everyone. Louis looked into her beautiful eyes, he was stunned, and then smiled again, his face wrinkled and became uglier when he laughed, and he said calmly: "In this case, then you are really How pitiful, am I right? Your Highness Cizern."

Cizern took Bai Ling's hand and led her out, Louis was laughing.

When they came out, all of them looked very bad. Mia forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry to scare you, Miss Bai Ling."

Bai Ling shook his head, "He didn't."

Mia bowed and apologized to Bai Ling and Sizern: "I'm sorry for what Louis did just now. It's clear that Miss Bai Ling and the teacher have been helping him, but he is like this."

Cizern looked at her and said, "Go back and rest! Your complexion is very bad, Your Highness Manfiro, go and rest first!"

Grand Duke Manfilo nodded to him, and left with Mia.

Cizern said to Bai Ling: "I'll send you back to rest first too!"

They walked together towards the outside of the palace gate, through the verandah, and into the garden.Bai Ling looked at Sizern's face all the way, and saw that he was sad and sad, with sadness in his eyes.Bai Ling stopped walking suddenly, and she said, "Cizern, don't you want to say something to me?"

Sizern seemed to be puzzled and asked, "Say what?"

Bai Ling looked into his eyes, she suddenly hugged Sizern, her face pressed against his warm and broad chest, greedily sucking the natural breath similar to hers on him.She said, "Sizern, I like you, always have liked you."

Sizern gently pushed her away, he looked at Bai Ling, and then laughed, he said: "A lot of elves said they liked me before, it seems that I am quite pleasing to children."

Bai Ling looked at him, she knew he did it on purpose, she said: "You know exactly what I mean?"

Sizern's smile faded away, he looked at Bai Ling silently, and he said: "There are many kinds of liking, you like the evening wind on a summer night, you like the bright stars in the sky, you like to treat you A good friend is liking, and so is your brother or sister who loves and loves you, Bai Ling, you are still young, and you can't tell what true liking is."

Bai Ling said: "I'm not young anymore. I'm over 300 years old. Don't say that 300 years old is still underage for elves. Even humans in their teens and 20s know how they feel. Am I not as good as them? I like you, not as a brother, I just like you, I want to be with you forever, I want to be your wife."

"Then Bai Ling likes me?"

"I like that you always treat me unconditionally, care about me, protect me, tolerate me, like that you smile at me, and like that you have the same natural breath as me,"

"Then if one day you meet another person who treats you unconditionally, cares about you, protects you, tolerates you, likes to smile at you, and has the same natural atmosphere as you, will you like him?"

Bai Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then she said anxiously: "I... I won't, and I won't have such a person. The people here, they treat me well because I'm pretty, and they don't mean it. nice to me."

"When you return to Izerellas, you will find that there are people with the same natural atmosphere as you. They will treat you unconditionally, care about you, protect you, tolerate you, and like to smile at you. When the time comes You will have many people you like. Bai Ling, you don't really like me like a lover, you just feel uneasy in this human world, so you become dependent on me."

"No." Bai Ling retorted loudly, "I know my own feelings, I just like you."

Cizern looked at her, still looking at a child, Bai Ling said sadly: "I will prove to you that I like you, and you will definitely like me too."

After she finished speaking, she ran away sadly.

Cizern looked at her back and lowered his head silently.




As the sun went down, Aaron was practicing breaking the army by the river in the suburbs, while waiting for Bai Ling to arrive.

With a "shoo", a long sword cut like ice flakes shot out from the woods and struck Aaron's chest. Aaron blocked it with the Broken Army Sword.The water mark sword flew back, and then Bai Ling suddenly appeared here. She turned around in the air, took the water mark sword, and immediately attacked Aaron.

Aaron was no longer surprised by Bai Ling's sneak attack.But today, Bai Ling's sword seemed to be full of anger, and her sword moves were more aggressive than ever, but after receiving more than a dozen moves, Aaron's arm and calf were scratched with shallow blood marks.This little injury is nothing to Aaron, he is more concerned about what happened to Bai Ling, she seems to be venting and fighting him.




As night fell, the wind blew across the river.

Aaron's clothes were tattered, and there were countless small wounds on his body, but they had already scabbed over.He gets spanked by Ghost, who then heals him, and then gets spanked again.Bai Ling must have vented enough, she sat on the dead tree and didn't speak.

After thinking about it, Aaron asked, "Are you okay! What's wrong with you today?"

Bai Ling glanced at him, but said nothing.

Aaron put away the broken army and stood silently beside her, staring blankly at the water surface with her in a daze.

All of a sudden, Bai Ling hugged him, and Aaron's body froze in an instant. The fragrance from the goblin wafted into his nostrils, and her body was soft. Aaron had never been so intimate with anyone of the opposite sex.His face was flushed, and he didn't know what to say or what to do.

When Xiaoyue was still there, every time Bai Ling was unhappy, Xiaoyue would coax her, and when she was sad, he would comfort her.But Aaron is not Xiaoyue after all, he just makes Bai Ling feel like Xiaoyue.He is just a child, he can't coax or comfort others, he can only let the flower demon hug him.

Then Bai Ling let him go.

Aaron looked at her sad face, knowing that she was unhappy, he couldn't think of what to say, he could only say dryly: "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Ling looked into his emerald eyes, then looked away, and she said, "What's the use of telling you, you're just a child?"

Bai Ling didn't like that Sizern regarded her as a child who didn't understand anything, but she didn't realize that she also regarded Aaron as a child who didn't understand anything.

Aaron lowered his head, he felt a little lost.

He was indeed a child, but children grow up.When he grows up and he can protect her, she will tell him if she is unhappy.

Bai Ling stood up on the willow tip in the moon, and Aaron knew she was leaving, so he said, "I'm going back to Blue Maple City tomorrow."

After hearing this, Bai Ling didn't show any expression, and just said, "I see."

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