The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 109 He is a lunatic

His brown eyes looked at Bai Ling, and Bai Ling suddenly became flustered, and when Louis asked if Sizern would change her mind if she became like him, Bai Ling could immediately refute him.Not to mention becoming like him, even if he turned into a corpse, she would die with him.

If Sizern is human?Bai Ling was at a loss, she suddenly realized that she didn't know how to answer this question, but how could Sizern be human? 
"You, how did you become a human? You are an elf, how could you become a human?"

"Then if I become a human tomorrow, will you still love me?"

Under his gaze, Bai Ling couldn't help backing away. What if Sizern turned into a human?Does she still like Cizern?Of course I like it.She was about to say it, and then the pictures of mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared in her mind.

The blood of the flower demons in the Wanhua Realm, the blood of the sky foxes in Qingqiu, the blood of the snow demons in Xuecheng, the blood of the snake clan in the Zizhu Forest... Yunji's blood, Bai Suzhen's blood, Xiaoyue's blood...

They seem to be saying: Bai Ling, Bai Ling, you can't like humans, you are the demon emperor.Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em all.

"I don't know, I don't know, don't ask me, I don't know..."

Bai Ling covered his head in pain.

Sizern sighed softly, and said, "Bai Ling, that's love. When you really like someone, when you fall in love with someone, you don't care about his identity."

"No, I love you, I am..."

Bai Ling looked at him, and finally ran out under his sad and compassionate eyes.

Bai Ling ran to the laurel tree in the garden, supported the laurel tree and said sadly: "I obviously love him, I obviously love him..."

Ghost's sorrow infected the laurel tree, and its leaves trembled.She said it over and over again, but after all, the laurel tree did not have real consciousness and could not respond to her.

After a while, Bai Ling raised his head and saw a noble man walking towards her, it was Marquis Yemoer.

Bai Ling immediately put away her fragile expression, she never showed weakness in front of humans.

Bai Ling still has a little impression of this man, of course this is due to her good memory.She watched Marquis Yemoer walk up to her, and then he knelt in front of her on one knee, he seemed to be struggling in pain, and then made up his mind.

He said: "Miss Bai Ling, please forgive my recklessness. But I don't say some things, I'm just afraid that I will die in depression. I have fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you. I know you I am pleased with His Royal Highness Cizern, but I still cannot control my love for you, I beg you to have mercy on me and accept my love."

Bai Ling looked at this human being with cold eyes, and she asked, "Are you saying, do you love me?"

Marquis Yemo looked up at Bai Ling's beautiful face and said, "Yes, I love you."

Bai Ling sneered: "What do you love about me? Is it my face or my body?"

"I love you all."

Bai Ling snorted coldly, and she said softly, "Look at me."

Marquis Ye Moer looked at her affectionately, under the moonlight, Bai Ling's face changed little by little, her smooth jade skin rotted little by little, and then saw countless worms crawling on her face, her eyes Suddenly it became hollow and bleeding.Marquis Yemoer sat on the ground in shock.

"Are you afraid?"

Bai Ling sneered, and then her face returned to its fairy-like beauty.She looked at Marquis Yemoer with contempt and cruelty, and said, "Look, your love is only so superficial."

Marquis Ye Moer stood up and said painfully: "No, no, I really love you, I just..."

"Just what? You're scared aren't you?"

Ye Moer knelt down in front of her again, and he said piously: "I swear to the God of Love that I love you, and if there are false words, let the God of Love take my life immediately."

Bai Ling looked at his young and handsome face, and said in a cool voice, "That's good! You dig out your heart and let me see if you love me."

Marquis Ye Moer looked at her in disbelief, as if he never thought that the goddess he missed day and night would say such cruel words.Seeing him like this, Bai Ling turned around and walked back.Human beings, who would care less about human love.What kind of admiration is just a superficial illusion, they never admired her herself, they were just poor people who were confused by her appearance.

Bai Ling walked forward indifferently, and suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "My lord, stop—"

As soon as Bai Ling turned around, he saw Marquis Yemoer's clothes were open, and he was holding a dagger in his chest. His clothes and hands were covered with blood. The guards and his entourage rushed over Holding him up, his pained eyes looked at Bai Ling.

A figure passed by, it was An Zi who happened to be passing by, she immediately tapped acupuncture points to stop the bleeding of Marquis Ye Moer, she followed Marquis Ye Moer's line of sight and saw Bai Ling, An Zi asked loudly: "What did you do again?"

Bai Ling was stunned and didn't know how to answer, she was also frightened just now, this man would actually dig out her heart.

Ye Qingqing, who walked here with An Zi, covered her mouth, too frightened to speak.

Then Sizern, King, Stuart, and others arrived, who happened to be all around.Sizern saw the Marquis of Ye Moer lying on the ground, and immediately went to help treat him. The king asked what happened, and a guard replied: "Your Majesty, we don't know what happened, but we saw Ye Moer The adult took a knife and stabbed himself in the chest."

Marquis Ye Moer was sent to the room of the palace closest to this place, and Sizern, An Zi, and Stuart went in to help him heal his injuries. His injuries were very dangerous, and he was almost stabbed in the heart, but luckily the stab missed.

After Marquis Yemoer was out of danger, Sizern, An Zi and Stuart came out of the room. They told the king about Marquis Yemoer's situation, and the king was relieved, as long as there was nothing wrong.Then, they summoned the entourage of Marquis Yemoer and asked what happened.

The entourage said: "My lord told us to follow him from a distance, we saw him kneeling in front of Miss Bai Ling and said something, then Miss Bai Ling turned and left, and my lord stabbed himself with a knife."

After listening to the entourage's description, everyone's faces were brightened, and the courtship was rejected to commit suicide?To be honest, this kind of thing happens several times in Fairmont every year, but it is unbelievable that it happened to Marquis Yemore. Marquis Yemore, who has always had amazing self-control, committed suicide for Bai Ling.It really is a beauty.

When they walked out of the hall, they saw Bai Ling under the tree. She was dressed in white at night, so beautiful that there was no trace of smoke.The people who just thought her beauty was a disaster, now think that it is a happy thing to be able to die for such a beautiful woman.

An Zi walked up to Bai Ling angrily, and asked, "Did you let him stab yourself with a knife?"

An Zi In a sense, she knew Bai Ling very well, and she immediately guessed what was going on.Normally, she, Ye Qingqing and Bai Ling spoke in Chinese, but now she purposely asked Bai Ling in the common language, in order to let everyone recognize the vicious face of this goblin.

Bai Ling glanced at her coldly, and said, "So what? I said, if he loves me, he will dig out his heart and show me. Who knows that he is really so stupid."

Her icy voice made everyone here shudder.

Cizern passed Anzi and walked in front of Bai Ling, Bai Ling couldn't help but lower her head, she didn't care what others thought of her, but Cizern didn't want him to think she was vicious.She said in a panic, "How do I know that when I asked him to dig out his heart, he really dug it out. Normal people wouldn't do that! He's a lunatic, he's just a lunatic."

Cizern grabbed Bai Ling's arm and said, "Bai Ling, you can't do this to those who admire you. It's not their fault that you fall in love with you. You are so cruel."

Most of the elves in the elves have varying degrees of rejection of humans, but if an elf meets a human being in trouble, even if he has a repulsion, he will still help that person.This is the inherent kindness of elves, and Sizern didn't know why Bai Ling rejected humans more than any other elves he knew, or could no longer use the word rejection.

Bai Ling is capricious, flamboyant, and unruly. He has always felt that she is still young and needs to be guided slowly.But sometimes, the cruelty of her character revealed by what she did really disappointed him.

"It's something he can't think about, and I didn't do it. So many people say they love me, and I asked them to dig out their hearts, but they didn't dig it out! How do I know he's crazy?"

"Marquis Yemoer is not crazy, he really loves you."

"You say I'm cruel, so aren't you cruel? You rejected me in the same way, and I didn't die. He stabbed himself in the heart with a knife, and you believed that he loved me. Then I stabbed in my heart One knife, do you also believe that I love you?"

After Bai Ling finished speaking, she stretched out her hand, and immediately there was a gleaming dagger in her hand.She took the dagger and stabbed it into her heart without hesitation.

"Slap" a loud slap in the face.

Ye Qingqing covered her mouth, the usually gentle and gentle His Highness Cizern got angry and even beat someone, and it was Bai Ling who was beaten.

Ye Qingqing was stunned, and everyone around her was also stunned.

Sizern threw the snatched dagger to the ground, and Bai Ling looked at him with unbelievable eyes, which pierced into his heart like a knife.Seeing her red eyes, Cizern immediately regretted it, but he felt that he had indulged her too much before.He said: "How can you take your own life as a joke, how long will you be willful?"

Bai Ling looked at him, her heartbroken appearance made everyone feel distressed.Ye Qingqing thought she was about to cry, but Bai Ling suddenly turned around, jumped into the air, and disappeared into the night.

Ye Qingqing ran over worriedly, pulled Sizern's sleeve, and said, "His Royal Highness, hurry up! Hurry up!"

Cizern lowered his eyes, and said, "No need, it's time for her to change her temper."

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