The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 112 Lisanna's Death

Seeing this, Ye Qingqing immediately went to help Lisanna, and Lisanna's maid also came to help her immediately.Ye Qingqing already felt that Bai Ling was very unhappy. She didn't know how strong Lisanna was, but she knew that no matter how powerful Lisanna was, she would never be Bai Ling's opponent.She persuaded: "Go back! Miss Lisanna."

Lisanna broke free from Ye Qingqing's hand, stepped forward and grabbed Bai Ling's sleeve: "Don't leave." She said stubbornly.

Bai Ling, who was in a bad mood, broke out completely. Her grievances and anger were all transferred to Lisanna.Bai Ling's sleeve fluttered, and Lisanna immediately fell backwards. Bai Ling's five-finger nails turned into sharp blades and grabbed Lisanna's sky cap.Once she catches it, Lisanna will definitely die.

Seeing that Lisanna was about to die, a strong wind came, forcing Bai Ling to back away.

"Are you really going to kill her?"

An Zi stood in front of Lisanna and said loudly.

Ye Qingqing looked at An Zi who appeared in time and thanked God.

Bai Ling looked at her and sneered, "If you didn't show up, she would be a corpse now."

An Zi glared at her, and Bai Ling also glared at her.The two of them didn't say a word, but they were surrounded by murderous aura, their demon power and spiritual power were constantly soaring, and the things around them were trembling violently. The sense of oppression made the people here feel terrified.

Ye Qingqing immediately jumped out, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't fight, don't fight."

Bai Ling put away her murderous aura and walked to her room. When she left, she did not forget to warn Lisanna: "You better not appear in front of me, or I will kill you."

Lisanna turned pale with fright, she really didn't understand why her brother would like such a vicious and terrifying woman.

Ye Qingqing and An Zi looked at Lisanna, Ye Qingqing said: "You go back! Miss Lisanna, I will try to persuade her for you, she is in a bad mood today, she was not like this before."

Ye Qingqing couldn't tell, she always felt that today's Bai Ling was on the verge of breaking out.Although she is indifferent on weekdays, she is not like this.

Lisanna thanked Ye Qingqing and An Zi, and left with her maid, but she didn't know that there were eyes watching her from the dark.

Lisanna took her entourage and maid in the carriage and drove towards her mansion. The night was slightly cool, and it was already late at night.The carriage came to an unoccupied corner, and the coachman driving the carriage suddenly saw a tall man in black appearing in front of him. He was covered in a black cloak and hooded like a ghost.

The coachman immediately pulled up the reins and stopped the car to prevent it from hitting him.

"What's the matter?" Lisanne asked from the carriage.

"Miss, there is someone standing in front of you."

The maid rolled up the curtain of the carriage, and Lisanna leaned out from the carriage, her pupils reflected the sky full of roses.

On the second day, the bodies of Lisanna, her maid, and entourage were found on the street.Lisanna's throat was cut open, blood flowed everywhere, and countless white roses scattered all over the ground, stained dark red by the blood.

The news of Lisanna's death quickly spread to every corner of Fairmont City. Her status was prominent, so she naturally received great attention.When Ye Qingqing heard the news of her death, she couldn't believe it.Obviously yesterday she was still a living person, such a young and beautiful girl died like this.

When Ye Qingqing heard those female slaves say this, An Zi was beside her.An Zi stood up immediately after hearing this, and said, "I want to see Lisanna's body."

Ye Qingqing was afraid of dead bodies, but for some reason she blurted out, "I'll go with you."

Lisanna is a nobleman, not an ordinary nobleman. Her death cannot be said to be a trivial matter. If there is no reasonable explanation, her family will definitely not let it go.Her body is now under the custody of judicial officers investigating the matter. Ye Qingqing and An Zi went to meet Prime Minister Karen and said they hoped to help.Karen thought about it, and finally agreed to their request.

When Ye Qingqing saw Lisanna, she was lying in the cold sarcophagus, her eyes were tightly closed, her body was already stiff.Ye Qingqing couldn't bear to see how she died at such a young age.

Prime Minister Karen said on the side: "She and her servants are fatal in one blow. Miss Lisanna has never had any enemies. If it is aimed at her family, it doesn't make sense. Killing her may not be good for anyone." There are benefits."

An Zi walked to the side of the sarcophagus, looked down at Lisanna's body, she looked at the wound on the body, then An Zi stretched out her hand, Ye Qingqing watched as she took out a white rose petal from Lisanna's hair .

Seeing An Zi pick up the petal, Karen said, "This is a rose petal. There are many such petals next to the corpses of Miss Lisanna and others. I don't know why?"

Ye Qingqing's face turned pale for a moment, and she suddenly thought that Lisanna's throat was cut open by this seemingly weak petal.

Use flowers as blades, Bai Ling.

Bai Ling said yesterday that she would kill Lisanna if she saw her again.

Ye Qingqing thought of Bai Ling and immediately went to see An Zi, and then found that An Zi had disappeared.

"Hey, where's Miss An Zi?"

Prime Minister Karen asked strangely, and An Zi disappeared as soon as he turned around.Ye Qingqing stepped forward quickly, grabbed Prime Minister Karen's arm, and said anxiously: "Master Karen, I have to go back to the palace immediately, or something will happen."




A stream of light descended from the sky, and An Zi Yujian flew to the palace at high speed, and she immediately walked to the courtyard of the three of them, and rushed to Bai Ling's room.

Bai Ling was sitting under the window, reading a book, when An Zi barged in.

"Crazy An, what do you mean?"

Bai Ling closed the book abruptly, and looked at the girl who was pointing at her with a sword.

"You killed her, didn't you?"

Bai Ling looked at her suspiciously: "Who?"

"Lisanna, she's dead." An Zi said loudly.

Bai Ling looked at her in surprise: "Is she dead?"

"Stop pretending, it's you, right? Her throat was cut open, and there are rose petals on her body, isn't that what you are best at? I thought His Highness Sizeln would change you, but sure enough, a monster is a monster, and will always be." The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. No wonder Cizern doesn’t like you, how could he like such a vicious person.”

Bai Ling's complexion immediately sank, Siseren was her Achilles' heel, An Zi's words "No wonder Siseren doesn't like you" deeply hurt her, and her anger exploded all of a sudden. "Crazy An, you want to fight, don't you! Very good, I wanted to kill you a long time ago."

Bai Ling grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it towards An Zi, An Zi flashed, and Bai Ling immediately attacked forward, she took the lead in attacking five moves, forcing An Zi to retreat again and again.An Zi retreated to the wall, then moved her foot towards the wall, jumped back into the air, and rolled behind Bai Ling.Her Zixia sword slashed down, and Bai Ling's figure flickered, and he teleported to the window.She tapped her finger lightly, and thousands of rose petals were transformed into thousands of rose petals. With a flick of her finger, it was like a burst of pear blossoms in a rainstorm.

"Bang bang bang bang—" Countless furniture, doors, windows, and glass were shattered.

Then "Boom——" sounded, and the whole house collapsed.The surrounding slaves, maid servants and guards rushed over when they heard the sound, and saw two lights flying out of the dust.

Bai Ling and An Zi landed on the roofs on both sides respectively. They glared at each other, and before they could move, their murderous aura surged.The vigor formed by the collision of demon power and spiritual power lifted all the slaves, maid servants and guards into the air.

An Zi's Zixia sword was fully released, and the sword body turned into thousands of swords in mid-air and fell towards Bai Ling.Bai Ling sneered, and countless flower petals appeared around her and formed a flower ball to envelop her. The Zixia sword collided with the flower ball and collided with a dazzling light, and suddenly all the swords were bounced off.The flower balls bloomed, and the sky was filled with rain. Bai Ling was wearing the [red damask battle suit] and floated in mid-air.

Ten thousand reassembled the Zixia sword into one, and flew back into An Zi's hands. An Zi spun in the air, and the clothes on his body became [Kunlun clothes].

The [Eye of Tears] in Bai Ling's hand flashed a light, and there was a long sword like ice flakes in his hand.Holding the water mark sword, she turned into a red light and rushed towards An Zi.


The force of the collision of the Watermark Sword and the Zixia Sword destroyed all the surrounding buildings, and the nearby palace people fled in all directions.This huge sound also spread to every corner of the palace.The king, Queen Anne, Prince Ron, etc. were all alarmed. The king summoned Stuart and asked, "What happened?"

Just as Stuart was about to say that he would allow me to check it out, the sound of "bang bang bang" kept ringing out. Standing on the high platform and looking down, they saw houses collapsing continuously, and two figures fighting fiercely amidst billowing smoke and dust. Call here.

"Protect Your Majesty."

Stuart and others blocked the king's surroundings, and everyone looked there curiously. The blue light and the red light separated, and two figures, one red and one blue, landed on the palaces on both sides. They could clearly see the two people fighting.

"It's Miss Bai Ling and Miss An Zi."

Before they bothered to ask them why they fought again, they fought together again after a brief separation.Every time the water mark sword and the Zixia sword clashed, the sword energy made the people around tremble with fear.The generals, magicians, and enshrined swordsmen from the palace all came here, and they were shocked to see the two fighting. The anger of these two young and beautiful girls at this moment made them feel horrified.

"Stuart, can you separate them?" the king asked anxiously, why are they again, if they fight again, the palace will be demolished.

Stuart shook his head, he was shocked by the strength of Bai Ling and An Zi, he never thought that these two ladies could be so powerful.This time, Bai Ling and An Zi were really intent on killing. Last time in Blue Maple City, Bai Ling didn't want to kill in front of Sizern, and An Zi wanted her help. They fought fiercely with each other, but it was still a test. Therefore, City Lord Lan Feng was able to separate them.

But it is different now, they are fighting with the idea of ​​killing each other, not to mention that during this period of time, the rich aura of Ravenfield has given them great benefits, and their injuries have long since healed up. Both Bai Ling and An Zi are in each other's heyday.

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