The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 114 Demon Emperor Bai Ling

Bai Ling suddenly put away the water mark sword, and with a wave of her hand, she pinched a red lotus flower——[Kamma Red Lotus], her red lips kissed and the petals were blown off, and each petal swirled in the air into a huge fire dragon towards the sky. An Zi rushed over, An Zi flew high into the sky, and the fire dragon immediately caught up from all directions.When Ye Qingqing and Prime Minister Karen arrived here, they happened to see An Zi being engulfed by the fire dragon.

Even if the high temperature of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is blocked by an enchantment, people outside will feel uncomfortable, as if they are about to burn immediately.

"Bai Ling, stop—"

Ye Qingqing shouted anxiously, she wanted to go over, but the barrier blocked her.

Then, the fire went out.

An Zi stood there peacefully, holding a white jade gourd in her hand.

"[Bingxin Yuhu]." Bai Ling recognized the name of the magic weapon in An Zi's hand, and it was this gourd that took away all of her [Yehuohonglianhua].

Ice heart jade pot, a piece of ice heart in jade pot.

An Zi flipped her palm, and the [Bingxin Yuhu] disappeared in her hand. She flipped her palm again, and there was a purple gourd in her hand.She said: "I have experienced your red lotus karmic fire, how about you come and try my Taoist samadhi real fire?"

She threw the gourd in her hand into the air, the stopper of the gourd was automatically peeled off, and countless fire dragons were ejected like a volcanic eruption. All burn up.Before, Bai Ling's red lotus karmic fire almost evaporated all the water in the area outside the barrier, but now it encountered the high temperature of the real fire of Samadhi, and immediately ignited spontaneously.

The nearest spectator magician immediately threw a water magic over, extinguished the flames, and then immediately looked at the battle situation inside the barrier.

Surrounded by flames, Bai Ling waved his hand, and a white fan appeared in his hand. The fan bones were like white jade. On one side of the fan were countless dancing monsters, and on the other side were densely packed words.The folding fan suddenly grew dozens of times in her hand, Bai Ling slammed it fiercely, and the evil wind blew up, instantly extinguishing the flames.The people outside the barrier couldn't feel the wind from the fan. They could only see An Zi's long hair and her clothes floating up. She squinted her eyes and stuck her sword into the ground, stepping out of the deep hole with her feet.

Bai Ling held the [Wind and Thunder Fan] in both hands and was about to make another one. At this moment, An Zi held the Zixia Sword and held a sword flower, and then pushed the hilt, and the sword flew straight towards Bai Ling , The seemingly simple blow is one of Kunlun's [-] styles - born out of nowhere.

Bai Ling used the [Wind and Thunder Fan] to block, the Zixia sword hit the fan, she flipped the fan, and the Zixia sword flew towards An Zi.

Ye Qingqing was like an ant on a hot pot, suddenly she remembered something holding Prime Minister Karen's hand, and said anxiously: "His Highness Sizern, where is His Highness Sizern?"

At this time, only the elf prince can stop them.

Prime Minister Karen said: "I have already sent someone to look for it." What Ye Qingqing thought of, he had thought of it a long time ago, but with such a big movement, His Highness Sizern has not appeared until now, and he is probably not in the palace, and may even be there. Not at Fairmont.

Karen guessed right, Sizern secretly followed the convoy of Princess Mia and Grand Duke Manfilo out of the city, and is now on his way back.

An Zi soared to catch the Zixia sword, she slashed seven swords in the air, and the seven sword qis moved towards Bai Ling, all of which were blocked by the fan in Bai Ling's hand.

An Zi fell to the ground, and the Zixia Sword disappeared in her hand. Four banners appeared in her hand, blue, red, blue and white. The four banners were painted with Suzaku, Qinglong, White Tiger, and Xuanwu.An Zi threw the [Four Divine Beast Flags] into the air, and the huge phantoms of the four divine beasts appeared from all directions, surrounding Bai Ling.

The four gods and beasts carried terrifying energy, and instantly made the entire barrier surrounding the two of them crumble.

The four gods and beasts attacked at the same time, Qinglong and Suzaku sprayed out blue and red flames, the mouth of the white tiger emitted a dazzling light beam, and the Xuanwu's frost exploded into pieces of ice shards wherever it went.

Ye Qingqing's eyes reflected the huge bodies of the four divine beasts. Blue, red, and white lights reflected her beautiful eyes like colored glass. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and a feeling of panic swept over her whole body.She had a feeling that if Ghost was hit, he would die.

"An Zi, don't—"

The bright red, blue, and white lights hurt the eyes, and at the same time as there was a loud bang, a crisp bell rang through the world. Obviously the bell was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears strangely. The onlookers heard it, everyone in every corner of the palace heard it, everyone in Fairmont City heard it, and even the entire Lot Kingdom heard it.Everyone seemed to be directly shaken by the ringtone, the sound was indescribably clear, and their hearts were beating wildly.

The sky didn't know when it was covered with overcast clouds, it was so gloomy that it seemed to be overwhelmed.

Yit and Cassenel looked at Bai Ling in shock, even Lancer's eyes were filled with shock.

The barrier of the palace guardian array had been shattered, and the figures of the four divine beasts had also disappeared. An Zi fell to the ground, and she spit blood profusely on the ground.She looked at Bai Ling with shock in her eyes.

Bai Ling stood on the devastated ground, her red clothes fluttered with the wind, and a bell, crystal-clear, hung on her snow-white wrist with a chain of broken silver beads.There are many cloud patterns engraved on Bell's body, as well as ancient Yaozu characters.

An Zi looked at the bell in Bai Ling's hand in disbelief, "[Demon Emperor Bell], so you are No.40's second-generation Demon Emperor."

After the death of the No. 41 Demon Emperor, the [Yaohuang Bell] never appeared again, so no one knows who the No.40 second-generation Demon Emperor is.Various sects of Taoism have tracked down the 42nd generation of demon emperors for many years without success, and it turns out that it is Bai Ling.

Bai Ling looked at her indifferently, the dark clouds in the sky were as thick as ink, and this weird color made everyone feel terrible in their hearts.The murderous aura around Bai Ling was constantly surging, and the murderous aura was clearly not directed at them, but it also made them feel like they had fallen into a winter ice pool.

Ye Qingqing's upper and lower teeth chattered, and she felt dizzy.Prime Minister Karen's face was pale, he helped Ye Qingqing to let her lean against him.This killing intent made them very uncomfortable.Not only are they uncomfortable, but everyone here is also uncomfortable. The magicians put their energy into setting up barriers on the king and queen to block the murderous aura.

Bai Ling walked towards An Zi step by step, the murderous aura on her body doubled every time she took a step, her demon power was also constantly rising, the strange wind followed her, it seemed that there were countless undead following her.

Bai Ling's left hand is wrapped around the [Demon Emperor Bell], and her right hand is holding the Watermark Sword. She shows a cold smile: "Why, are you surprised that I am the Demon Emperor?"

An Zi supported her body and wanted to stand up, but when she was hit directly by the [Yaohuangling], her sternum was completely broken, her internal organs were severely injured, and even her soul was damaged. She vomited blood continuously when she moved.The spiritual power in her body was rushing, and her whole body was in pain, every cell seemed to be exploding.She looked into Bai Ling's icy eyes, and thought that this time she might die at the hands of this flower demon.

Bai Ling looked at An Zi's blood, showing a beautiful and bloodthirsty smile, and then flashed before her eyes the faces of those compatriots who died at the hands of Taoism, their blood, their dying appearance, their unwillingness, their every day. They all whispered in her ears: kill her, kill her, kill her...

Yit looked at Lancer, and An Zi's current state would definitely not be able to avoid Bai Ling's sword, but Lancer just watched, with no expression on his face.

Ye Qingqing regained her composure from her dizziness, when she saw the water mark sword in Bai Ling's hand slashing at An Zi, she ran over yelling, "Don't—"

But it was too late, An Zi was about to be killed.


The sword screamed, Bai Ling took a step back, and the murderous aura on her body disappeared instantly.Her beautiful face was full of sadness, and she looked sadly at the handsome man who blocked her sword.

With tears in her eyes, Ye Qingqing called out joyfully: "His Royal Highness Cizern." She ran over to hold An Zi's shoulder, seeing her keep vomiting blood, she burst into tears again.

Sizern's long golden hair was blowing in the wind, holding the Silver Moon Sword in his hand, and looking at Bai Ling with puzzled and disbelieving brown eyes.He said, "Bai Ling, what are you doing?"

Bai Ling gave a bleak smile, and she said, "Sizern, don't you know? I've always wanted to kill her."

"But you said that you would try to let go of your grievances with Miss An Zi."

"Sorry, I tried, but I can't do it!" She looked at Sizern and begged, "Sizern, please, get out of the way."

Sizern stared into her eyes, he only saw killing intent, he was disappointed after all.He said, "Bai Ling, I can't let you kill Miss An Zi in front of me."

The ghost of the goblin kept wailing in Bai Ling's ear, killing her, killing her, killing her, avenging us, avenging us...

Seeing Cizern's face getting colder, Bai Ling's heart ached more and more, and she begged again: "Please, get out of the way." She didn't want to confront him with swords.

Looking at this scene, Yi Te felt uncomfortable again. Does she care about him so much?
There was a smile in Lanser's eyes. He glanced at Yit next to him, and continued to watch from the sidelines as if nothing had happened.

Cassenel's dark stallion's eyes glowed coldly, and he really wanted to know if they could fight.

"I can't do it, Ghost, put down your sword." Sizern ordered.

She looked into his strange eyes and shouted, "I told you to get out of the way, can't you hear me?"

Bai Ling probably never imagined that one day she would talk to Sizern like this. Her golden demon eyes met his painful and disappointed eyes. He must be very disappointed, thinking she is a vicious person.She suddenly understood that they were not of the same kind, she was a demon, she was not an elf, she regarded herself as his kind, but no matter how similar their breath was, she would always be a demon, capricious, bloodthirsty and cruel .

From the very beginning, she shouldn't have regarded herself as one of his people.

She has no clan, and her clan has long since died.

She is the last flower demon in the world.

How could a kind and bright elf be a pair with a sinister and vicious goblin?It was her wishful thinking.

Bai Ling clenched the sword in her hand, her monster power was condensed on the sword, and she swung the sword as if tearing her own heart.

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