"Whoosh—" Zema withdrew a hundred meters away.

"Boom boom-"

The entire southwestern part of the temple was reduced to ashes, and the armor of the temple knights was covered with blood and dust.When the dust and smoke cleared, the man in black and Elenasha were gone.

Zema stood where she was, looking angrily at the night sky.Just now, the man in black activated the space magic at the same time as he unfolded the magic circle. He suddenly appeared behind Irina Sha, and then activated the space magic again to take Irina Sha away.




The night was just right, and the soft moonlight shimmered across the lake.A few fireflies stayed on the aquatic plants by the lake.In the deep forest, the moonlight shines in through the trees.The shrubs in the distance and the willows nearby leave either mottled or dense tree shadows.

A ripple in the air rippled like the ripples on the surface of a lake, and a space door appeared.Then a pair of men and women suddenly appeared here.

Elenasha looked around the lake, the boundless night was quiet and peaceful, but I don't know how far it is from the Grant Temple.She was surprised by the space magic of the man in black, but was even more worried about what would happen if Vickers and the others couldn't find her.But with Victor's strength, no matter what happens, he can escape unscathed, but if he can't find her, he will definitely be very worried.

She looked at the man in black, his silver mask glowed with silvery white brilliance under the moonlight.

"Where is this?" Elenasha asked.

The man in black said, "The outskirts of Mu'an City."

A dead willow tree has fallen, its massive trunk forming a natural seat.The man in black sat on a dead tree, quietly looking at the lake.Elena Sha couldn't help but walk over and sit next to him. Neither of them spoke, listening to Night Breeze's ravings quietly.

There was a cold fragrance coming from the people around, and the long hair of the two of them entangled with each other when the wind blew.Elenasha felt her heart beating, beating, beating, like a happy kitten taking light steps.She should have contacted Vickers at this time, but she did nothing.

Elenasha slightly turned her head away, she looked at the silver mask of the man in black, a kitten was scratching in her heart, she wanted to know what kind of face was under the mask.She stretched out her hand unconsciously and took off his mask.Then an extremely handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.

"It's you!" Elenasha exclaimed in surprise, she remembered this face, no one who saw this face would forget it.The man she met once in Misai City, when she was being chased by the people from the Temple of Light, he helped her up.

Lancer smiled and asked, "What? Have we met?"

Elenasha lowered her head, she remembered that she was veiled at that time, and he didn't see her face.If she talked about what happened at that time, maybe he would ask her why she was there and why she was hunted down by the people from the Temple of Light.She didn't think of an excuse, so she immediately denied: "No, no."

Lancer asked jokingly: "But you seemed surprised just now, and you still said 'it's you'."

Elenasha's cheeks became hot, and she said forcefully: "I said no, and I didn't."

She raised her voice, and when she finished speaking, she saw the handsome man in front of her looking at her intently, her heart beat faster, and even regretted that what she just said was like a barbaric woman.She saw him smile, and he said, "Okay! You have the final say."

His handsome smile was reflected in his eyes, and his charming voice was gentler than the gentle night wind.At that moment, Elenasha's mind was emptied of everything except him.

She stared at him blankly, and she didn't know how long it took before she came to her senses.When she regained her senses, that shy feeling seemed to suffocate her.She forced herself to be calm, she had nothing to say, and broke her embarrassment: "You, are you really that Phantom Thief Neyd?"

Lancer said, "I'm the Phantom Thief, but Nyid isn't my real name."

"Then, what's your real name?" Elenasha asked.

Lancer stood up: "I'm Asadir Vanno, a thief." With his right hand on his chest, he bowed to her and gave her another playful wink. "May I know your name, Miss."

The winking eyes flowed through her body like an electric current. Elenasha felt that her whole body was numb and unable to move. It took a long time for her to find her voice, and she said, "Who, who wants to tell you my name." She turned her head away immediately after she finished speaking, pretending not to look at him.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she wanted to tell him her name, but it was not a wise thing to do.Although her name is not well-known in Ravenfell, she is not willing to take the risk.Maybe I should tell him a pseudonym, she thought to herself.

"What a ruthless lady! Anyway, I saved your life."

Elenasha was about to say, I didn't ask you to save me!I heard the other party say: "Sure enough, the more beautiful the girl, the more ruthless she is."

Immediately, her cheeks burned badly again, and she stammered, "You, you praised me for being beautiful, but I, I won't tell you either."

Lancer laughed out loud, and he sat down next to Irina, his body touched her inadvertently, and Irina immediately distanced herself from him as if electrocuted.So they sat with a seat between them. Elenasha heard him laughing and said: "I said 'the more beautiful the girl is, the more ruthless she is', I didn't praise you!"

Elenasha immediately stood up in embarrassment, and she was about to leave angrily. As soon as she took a step, someone grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing!"

Elenasha turned her head angrily, then froze again.He was sitting, holding her wrist with his slender white hand, he looked at her intently, and said, "However, you are indeed beautiful."

His voice entered the eardrum and kept echoing in her mind. Elenasha felt as if she was about to burn.She broke away from his hand, turned her face away, and said in a lisping voice: "No, I don't need you to tell me." She held her wrist as he held her, with a sweet smile on her lips.

She turned her back to him, shyly daring not to look at his handsome face, but she couldn't provoke her to look back at him.He sat on the trunk of a dry willow tree, with a smile on his brow, looking at the sparkling lake without speaking.Elenasha moved lightly and sat next to him, keeping a distance deliberately.

The wind was blowing gently, and Elenasha's heart was churning like a sparkling lake. From time to time, she secretly looked at the man next to her, and she reservedly waited for him to speak first, but the other party seemed to be deliberately accommodating. As if she was against him, he just looked at the lake quietly with a smile.Neither looked at her nor spoke.

Elena Sha was slightly annoyed, how could he do this!Does he want me to speak first?After a while, Lancer still didn't speak, so Elenasha also looked at the lake angrily.

The peaceful and beautiful night just now suddenly became hateful. The person who praised her beauty just now would rather look at the night than look at her.

Annoyed, Elenasha wanted to leave but was reluctant, and finally she couldn't help but said, "You, what are you going to Grant Temple for?"

Lancer said, "I'm a thief, of course I want to steal things."

There was a smile like spring water in the corners of his eyes and brows, Elenasha was fascinated by him.Lancer stretched out his hand, and a necklace appeared in his hand.The mithril chain pendant of the flower crown is set with many krilla diamonds, and a large gemstone hangs in the middle.The oval-shaped purple gemstone is like a cat's eye, but there are more circles of starlight-like brilliance, really like stars falling from the sky set on the necklace.

As the princess of Redis, Irina Sha has had countless gemstone necklaces, but she was still a little surprised. She said, "This is the starry eye."

Lancer said, "Well, it's the No. 15 Xinglan Saintess' magic tool."

Although the Starry Eye is not one of the Twelve Divine Artifacts of the Temple of Light, it is also a treasure second only to the Twelve Divine Artifacts.The Temple of Light has always deliberately concealed the existence of the Twelve Divine Artifacts, so in Ravenfield, the Starry Eye is much more famous than the Twelve Divine Artifacts.The world may not know the Twelve Artifacts, but they have definitely heard of the Starry Eye.

Lancer continued: "I heard that this necklace can purify millions of evil spirits at one time, but it must be practiced to the highest level of holy light." He looked at the starry eyes carefully, and said with a smile: " Legends are legends, and most of the time the legends are exaggerated, but the workmanship is really good as a necklace, so how about giving it to you?"

give me?

Elena Sha looked at his beautiful face, and her face immediately became bloodshot. She looked at his slightly raised eyebrows and the playful smile on his mouth, and felt that he was teasing again, so she said, "Who, who wants yours?" something."

Lancer lowered his head slightly in disappointment, and his smile suddenly disappeared.Elenasha immediately panicked, and she was at a loss.However, before she could think of the next sentence to speak, she saw Lancer throwing the necklace with a "plop", and the Starry Eye was thrown into the lake and sank.

Elenasha stood up, looked at the ripples by the lake, and then asked Lancer loudly, "What are you doing? Why did you throw it away?"

Lancer said: "I just enjoy the process of stealing it, and it's already in my hands. If I give it to you and you don't want it, then it's meaningless. What's the point of keeping something meaningless."

Elenasha looked at him for granted, bit her lip, and held her breath in her heart."I want it again now," she said.

Lancer blinked at her innocently, "But I have already thrown it away."

Elena Sha said: "Then, then you pick it up!"

After speaking, Irina felt that her request seemed a little too much, but Lancer stood up, and he began to take off his clothes.He quickly stripped off his upper body, revealing his toned muscles. Elenasha turned her head in embarrassment, and backed away again and again: "You, what do you want to do?"

Lancer walked slowly to the lake, and said, "Look for the necklace!"

After speaking, he jumped into the water, and the water splashed.




Tiny drops of water rolled down from the man's black hair and flowed through his thin and distinct muscles.Irina Sha watched his dark eyes reflect her face, she stared at him with bewilderment, her heart beating like thunder.Seeing that she didn't reach out to pick up the necklace for a long time, the drenched man laughed jokingly again: "What? Don't you want it again?"

Seeing that he was about to take it back, Irina Sha snatched it, "Who, who said that."

A deep laugh sounded, and Irina Sha, whose cheeks were flushed, watched him walk past her, walked to the dead tree and picked up her clothes.Elenasha held the necklace in her hand and smiled sweetly, but turned her head to find Lancer walking towards the woods with the clothes.She immediately asked loudly, "Where are you going?"

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