The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 231 The Romantic Skeleton

Mei Lishan smiled softly, and then put the hot tea on the table: "This is soothing tea. I see that you are a little restless. Is it because you are too tired? Your Majesty, please don't force yourself, are you The hopes of all of us must not be lost."

Elenasha's heart skipped a beat, she didn't expect her emotions to be so obvious.She smiled at Mei Lishan, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry." She took a sip from the gold-painted bone china teacup and said with a smile, "Mei Lishan, your tea art has improved again."

Hearing her praise, Melissa smiled even more gently, "Thank you for your compliment, Your Majesty."

Elena Sha said: "You go to rest too! Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Melissa bowed and walked out, Elenasha's smile disappeared immediately.She took a deep breath, pressed her fingers between her brows, and then grabbed her long flame-colored hair irritably.She drank the whole cup of calming tea in one breath, but it didn't help her in any way.The clock was still running, and she looked at the moon outside, as if she saw his lonely figure waiting in that small attic.

Has he been waiting a long time?If she didn't go, would he just wait until dawn?
Oh, don't be stupid Elenasha, how could he do such a stupid thing?Do you think he really loves you?He's just a libertine who likes to toy with young girls, and he confessed his love to you without even knowing your name.

All men are like this, he just wants to play with you, once he gets it, you will not be worth mentioning in his eyes.Did you forget it?Did you forget about your sister?Do you want to be like your sister?What's more, he is not even a demon, he is a human, and you are not that carefree princess, how can you be entangled with a human?

Elenasha said to herself, and she glanced at the clock again, it was already nine o'clock.She turned off the light, lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.Time passed, but she couldn't fall asleep anyway, she tossed and turned with her eyes open, and finally sat up angrily.The clock had reached twelve o'clock, and the Dacreu Grand Opera House had already closed at this time.

She stood up and looked at the night sky outside, and she took a look. If he wasn't there, it proved that he didn't like her as much as he said, he just wanted to possess her.If he was really still there, she would make it clear to him that she would not accept his love.That's right, instead of hesitating like this, it's better to make a point.

Elenasha, who made up her mind, opened the closet, changed her clothes, and sneaked out.




It was late at night, and the opera house was quiet. The audience had all left, and the actors, servants, etc. who lived in the opera house had also fallen asleep. This corridor, which was quiet during the day, was now so quiet that Irina could hear herself heartbeat.

She stopped in the middle of the corridor. She looked at the end in front of her. As long as she turned there, she would come to the he there

Elenasha's heart beat faster, she walked forward, and then turned into the attic at the end.

The attic was empty, the windows were wide open, and the cold wind poured in coolly.

Yi Liannasha embraced her body with her hands, he is not there, he is not there, is he really lying to her?
"Liar." She looked at the empty attic and choked up.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms stretched out from behind and hugged her tightly. "Are you scolding me?"

He bowed his head and kissed her hair, playful in his voice.

Before the joy of regaining what was lost had time to experience it, it was washed away by feelings of shame turning into anger. "Let go, you let go."

Elenasha struggled to turn around in his arms, raised her head and met his eyes, he got very close, as long as he got closer, he would kiss her.The concentration in his eyes made her lose her mind for a moment, and his fingers slowly climbed up her cheeks, tracing her outline gently."I thought you weren't coming," he said.

He held her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he let go.Their bodies were tightly pressed together, and they could clearly feel each other's rising and falling chests, and their hearts were beating violently.

He loves me, and Elenasha looked into his eyes, convinced for a moment of his love.

Lancer held her hand, "Come on, I'll take you somewhere."

When Elenasha was led towards the wall by him, she suddenly remembered what she was here for.If he's not here, she forgets about him.If he is, she must also reject his affection.She let the other party lead her away, struggling in her heart, how she should speak, how she should speak unfeeling words to his eyes that were as dark as night.

However, when Lancer walked to the bronze statue of the knight, he squatted down and pressed his hand against the wall behind him somehow. With a "click", a secret passage opened underground.

Lancer held Elenasha with one hand, waved the other hand in the air, and several flaming firebirds spread their wings and flew towards the dark passage, and the firelight immediately illuminated the passage of the secret door.The step-by-step stone ladder goes down, and I don't know where it leads.

Elenasha looked at this scene in surprise. She and Vickers had been wandering here for so many days, but they didn't even know there was a secret door here.

Lancer took her hand and walked towards the secret door. The flame bird illuminated the way ahead. Elenasha heard Lancer say: "Surprised, isn't it! There are many people in this opera house. What a place like this! Going down is an underground labyrinth."

While listening to him, Irina Sha looked at the surrounding stone walls, and she found that the stone walls here were all Usang stones, and occasionally Cloris crystals could be seen as decorations.Both Wu Sangshi and Cloris crystal can isolate the spiritual power. She and Vickers are used to using their spiritual sense to check things, but they didn't think about using their eyes and hands to find the hidden door mechanism. No wonder they didn't find it.

Going down the stairs, after walking for about ten minutes, it becomes wider, with high arches, a place like a hall is displayed, and the flame bird hovers in the air with its wings, illuminating the huge stone pillars here, The discolored paintings on the walls also revealed piles of pale, messy skeletons.

As the princess of the Demon Race, Irina Sha certainly couldn't be afraid of a bunch of skeletons, she was just surprised, "This is..."

"The Daclou Grand Opera was not an opera house at the beginning. It was a prison about 500 years ago, and then it was abandoned. After about 300 years, it was transformed into an opera house. But people only know the building above, Few people know about the underground labyrinth here. Because when the place was being renovated, people often entered the underground labyrinth by mistake and never returned, so the entrance was sealed, and this place was forgotten over time," Lancer said.

Elenasha asked: "Then how do you know?"

Lanser turned his head, the light from the flame bird shone on his handsome face, and his eyes shone brightly.His tall stature.Against the backdrop of his shadow, he is more stalwart and more mysterious.He said: "I'm a big thief! What secret agency can hide it from me." He looked at Elena Sha and said seriously: "My parents often took me here when I was a child, but I don't like it. I listen to opera, so I always sneak out and wander around, and I discovered this underground labyrinth by accident."

"Your parents often brought you here when you were young?" Elena Sha keenly captured the huge information revealed in his words, "Are you from Telamont City?"

Lancer gave her a wink, then bowed and said, "Exactly, this is the second son of Earl Vanno of Tramont City."

"You are a nobleman, and you are a robber?" Elena Sha said, although she said so, she did not doubt his words at all. After all, the aura around him is not like an ordinary person.

"Who made me an unruly person, I can't be an upright knight, so I have to be a thief." Lancer said with a smile.

Irina Sha pinched his hand on her thigh fiercely, and she said through gritted teeth, "You are indeed very unruly."

Lancer laughed and let her go, Elenasha looked at the piles of bones all around, and said: "However, you really taught me a lot, I have never heard of anyone taking a girl to a place full of bones. Dates in the prison of dead men's bones. Are you going to tell me how these dead men die?"

Elenasha has a look on your face that you are so bored.

Lancer shook his head with a smile, and said, "I didn't tell it, they said it themselves."

As soon as Lanser finished speaking, the disjointed skeletons started to move, quickly joined together into a complete skeleton, and stood up tremblingly.In just a few seconds, there were more than a dozen skeletons standing here. They beat the beat and even danced.

"Undead magic, you know how to do undead magic." Elenasha laughed as she watched the dancing skeletons. It was the first time she saw someone using undead magic like this.

"Come gentlemen, tell this beautiful lady your story," Lancer said.

A skeleton came forward and performed a very gentlemanly aristocratic etiquette. He said: "I used to be a thief. I was handsome and romantic until I met a beautiful and cruel lady. She has iron stone With an ordinary heart, no matter what I do, I can't move her heart, and I am so heartbroken that I can't bear the pain of getting what I ask for, so I ended my life here."

The skeleton has no mouth, and the eerie voice comes from nowhere in his body. It's just such a terrifying voice, but it speaks such witty words, which makes people laugh endlessly.The skeleton continued, "Beautiful lady! If you meet a man like me, please don't refuse his love. You can't imagine that your cruelty will take his life."

Elenasha looked at Lancer, she giggled, "Go, go, I don't care!"

Then the skeleton walked away, and another skeleton came forward. He knelt on one knee and said, "I was a brave knight in life. I killed countless enemies. I was invincible on the battlefield. But I also met A beautiful and cruel lady. She always refused to respond to my love, and even cruelly refused to let me know her name. I was so sad, so I ran here and ended my life with my own sword."

Elenasha laughed even louder. Seeing another skeleton coming forward again, she interrupted him and said, "Mr. Skeleton, do you want to tell me that you met a beautiful and cruel lady?"

"You are so clever," said the skeleton.

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