The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 256 The One and Only God

The sky is gray and bright, and the red sun on the sea has not yet risen from the sea level.Bai Ling stood on the deck at the bow of the ship, leaning against the railing, looking down at the dew on her palm.

Sizern came out of the cabin, Bai Ling heard his footsteps, immediately put away the dewdrops, turned around and smiled.Sizern walked to her side, "Bai Ling, you woke up really early!"

Bai Ling said, "Well, I want to come out to watch the sunrise."

"This is indeed a good place to watch the sunrise." Sizern looked at the sky and said, "Today will be a fine weather. We have already reached the Sea of ​​Mirage. If all goes well, we will reach Jaffaro in another seven days." mainland."

"Seven more days!" Bai Ling said.

Sizern said with a smile: "The voyage at sea may be boring sometimes, but there are also many interesting things."

Bai Ling said, "For example?"

"For example, we have reached the Sea of ​​Phantoms now." Sizern said mysteriously.

"Is this an interesting thing?" Bai Ling looked at him suspiciously.

Sizern said: "There is a reason why this sea area is called the Sea of ​​Phantoms. Guess what it is, Bai Ling?"

Bai Ling thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "It's a mirage."

"That's right, there are often mirages in the Sea of ​​Phantoms. Here you may see the scenery of any place in Revenfeld, Digarsh, and Izerellas. Many people specially take boats to this sea area , just to see the mirage here, but the phantom in this sea area is also very easy to disorient the ship." Sizern said.

Bai Ling looked around, the vast sea, and there was no sign of a mirage, she said: "Is it?"

Sizern said with a smile: "You have to be a little patient, I see that the chances of mirages appearing in this weather are very high."

"Okay!" Bai Ling said with a smile.

The sky became brighter and brighter, with clouds all over the place, and soon the sun rose.People came out of the cabin one after another, Karen took Princess Mary out to breathe, Makarov, Hall and others also came out to have a breeze.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Mirage, it's a mirage!"

Bai Ling, who was chatting enthusiastically with Sizern, raised his head, and saw a towering mountain slowly forming on the sea. The mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the peaks and peaks everywhere were extremely beautiful and majestic.

Sizern said with a smile: "This is the Liana Mountains in Rennes. Now is not the most beautiful time for it. It will be beautiful when the wishing flowers in the mountains are in full bloom in September!"

After listening to him, Bai Ling turned to look at the mirage, and found that the phantom was changing.The majestic mountains on the sea turned into a sea of ​​flowers, and in the middle of the sea of ​​colorful flowers, a magnificent river rushed to the distance.The breeze was blowing gently, and the large sea of ​​flowers undulated like the waves on the sea. When everyone looked at the phantom flower sea, they seemed to be able to smell a strong fragrance.

"It's so beautiful!" Someone couldn't help admiring.

Cizern said: "This is the flower field on the outskirts of Lunong City. Lunong City is a famous place for perfume production and a very famous tourist attraction. It is like spring all year round, and the flowers are invincible. It is the goddess of spring Mishania. A favored city, it is said that this is the hometown of Spring God.”

As the ship sails forward, the illusion on the sea is also changing uncontrollably, and beautiful pictures are displayed in front of my eyes, which are too beautiful to behold.Sizern has traveled to various continents for many years, and he can tell almost every picture presented by the mirage.

Bai Ling said in admiration: "You have been to all these places, how amazing!"

Cizern said: "It's just that I have traveled to more places! It's not amazing!"

The mirage ahead was changing again as they spoke.The sky seemed to have been scrubbed, and the blue was almost pure. A majestic palace appeared in front of everyone under the blue sky, causing everyone to exclaim.The solemn and solemn palace rises from the ground and forms an endless mountain range. The tall stone statues are like standing peaks. It is like a natural landscape with significant vertical changes on a high mountain.

Bai Ling looked at the palace in front of her in shock. She no longer knew what words to use to express her inner feelings. She thought that Atre Palace was majestic enough, but the palace in front of her was ten times more!
Compared with the splendor and magnificence of the Atre Palace, the palace in front of you has a sacred and solemn feeling, which makes people feel a sense of worship at the first sight of it!
All the people couldn't help standing up straight, looking at this sacred palace, they were already impressed by the palace they saw!
"This, this is...?" An Zi didn't know when she arrived on the deck, her mouth opened wide.

"What a magnificent palace! Does this really exist? It's like rolling mountains!" An Zi stood four or five meters away from Bai Ling, muttering to herself as she watched the spectacle of the mirage.

"That's Humley Palace!" Sizern said.

Bai Ling looked at him, she had never seen such a solemn expression on Cizern's face.The elf prince looked at the Humle Palace, and slowly put his hands on his chest and solemnly saluted the magnificent palace, "I salute you, His Majesty Emperor Akulom!"

Akulom?Bai Ling stared at him with wide eyes.

The people next to him were shocked when they heard this. Starting from Makarov, all the people bowed solemnly to the imaginary Palace of Humley one after another, "I salute you, the only true God in the world!"

An Zi looked at the crowd blankly, not knowing why they would do such a thing, Bai Ling looked at Sizern and waited for him to speak, trying to explain himself.

Sizern looked ahead and said with a solemn expression: "That is Shumli Palace, that is, the palace of His Majesty the Emperor of the Dishgar Empire - Akulom Eslikanafah, and it is the only one in the world. The Pure Land of God!"

Akulom Eslikanafah, of course Bai Ling still remembers this name, the man who defeated the demon emperor Ishmino more than 100 million years ago, so...

Bai Ling asked, "Is this palace a million years old?"

Sizern nodded, and Bai Ling looked at the Humley Palace with an even more yearning feeling.Sizern said: "It's unbelievable, isn't it? I went there once when I was young, and His Majesty Akulom's teachings are still fresh in my memory..."

"Wait!" Bai Ling interrupted Sizern in shock, "He, he, he..." After talking about him several times, Bai Ling finally said, "He's still alive!"

Sizern covered Bai Ling's mouth in shock, and said solemnly: "Of course His Majesty Akulom is alive, otherwise how could he be called the only true god in the world!"

"Then he's alive..." At least a million years later, Bai Ling stared blankly at the phantom of the Humli Palace as if he had lost his ability to speak for a moment. More than 100 million years!What a strong strength and a strong mind are needed to survive more than 100 million years!Even though the monster race has an eternal lifespan, how many of them can be truly eternal!

"It's incredible!" Bai Ling said.

Cizern said: "Therefore there is only one Akulom Eslikanaf!"

The longer the years, the more tribulations you have experienced, and there are always some tribulations in such a long time that you can't hide even if you want to!There is always something that time will take away from you one by one!Even if the body does not die, the heart will be scarred!Elves will not grow old, but their hearts will be tired. Sizern has seen those elves who have gone through a long period of time choose to sleep forever because of their grief! More than 100 million years, even if it is possible, how many people can resist the sadness brought by the long years!

Bai Ling held onto the railing, she lowered her head and suddenly asked: "It's so, why? He is so powerful, why didn't the demons just disappear?"

Sizern said: "I once asked the same question to my father, and my father replied: because he is a god!" He looked at Bai Ling and smiled wryly, "I didn't understand it at first, but I vaguely understood it later. I sense His Majesty Akrom's thoughts."

Bai Ling said, "Thought? What kind of thought?"

"That's about balance!" Sizern said.

Bai Ling looked at him, and he continued: "Let the Demon Realm, Ravenfell, and Izerellas be in a relatively balanced state. Especially Ravenfield, we have only noticed the demons all the time, But they have forgotten how many species have disappeared in Ravenfeld in the past million years, and it is not the demons that caused these, but the human beings themselves."

After hearing this, Bai Ling smiled coldly: "Plundering of resources? It seems that human beings are the same in any world! Because of the existence of demons, human beings have postponed the plundering of other species. This is Akulom's idea ?"

Cizern shook his head, and said: "This is just my speculation, maybe His Majesty Akulom has more far-reaching thoughts."

"Even so, don't you resent him?" Bai Ling asked.

"How could I have the idea of ​​resenting His Majesty Akulom?"

Bai Ling said: "In the past million years, how many people have been lost by your elves at the hands of the demons, obviously he can prevent these things from happening." Bai Ling said.

Cizern said: "I only met His Majesty Akulom once when I was young, but I can also feel that although we call him a god, he never regards himself as a god, he only recognizes him He is the emperor of the Dishgar Empire, and his duty is to protect his country. We should be grateful if he is willing to help protect places other than Dishgar. If he is unwilling, we have not condemned his position. My Even the royal father is unwilling to meddle in human affairs, so how can we blame His Majesty Akulom. Moreover, it is not that he has not failed to help Ravenfeld and Ezerellas in the past million years."

Bai Ling said: "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, don't worry about the frost on the roof of others. Huh, that's right! He is the longest-lived and strongest person. Just now I had the idea of ​​asking him for help. Just hearing what you said, maybe if I ask him, he may not be willing to help me."

Cizern said: "That's not the case. His Majesty Akulom is definitely not the kind of person you think. Bai Ling, you go to see my father with me first. If even the father can't do anything, I will accompany you Let’s go together to ask His Majesty Akulom. You haven’t even tried it, so how can you make a conclusion first.”

Bai Ling looked at him and was moved. She said, "Okay!"

Bai Ling turned around and looked at the illusion on the sea, where the Humle Palace in the illusion was slowly disappearing.She looked at the majestic palace that was disappearing, and a strong emotion arose in her heart. It seemed to be a kind of call, calling her to step on that unknown land.

She had a faint feeling in her heart that one day she would stand in that magnificent palace and meet the man who was called God by the world.

At this time, Bai Ling still doesn't know that the hand of fate will lead her to God's side, and then push her into the abyss of despair.

However, for her now, the Humley Palace has no meaning.

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