The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 267 The Piano Music of the Night

There was only a slight breeze, and the flowers and trees in the courtyard swayed slightly.After An Zi took a bath, she was really going to sleep when the door of her room was kicked open suddenly.

An Zi, who was startled, saw Bai Ling coming in, and immediately said in a bad tone, "You are sick! Come and kick my door at night."

Bai Ling said: "Immediately, let's leave here immediately and set off for the Overra Mountains."



An Zi said: "Although it did take a lot of time, don't be in a hurry!"

Bai Ling said coldly: "You know, if we stay here one more day, Ye Qingqing will stay one more day in the demon world. Even if she is not abused as a prisoner, you think she is in the hands of a group of bloody and cruel demons,
How will it feel. "

When An Zi thought about it, Ye Qingqing must be terrified, so let's go!She said, "That's fine, let's go as soon as we set off, did you call Sizern?"

Bai Ling said, "There's nothing about Sizern, you and I are the only ones going to the Overra Mountains."

"What?" An Zi asked suspiciously.

"I put Sizern down," said Ghost.

"What?" An Zi almost screamed, "What are you doing?"

Bai Ling said: "Didn't you listen to what Sizern said before? The box is in the hands of Arielnon. He used to be the God of War of the Yalin tribe. His strength may be comparable to Lancer's now, so he is the best among the three of us." There is no chance of winning. Going there is a narrow escape, I don’t want Sizern to go, so I fainted him, do you understand?”

After Bai Ling finished speaking in one breath, An Zi looked at her in surprise, this goblin really had a heart for the elf prince.

"Understood, I understand."

"Then leave immediately!"

Above the night sky, two streaks of light flew past at high speed, like shooting stars.

Both An Zi and Bai Ling are flying with swords.

An Zi said: "It's useless even if you put Cizern down! According to his personality, he will definitely catch up when he wakes up."

Bai Ling said, "So I let him sleep for at least ten days and half a month."

An Zi: "..."

After a while, An Zi said: "Then if he doesn't wake up, Mia and the others are in a hurry."

Bai Ling said: "I have already told Karen, before I come to your room, I will go to Karen's place first, and tell him that the two of us will leave tonight, and Sizern has been drugged by me. He sleeps for ten days and a half months
I'll wake up, don't worry. "

An Zi opened her mouth wide, "Karen, does he have any objections?"

Bai Ling said, "So what if he has an opinion?"

An Zi: "..."

That's right, Karen couldn't stop the dead goblin, and couldn't wake Sizern up, so it was useless to have opinions.

"Hurry up, this matter must be settled before Sizern wakes up." After Bai Ling finished speaking, he accelerated again.

An Zi stepped on the Zixia sword to catch up with Bai Ling, "You said before that the three of us could not defeat Arirnon, but now you have released Cizern, what should we do if it is only the two of us?"

"If you are not capable of fighting, then outsmart you." Bai Ling said.

Two streamers of light flew over the cities and headed eastward.




The painted floor-to-ceiling glass windows are only drawn with a layer of beige gauze curtains.The bright sunlight poured in from the outside, illuminating the interior brightly.The floor is bright, the room is spacious, luxurious and elegant, a black piano is placed by the window, Ye Qingqing is sitting in front of the piano, her fingers are dancing on the black and white keys, and the melodious sound of the piano overflows from her fingertips.

"Clap clap-"

Ye Qingqing was startled by the sound of applause outside the door, and immediately stood up.Like a frightened deer, she opened her watery eyes and looked at the two men who walked in with fear.The maid standing outside the door immediately saluted the two of them, which showed that the two were of high status.

White shirt, black robe, silver hair crown across the forehead, isn't that peerless handsome face Ye Qingqing has seen before?Yet his violet eyes were so foreign, so frightening to her.This was the first time Ye Qingqing saw Lancer here, and it was also the first time she saw Lancer appearing in front of her in the form of a demon.

"Yit, how do you take care of Miss Ye Qingqing on weekdays? She was so frightened when I came in." Lancer said.

Yi Te, who was following behind him, bowed slightly and smiled, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. It must be because the maids under him did not serve well. I must punish them severely."
His Majesty?

Ye Qingqing looked at Lancer in shock, Asadir was the king of the demon clan, what should An Zi do?Seeing Lancer approaching, Ye Qingqing backed away with a bloodless face, trembling all over.

Seeing Ye Qingqing retreat into the corner, Lancer smiled and said, "Is there any need to be so afraid of me? I haven't seen you like this before, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Lancer walked up to her and looked down at her, the tall figure enveloped her, the slender fingers brushed her cheek lightly, Ye Qingqing closed her eyes as if waiting to die, but Lancer just There was a whisper in her ear.

Ye Qingqing opened her eyes, and the big thing she saw was the handsome face that was close at hand. His breath hit her face, and Ye Qingqing's face turned red. No woman can keep her heart calm in front of Lancer. , especially if he wants to seduce you.

Yit stood aside, looked at Ye Qingqing who was blushing, and complained about Lancer's bad taste in his heart, An Zi, Bai Ling, and Ye Qingqing really didn't let go of any of them!The next second, Ye Qingqing made a move that surprised him. She pushed Lancer away abruptly and shrank to a safe place.

Ye Qingqing's heart was pounding non-stop, her cheeks were still red, and she still looked at Lancer with fear in her eyes.

Ah, this little girl has good willpower!He was not fascinated by the king!It's obviously just a little bit better than ordinary people.

Lanser sighed. Standing on the piano stand, he seemed to cast a helpless glance at Ye Qingqing who regarded him as a scourge.Lancer's slender fingers touched the keys, he played a few notes casually, and asked, "The piece you played just now is a piece from your hometown, right? What's its name?"

Ye Qingqing looked at him timidly, he was standing beside the black piano stand, he was tall and slender, with a smile on his lips, this smile made his already unparalleled handsome face even more exciting No matter whether he is the devil or not, he is indeed the most noble and charming opposite sex she has ever seen.

Ye Qingqing's heart couldn't help beating wildly again, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or because he was too handsome.She turned her face away from looking at him, and said in a low voice, ""Piano Music of the Night"."

It didn't know when Yite quietly left the room. Lancer sat in front of the piano stand and started to play. When the familiar song sounded, Ye Qingqing opened his eyes wide and looked at him in shock. He was actually playing " Night's Piano Music, can you play it by yourself just after listening to her play it?
The melodious tune floats with the gentle wind, it melts into the air, into the wind, into the fragrance of flowers.Ye Qingqing's mood drifted along with the music, it's unbelievable, just after hearing her play it once, she can play it by herself, and she can play it better than her.
Lancer played a section and stopped.He just listened to that part, so he could only play that part.He stood up, moved out of his seat, and motioned for Ye Qingqing to continue with a smile.

Ye Qingqing looked at his handsome face, which was exquisite without a trace of blemish.Only Bai Ling could match such an appearance.Ye Qingqing walked over with anxiety and sat down.She pressed her fingers on the keys and played "Piano of the Night". At first, she was uneasy, but was gradually infected by the sad tune of the music she played. Gradually, she forgot Lancer, forgot Where are you.

Ye Qingqing thought of her father, mother, brother, classmates and friends, and Xie Ning.The sun outside the window was so bright that she thought of many Friday afternoons when she played this piece in the school piano room.

Suddenly Ye Qingqing raised her head, she was surprised to find that the surroundings had completely changed, isn't this the piano room in the school?The windows opened to the outside face the rows of bauhinia trees on the school road. Through the bauhinia trees, the corner of the basketball court in the distance is seen through the barbed wire fences.

Ye Qingqing stood up and looked around the wall. The heads of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and others were pasted on the wall. There were certificates and trophies placed in the cabinet, and the lilies on the table looked like they had just been placed there.

Ye Qingqing looked at herself, when did she take off the blue long skirt and put on the knee-length cotton skirt she used to wear, when did the high heels on her feet change into white canvas shoes.

"Did you do this?"

She looked at Lancer, Lancer was still standing next to the piano, in a suit and leather shoes, with short hair cut, and in modern attire, he was still unbelievably charming.

Lancer looked around and smiled, "No, you did this."
Ye Qingqing stood up, her feet stepped on the floor, the feeling was so real.She went to the cupboard and looked at the trophies and awards, the smell of mahogany, the smell of lilies on the table, how could it be so real?

"Your longing has turned into this illusion, it's an amazing 'nian', Miss Ye Qingqing." Lanser praised.

Ye Qingqing acted as if she didn't hear what he said, she opened the door and went out, there were familiar teaching buildings standing in front of her eyes, the leaves of the bauhinia tree were rustling by the wind, and there were cars and cars placed in the bicycle shed. Bicycle, saw a familiar figure on the basketball court through the green barbed wire.

Ye Qingqing ran over, and Lancer followed her unhurriedly.

Ye Qingqing crossed the school road and walked to the basketball court.A boy in a white jersey turned his back to him, holding a basketball in his hand, he dunked smartly, and then landed firmly.

The basketball fell from the basket, bounced off Ye Qingqing's footsteps and slipped away.Ye Qingqing looked at the boy's back with tears in her eyes, she choked up and said, "Xie Ning."

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