The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 290 Common sense is still necessary

Reynoldt looked at Aaron too, shocked, "Ah, Aaron..." He didn't know what to say anymore.


Aaron threw the broken sword in his hand to the ground, and then he looked at the broken sword in his hand without looking at Gordon, who turned around and walked past Reynoldt towards the stairs, and then walked step by step Come up to the second floor.

Reynoldt, Larsen, Noah, Lilia, and Luna all followed. Aaron walked back to his previous seat, and Reynoldt took his seat one after another.The people on the second floor looked at Aaron as if they were monsters, and they were all surprised and speechless.

After a while, the people who had recovered from their senses began to discuss.

"That guy is also wearing the uniform of a reserve knight. What district is he from?"

"Looks like that kid Dong Wu?"

"The smallest reserve knight in the legend?"

"Hmm, it can't be wrong."

"No wonder, he can break even the Tanga Gray force with his bare hands, how strong his hand is! How terrifying the physical strength must be."

"What's his name?"

"It's the same name as the hero who defeated Astani that was rumored before, also called Aaron."

Everyone was discussing, talking, and looked at Aaron over here.They lowered their voices, and then they couldn't escape Aaron's ears, but Aaron didn't bother to pay attention.

"Thank you very much, Luna, Renault and Aaron." Lilia stood up and bowed deeply.

Luna immediately pulled her to sit down, "Why are you polite, are you still in the same class and can watch you being bullied?"

Reynoldt said: "That's a good sentence, but why did that guy bother you?"

Lilia lowered her head, she bit her lip, as if she had something hard to say.

Seeing this, Reynoldt immediately said: "I'm sorry, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. If he still troubles you in the future, just tell us."

Larsen said: "I don't think that kid is pleasing to the eye. Next time he bullies you, I just have a reason to punish him."

With tears in her eyes, Lilia said emotionally, "Thank you, thank you."

Lilia was being touched when the waiter suddenly brought up two big plates of blood jade shrimps. Larsen's eyes lit up immediately when he saw it, and he grabbed one. Reynoldt asked suspiciously, "We don't seem to have ordered this?"

The waiter smiled and said, "The gentleman at table NO.15 asked me to deliver it."

Everyone followed the waiter's line of sight, and saw a silver-haired boy waving at them with a smile.Then the silver-haired boy stood up and walked towards them.

Noah whispered: "I know him, Aegwen Harnidas of the Southern Seventh, the current head of the Seventh Regiment is his uncle, it is said that since he came to this city of Fular, he has helped his uncle buy many people, Aaron and Reynoldt probably have his eye on the two of you."

While Noah was speaking, Aegwynn had already come here.

"Hi everyone! Do you mind if I sit here?"

Aegwynn took the vacant seat next to Renault.

Reynoldt said: "I said I mind, are you going to leave?"

When Aegwen heard it, he laughed loudly, "You are really humorous, oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Aegwen Harnidas from Nanqi. You may or may not know me, but it doesn't matter. I know everyone," he said to Reynoldt after he finished speaking, "You are Reynoldt of the Kamarus family," and then he said to Noah, "Noah of the Sorn family," and then to Larson , Lilia, and Luna said, "Lasenrom of the Iron Castle, Lilia of the Adrienne family, and Luna of the Regalia family."

Finally, Aegwynn turned to Aaron, "And this one, Aaron, the smallest reserve knight ever in the Temple of Light."

Aaron glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

Aegwynn didn't mind his indifferent attitude at all. He smiled and looked at Aaron unceremoniously, and said, "Aaron, you are so amazing! You can break the sword just made by Tangagrey with your hands. , How do you practice? You look so weak, but you have such strength, it would be a waste not to go to the seventh regiment if you are so tough."

Luna said: "Hey, you bastard, you're going to do a facelift as soon as you come here! Don't be ashamed!"

Aegwynn was thick-skinned. He said, "Is there a shortage of talents these days? A genius like Aaron can't be let go. Brother Aaron, where do you plan to go after graduation?"

Aaron: "Whatever!"

Aegwynn immediately gave a thumbs up and said: "It really is a genius, eclectic, then come to our seventh regiment! My uncle is the leader of the seventh regiment..."

Reynoldt interrupted him, "You really are not shy at all."

Aegwynn: "What are the taboos! It's a fact that Abraharnidas is my uncle. Even if I don't say it now, everyone will know it in the future, and it's not a shameful thing. I didn't go through the back door, no It’s necessary to cover up. Reynoldt, your fighting style is also very suitable for our [-]th regiment. Otherwise, you and Aaron will come to the [-]th regiment. My uncle is easy to talk, and his subordinates are like his own sons Yes, and our Seventh Regiment has the fewest rules and the most freedom in doing things.”

"Ha ha."

An abrupt laugh broke in suddenly, and when everyone looked back, they saw a young man with dark blue short hair leading a few people over here.

"Jason Shata from Beiyi, his uncle is the leader of the third regiment." The well-informed Noah said with a smile to Aaron next to him.

Jason Shata and Aegwen Harnidas, one of them is the nephew of the leader of the third regiment of the Knights of Light, and the other is the nephew of the leader of the seventh regiment of the Knights of Light, so they have been comparing each other since they were young. Both of them have very good talents, so they have been competing since they were young, and they can be said to be enemies.

Aegwynn helped his uncle recruit talents, and Jason was naturally not idle. From the first day they came here, they had already targeted the top talents in various regions, ready to grab people at any time.

"Calling chaos and disorder as freedom, Aegwynn, you are really capable of deceiving people. Brother Aaron, don't be fooled by him! How can a talented person like you go to the kind of well-developed limbs and mind? A simple concentration camp for reckless people. If you want to come, you should come to our third regiment. I am very familiar with my coach Zach Reid, and he is full of praise for your archery skills." Jason said.

Aaron looked at him and said nothing.Aegwynn has already jumped out, pointed at Jason and cursed: "Why are you bastard everywhere! Aaron, don't listen to his nonsense, this kid is full of bad water, and their third group is the same as him , you must not give him a trap."

"Why am I talking nonsense, I'm telling the truth." Jason said.

"Do you want to fight?"

"If you fight, you will fight, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

As Jason and Aegwynn were talking, they actually got into a fight.

Aaron watched them wrestle together, stood up and left expressionlessly, and Reynoldt and others followed suit.Over there, Jason and Aegwynn were fighting vigorously. They probably pinched so hard that they even forgot what they were doing here. They were really enemies.

Reynoldt settled the bill, and then everyone parted at the door of the restaurant.Luna and Lilia left together, and Aaron said he wanted to go to the library.

Reynoldt said: "Go to the library again! I said you might as well be a priest." Aaron's habit of running to the library whenever he was free made Reynoldt wonder if he came to the wrong place.

Noah smiled and said, "Don't you still care about the previous exam?"

Larsen laughed loudly when he heard it, "Don't worry, don't worry, no one will care about the written test, we are reserve knights, the most important thing is the actual combat ability."

Aaron said lightly: "It has nothing to do with that, you go back first."

So Reynoldt left with Larson and Noah, and Aaron headed for the library alone.

It’s not without reason that Aaron spends all his spare time in the library. He grew up in the Western Yuan Continent, and the 36th Western Yuan had very little contact with other continents. Except for the upper-class nobles, the common people have a very good understanding of the outside world. less.The vast majority of common people's understanding of the Western Yuan Continent actually stayed ten thousand years ago, and so did Aaron.

When Noah said the exam, he meant a written exam.The results of the theoretical written test have little effect on the preparatory knights. Its role is mainly to let the instructors understand the cultural literacy of their students.The difficulty of the exam is not too high, many of them are general knowledge questions that give points, and they are extremely simple.Then there was only one person in the class who failed, and that was Aaron.

Even Larsen, who seems to have only grown muscles in his brain, passed the pass, but Aaron, a genius among geniuses, failed to pass, which really shocked people!
If it was other students, Katerina would probably go crazy, but she couldn't get angry with Aaron.After all, Aaron's talent in actual combat can perfectly cover up this flaw, but she looked at the test paper with only 14 points.Even so, it's too outrageous that this child doesn't have common sense to this extent.

She said earnestly: "Aaron! Although theory courses are not included in the assessment, common sense is still required."

Since that time, Aaron has been digging into the pile of books whenever he has time.

He really knows too little about this world, whether it is about the Temple of Light or the Demon Race.

Aaron crossed the rows of bookshelves with ease, and arrived at the side of history. Books were neatly arranged, and a lot of dust had accumulated on them.Aaron picked up a book, dusted it off, and jumped onto the side window.He sat on the window sill, propped up one leg, leaned his back against the wall, put the book on his knees and read it carefully.




【Magic Atre Palace】

Lancer had been standing on the balcony of the palace for a long time. Eremir came in from the outside. When he saw Lancer standing on the balcony, he was stopped when he was about to speak out.

Delin half-kneeled in front of him, made a hissing gesture, and then pulled Eremir out.

Delin pulled Eremir through the corridor and stopped until he reached the corner of the courtyard where many wisteria flowers were blooming.Arimir said dissatisfiedly: "Derlin, what are you doing? Why did you pull me out!"

Delin said: "His Royal Highness Eremir, the king wants to be quiet now, and it is not appropriate for you to disturb him now."

Arimir said puzzledly: "Quiet? What's wrong with brother?"

Delin said: "Your Highness, your uncle Arielnon is dead."

Eremir immediately said: "Arielnon? That traitor, wouldn't it be better to die?"

Eremir has never met Arirnon, although he knows this person and knows that this person is his uncle, but to him, this person is just the traitor who killed Hercules and his father.

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