Seeing Ye Qingqing thrust her sword into the ground, panting heavily, An Zi said, "I'm out of breath again! No, no, come again!"

Ye Qingqing begged for mercy: "An, An Zi, let, let me have a rest!"

An Zi said: "No, let's see what happens!"

An Zi grabbed the air with her hand, and the Zixia Sword appeared in her hand.With a flash of sword light, Zixia sword stabbed towards Ye Qingqing.Reflexively, Ye Qingqing pulled out the Qingming sword to block it.


With a sound, Ye Qingqing took five steps back holding the Qingming Sword.

An Zi smiled and said, "Isn't this still powerful! Look at the moves, look at the moves!"

An Zi unceremoniously attacked seven moves in a row, forcing Ye Qingqing to parry.Ye Qingqing screamed, "An Zi, you're driving a duck up a tree."

While beating, An Zi said, "Yeah, I just want to train you, an ugly duckling, to become a white swan, so you can be content!"

"Help, help! Bai Ling, help me—"

Ye Qingqing was chased by An Zi with a sword and ran around.

On the balcony, Sizern smiled as he watched the two chasing them below.


Bai Ling's voice sounded from behind him, and Sizern saw Bai Ling standing behind him as soon as he turned his head.

"Ghost," he said.

Bai Ling ran over and hugged him. She buried her head in his arms and said happily: "Great, great, you finally woke up."

Sizern stroked her hair and said, "Sorry for worrying you."

Bai Ling got up from his arms, and she said, "How do you feel? Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Cizern said: "It's okay, I feel fine." He looked down at An Zi and Ye Qingqing, and asked with a smile, "Miss Ye Qingqing, is this...?"

Bai Ling said: "She, she is practicing with me and An Zi, she asked for it."

Cizern said: "Her aura is very different from before. It's good to see that she's fine." Before, he was worried about what kind of psychological shadow Ye Qingqing would leave in the hands of the demons. The smile was the same as before, and Cizern was also happy for her.

Sizern asked, "Bai Ling, how long have I been asleep?"

Bai Ling said: "It's been two full months." Bai Ling recalled what he did in the Overla Mountains, took his hand in displeasure and said, "You are so messed up."

It's okay if Bai Ling didn't mention it. As soon as she said it, Cizerne said: "Bai Ling, you still have the nerve to talk about me. You put me down and went to Arielnon alone with Miss Anzi. I haven't talked to you yet. Settle the bill!"

Bai Lingjiong: "You, do you still remember?"

Cizern said: "I had already forgotten it, but I remembered it as soon as you mentioned it."

Bai Ling: "..."

Cizern said: "So, who is going to mess up first?"

Seeing his serious expression, Bai Ling immediately gave up. She hugged his arm coquettishly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Forgive me! Forgive me!"

The matter has passed, and Sizern's anger has actually disappeared long ago.Bai Ling peeked at his face, and saw that he was trying to keep his face flat, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, she immediately knew that he was feigning anger.

"You scare me, I hate it." Bai Ling said angrily.

The sound of footsteps sounded, "Help! Help!"

An Zi chased Ye Qingqing and ran upstairs, the two of them were surprised and then joyfully called out his name when they saw Sisern woke up: "His Royal Highness!"

Both Ye Qingqing and An Zi put away their swords, Ye Qingqing said: "His Royal Highness, you have finally woken up, we are all worried to death."

Sizern said, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Ye Qingqing blushed and said: "No, no, it's all because of me. If I were stronger, everyone wouldn't have to take risks for me."

Sizern looked at her, and suddenly understood why she asked An Zi and Bai Ling to train her, and Sizern was about to speak to comfort her.However, An Zi, who was next to Ye Qingqing, slammed her on the head, "Knowing that I am weak, you still don't take me seriously, you are as courageous as a mimosa, come down, come down."

Ye Qingqing was dragged downstairs by An Zi to continue her training.

Bai Ling looked at Sizern and said, "There is a small forest behind this manor, do you want to go for a walk?"

Cizern nodded.

The two of them walked out through the back door, and Bai Ling and Sizern talked about what happened in the dead world. She concealed that Lancer had threatened her with Aaron to kill Arielnon, and everything else Tell the truth, and then talk about [Li Shangyu] with Cizern.

In the hall, Ye Qingqing, An Zi, Bai Ling and Cizern sat beside a long table, Bai Ling put [Li Shangyu] on the table, Bai Ling said: "This is the magic weapon of our demon clan , the three of us were brought here by it before, and now its energy is full, so I plan to join forces with Anzi to see if we can open the time-space gate to the earth."

"I would also be happy if you could go back to your hometowns," Sizern said.

Bai Ling immediately said: "That's not my hometown. It wasn't there a long time ago. If I could go back, I would come back here and bring all my people with me."

Sizern put his hand on the back of Bai Ling's hand that was pressing the [Li Shangyu], "Bai Ling, I will help you, no matter what, I will always help you. If your people can also come to this world, I will work with the entire elves to help you rebuild a new home."

Bai Ling looked at him, "Thank you, Cizern."

The few of them walked out of the hall, An Zi and Bai Ling each grabbed one side of [Li Shangyu], and then poured their own spiritual power or demon power into it, [Li Shangyu] emitted a strong light, Ye Qingqing stood Beside them was both excited and nervous.

The light became more and more dazzling, the surrounding air was flowing rapidly, the wind was blowing so hard that Ye Qingqing couldn't open her eyes, and An Zi and Bai Ling beside her seemed to be drowned by the light.Cizern stood ten steps away from them, squinting slightly.

However, the light slowly disappeared again, and the space door did not open.

An Zi and Bai Ling looked at each other in surprise, and then they and Ye Qingqing both showed expressions of extreme disappointment.

As night fell, An Zi looked melancholy at the bright moon outside the window in her room, while Ye Qingqing lay on the bed thinking of her parents, brother, friends and teachers at school, tears wet the pillow.

Bai Ling sat on the roof, holding a string of crystal clear bells in her hand, letting the night wind blow her.Sizern stood in the corridor and looked at her, her back was lonely and thin in the moonlight.He tiptoed, flew up to the roof, and sat beside Bai Ling.

Bai Ling looked at him, forced a smile, and said before he could speak, "I'm fine."

Sizern showed an expression of obvious disbelief, and Bai Ling said: "Well, I'm a little disappointed." She looked at Mingyue and said quietly, "Our monster race feeds on the aura between heaven and earth, but the aura on the earth is getting more and more The less, as the aura decays, some people have to feed on humans, so the hatred between us and humans is getting deeper and deeper."

Bai Ling looked at the forests, mountains and towns in the night, and her golden demon eyes could see the dense spirits floating everywhere in the world, she said: "It would be great if the earth was like this. "

When the wind blew, she took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy poured into her body, she said: "Sizern, do you know? When I came here, I almost starved to death. I really hate the earth, I like it here, but When I think that all my people are still dying and I am the only one who escaped from that ghost place, I feel guilty."

Sizern looked at her, "Bai Ling, you have worked very hard. Believe me, there is always a way. Even if your and Miss An Zi's methods are useless, try our elves' method."

Bai Ling looked at him, and Cizern smiled apologetically, "I don't know, but my father may know. So Bai Ling, you, Miss An Zi and Miss Ye Qingqing, come back to Yize with me Rylas! We agreed."

Looking at his smiling face, Bai Ling said, "Okay."

However, on the second day, envoys from the Principality of Ryan found this place.

"His Royal Highness Cizern, I finally found you. The Grand Duke is seriously ill and has passed away. Even his wife is bedridden and unable to move. Your Highness, please save your wife! She is dying soon."

Princess Mia's dowry maid came to the manor under the protection of her followers. She knelt in front of Sizern and wept.


After hearing this, Sizern's expression suddenly changed. Bai Ling was standing beside him, and his expression was not very good-looking.

On that day, Cizern, Bai Ling, An Zi and Ye Qingqing immediately rushed back to the Principality of Rui'an.




【Ruian Principality】

Sizern and his party hurried back to the Grand Duke's mansion. As soon as the stewards of the Grand Duke's mansion saw Sizern, they immediately greeted him and took him to Princess Mia's residence.Just after Grand Duke Manfilo passed away, the Grand Duchess became seriously ill, and the entire mansion was shrouded in a haze.

Princess Mary is by Princess Mia's side day and night. Mary has lost too many relatives, and she can't stand her only sister leaving her.She hadn't closed her eyes for several days and nights, but no matter how Karen persuaded her, she refused to leave Princess Mia's side.


Sizern walked in, and when Mary saw him, she ran up crying and grabbed his hand, "His Royal Highness, save my sister, she is going to die."

Karen pulled Mary away, "Princess, don't get excited, let His Highness Sizern see His Highness Mia first."

Mia was lying on the bed, haggard and breathless, perhaps hearing Cizern's name, she called him in a daze, "Teacher, are you here?"

Sizern sat beside her bed and held her hand. He looked at her weak appearance and had already forgotten the people around him. He said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I came back late."

Princess Mia opened her eyes, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She looked at his handsome face and said, "It's not too late. I'm so happy to see you before I die."

Sizern held her hand, put it on his cheek and let her caress him, he said, "No, don't say such things, I will definitely cure you, trust me, Mia."

Bai Ling, An Zi and Ye Qingqing came in after Sizern.The three of them were also very surprised when they saw Mia's appearance. That gentle and beautiful woman was lying on the hospital bed at the moment, her fair skin was ashen, her cherry-colored lips were pale, and her long golden hair had lost its due. luster.Like a withered flower, she is coming to an end.

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