The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 306 Phinos VS Bai Ling

Finos: "This..."

No one expected Bai Ling to come back suddenly, and Phenos said, "I don't fight with ladies."

Bai Ling said, "I don't care."

Once it was Bai Ling's decision, she would definitely take action, so An Zi was not surprised at all when Bai Ling attacked Phenos with his palm.Everyone exclaimed, they didn't expect Bai Ling to do it when he said so.

Finos raised his hand to block Bai Ling's palm, and the two fought in the open space, and within a few seconds, they passed seven moves.The palm wind knocked down the petals on the tree and rolled up the residual red on the ground, Ye Qingqing watched with great interest, although she had seen An Zi, Bai Ling, Cizern and others fight before, but at that time she was very familiar with these Idiot, just looking at the excitement, now at least it can be regarded as an introduction, and the experience and so on are naturally different.

Watching Finos and Bai Ling butt palms, flowers and rain scattered all over the sky, Finos remained motionless, but Bai Ling took three steps back.Bai Ling's ink-like long hair fluttered in the wind, and her snow-white dress fluttered in the wind. In the rain of flowers all over the sky, a red light flashed across her body, and the snow-white gauze was dyed red.

Bai Ling's figure spun to stabilize her body, the clothes on her body had changed into [red damask battle clothes], and the water mark sword also appeared in her hand.

Flying red, under a flowering tree, a beautiful girl dressed in red holds a sword made of ice, and the brilliant sunlight shines on her body. Her white jade-like skin and blood-like coquettish dress form a harmonious combination. A beautiful picture.

"What a nice view!"

The elves all admired.

Phenos looked at Bai Ling, his eyes were burned by the coquettish and beautiful picture in front of him.

With a wave of the sword in Bai Ling's hand, he drew a sword flower in his right hand and then stabbed Finos with the sword.

Finos was stunned for a moment, and when the blade was only one centimeter away from him, he flashed and retreated five steps away.His long silver hair flew away, and his posture was elegant and sharp, and everyone present couldn't help but secretly praised him in their hearts.

Bai Ling stepped forward on the phantom, swiping his sword in pursuit, but Finos just dodged, and their figures were up and down, left and right, constantly changing.Bai Ling's sword is faster than one sword, but Finos is still able to dodge with ease.An Zi recalled Cizern's movement, and she felt that Finos's movement was similar to Cizern's, but even better.

"Fight back!" Bai Ling pointed at Finos with his sword, and said two words coldly.

This is really embarrassing for Fenos, he really doesn't want to fight Bai Ling.Even if it wasn't Bai Ling, he wouldn't like to fight with women if it was another woman.Finos looked at Bai Ling's angry appearance, and didn't know how he had offended her.I have only met twice since yesterday, it seems that they haven't spoken a few words!Why was he hated?
Phenos sighed, and a white long sword appeared in his hand while waving, "I've offended you."

Bai Ling smiled, and in the next second, he shot Sirius straight for Phenos' throat. "Dang——" there was a sound, and Finos raised his hand to block the blow.The two of them leaped into the air and landed on the flower tree, and then "Dangdangdangdang——" the sound of sword blades colliding continued, and petals fell down one by one, fluttering in the wind again.

Bai Ling and Finos tacitly just competed in swordsmanship, their movements became faster and faster, but after a while, Ye Qingqing's eyes couldn't keep up.Ye Qingqing recalled that when Bai Ling and Sizern were fighting swords in Lanfeng City, it was the same. She couldn't see her when she hit her. Sure enough, her current strength is still too weak.

An Zi seemed to be aware of this, she said: "Luck the dantian with Qi, and then try to condense the spiritual power into the eyes."

Ye Qingqing nodded, and tried it according to An Zi's words. Afterimages flashed slowly in her pupils. Although she couldn't fully capture the traces of Phenos and Bai Ling, she couldn't see everything anyway.

But Ye Qingqing looked at it for a while, but couldn't see who was stronger.So he asked: "An Zi, An Zi, Bai Ling or that silver-haired elf, who has the upper hand?"

An Zi said: "That silver-haired elf's swordsmanship is superior to Sizern's, so what do you think?"

Ye Qingqing looked at An Zi in surprise, "It's even stronger than Cizern!"

Among Bai Ling, An Zi, and Sizern, Sizern is the strongest, Ye Qingqing knows this.Even after the great battle in the Ansebunal Mountains, this did not change.

On the tall pavilion in the distance, the Elf King was standing on the balcony, looking at it.Aisia wore a long white dress through the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked to the terrace. Her long blond hair hung behind her, and she wore a hair crown inlaid with white gemstones. A ray of light.

Aisia lifted the hem of her skirt and saluted the Elf King, "Father."

This one is the eldest daughter of the Elf King, Sisern's compatriot sister, and the beautiful Princess Dawn of the Elf Clan.

Aisia stood beside the Elf King, she followed the Elf King's line of sight, and said with a smile, "Is that one Bai Ling? She is so beautiful."

The Elf King didn't respond, and Aisia seemed to be talking to herself, "Master Finos, I seem to like her."

The elf king said: "What about you?"

Aisia smiled and said: "I like her too, I think all the elves will like her! Don't you? Father."

The Elf King was silent, and Aisia said: "Although I think your attitude towards her seems very unusual."

The elf king said: "How can you tell that I haven't even said a word to her."

"Although I don't have the predictive ability like your father, my intuition has always been very accurate. She is special, isn't she?" Aisha asked.

The Elf King only said: "All people are special, Isia."

After the Elf King finished speaking, he turned and walked inside. Aisia watched the figures of Bai Ling and Finos shuttle among the flowers and trees, and the elves suddenly exclaimed.

Standing under the tree, Ye Qingqing looked at their beautiful faces for no reason, their eyesight was born hundreds of times better than that of ordinary humans.Thinking of this, Ye Qingqing felt a little jealous.Compared with the starting line, the elves can beat humans by dozens of streets.But thinking of this, he felt that he was not too unwilling to lose to Erwin.

Phenos and Bai Ling separated, and Phenos stood under the fiery red flower tree, with fluttering silver hair, a smile on his handsome face.

Bai Ling stood opposite him, with a delicate flower in her black hair.Bai Ling raised her hand, reached into her hair, and took down the delicate flower. She looked at the flower with yellow pistil and red calyx, then at Phenos, and put away the water mark sword."I admit defeat," she said.

The elves suddenly applauded. It was a matter of course in their eyes that Phinos won, but Bai Ling's swordsmanship also shocked them. They never thought that someone's sword could be extremely beautiful.

Bai Ling turned to leave, An Zi looked at her back and asked, "Does this dead flower demon have any enmity with that silver-haired elf?"

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "I think Bai Ling likes him a little bit."

An Zi looked at her suspiciously, Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "At least I definitely don't hate him."

"Where did you get your confidence?"

Ye Qingqing smiled mischievously: "She didn't throw that flower."

An Zi thought about it carefully and thought it made sense. At this moment, Finos and Erwin walked towards the two of them, and the other elves dispersed one after another.

Seeing Finos approaching with a smile, An Zi and Ye Qingqing immediately straightened their backs, they felt a little guilty just now talking about others behind their backs.The ears of the elves are excellent, and the distance between them is not far away, but anyway, they just spoke Chinese, so they are not afraid of being overheard.

At this time, An Zi and Ye Qingqing fully realized the benefits of being proficient in a foreign language.

Finos brought Erwin over, he smiled at Ye Qingqing and said, "This little guy has something to tell you."

Ye Qingqing looked at Erwin with watery eyes, and the blond elf said awkwardly: "Well, just, I'm sorry just now, I shouldn't have laughed at you."

Ye Qingqing looked at his awkward and cute appearance, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

Erwin stretched out his hand towards Ye Qingqing, and Ye Qingqing immediately stretched out his hand too.The elf's hand was soft and warm, Ye Qingqing really wanted to squeeze it, but of course she could only think about it, she quickly let go of Erwin's hand.

Erwin said: "My name is Erwin," and then he took Finos' hand and said, "This is Finos, my swordsmanship teacher."

Finos bowed slightly and gave a greeting. "Good day, ladies."

Ye Qingqing and An Zi hurriedly replied, "Hello."

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "My name is Ye Qingqing," and then she introduced, "This is An Zi, An Zi is my teacher, and that Bai Ling just now is also my teacher."

Erwin was surprised: "You actually have two teachers! How pitiful!"

Ye Qingqing immediately had a feeling that she hated seeing each other later, and finally met her confidant.

Erwin was tapped lightly by Finos, "Your Highness Erwin, what do you mean?"

Erwin said: "Literally."

Finos said: "It seems that I have to check carefully. How is your homework during my absence? I'm sorry for the two ladies. I will take him away first."

Speaking of Phinos pulling Erwin away from here, Erwin shouted: "Help, help, help! Ye Qingqing, An Zi, help me—"

Ye Qingqing is embarrassing!

An Zijiong!
At this time, An Zi and Ye Qingqing still didn't know that this blond elf was Sizern's little cousin and the nephew of the Elf King, and that silver-haired elf Phinos was the number one swordsman of the elves .

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Ye Qingqing and An Zi chatted by themselves.An Zi asked, "Why did you fight that elf?"

Ye Qingqing put the Qingming sword back into the interspatial ring, and she said: "Erwin! It was he who provoked me first. It was Bai Ling's turn to teach me today, but looking at her like that, she probably wouldn't think of me." something happened, so I came out to practice swords by myself, and then I met Erwin."

An Zi said: "I can't see that you are quite hardworking."

Ye Qingqing said: "Of course, but I was exhausted from the fight with Erwin just now, I'm sweating all over, I want to go back and take a shower and change my clothes."

The two of them talked and walked towards the veranda, and then walked back across the flower path.An Zi who was walking in front suddenly turned back, and dragged Ye Qingqing to the side, An Zi said: "Let's change the road!"

Ye Qingqing didn't understand, so, "Why?"

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