The spring sun shines through the woods and sprinkles the ground with spring glory.Next to the gurgling stream are piles of snow-white roses, the petals of which are dazzlingly white in the sun, and from a distance look like unmelted snow piled on the green branches and leaves in early spring.

The sun is getting colder and the twilight is coming quietly, but these roses are more and more dazzling. In the twilight, they emit white light. The light is like the cold moonlight, which really deserves its name Lengyue Rose.

A man in a silver robe walked through the woods, followed by a small figure.They are one after the other, elegant and calm.

The light of the cold moon rose illuminates their faces, with black hair, pointed ears, purple pupils, and a beautiful figure. If a human sees them, they must think they have entered a fairyland and saw them walking in the jungle. The elves in the sky, or the gods who have seen the gods come.Who would have thought that this place full of beautiful flowers is a terrifying endless abyss, and those two beautiful figures are the bloodthirsty and cruel abyss sword demons that people say.

A black figure jumped down from the forest, knelt on one knee in front of the silver-robed man, raised both hands, and respectfully presented a letter.As soon as the silver-robed man took the letter and waved his hand, the man disappeared immediately.

Lancer opened the letter and quickly browsed through it. Eremir asked curiously, "Who sent the letter?"

The King of the Abyss looked down at him, and jokingly said, "Don't worry, it's not a letter from Delin to sue you."

Eremir rolled his eyes, and then asked again: "Then you still haven't answered." He tried to look at it with his feet, but he still couldn't reach it.He floated using magic, and the letter was written in the code language of the demons.As a scumbag student, Eremir could only see some fragmentary words.He asked, "What's written on it!"

Then he heard his brother looking at him with smiles in his eyes, "Are you really sure you want to know?"

Eremir seemed to have thought of something, and immediately waved his hand. "No, there's no need. Just read it slowly." If it was really a letter from a politician, he didn't want it to be the beginning of his forced learning to deal with those government affairs.Didn't Ahliel just get curious about Lanser's letter when he was about the same age as him, and then he was arrested as a coolie?Lancer said at that time: "I have long wanted to find someone to share these tedious tasks, but unfortunately there are not many people who are qualified to do these tasks. They are so curious, why not learn from now! Anyway, sooner or later It’s also something to learn.”

Lancer looked at him and sighed regretfully: "That's really a pity!"

He put away the letter and walked forward, his silver robe was covered with starlight under the moonlight.The boy behind him thought for a moment, then immediately trotted after him.Two shadows, one big and one small, were stretched out by the moonlight.As they drifted away, the tall castle in the distance was getting closer and closer, and it slowly revealed its majestic outline in the dark night. 
24 tall and tall demon warriors wearing blue and white knee-length narrow-sleeved short robes lined up in two rows, standing on both sides of the path, standing straight like two rows of poplar trees.Their eyes are sharp, their expressions are solemn, and their breaths are restrained. They are all the top experts in the abyssal demon clan.When they saw their king appear, they knelt down on one knee in unison.

Lancer walked past them with Eremir as if he didn't see them, and the 24 warriors immediately stood up and followed neatly behind.Their movements were neat and precise, as if the steps they took were measured with a ruler, and there was no sound in their movements.

The garden of the castle is still dominated by cold moon roses. They glow like moonlight in the night, mysterious and beautiful.Their rich aroma is carried in the wind, and the coolness in the wind is more refreshing.Lancer stood on the balcony, with his hands supporting the carved railing, he said, "I still think the Lengyue rose by Lake Kebiqin is the most beautiful."

Carlos slowly came out of the room. He held two glasses of red wine and handed one to Lancer. He watched the cold moon rose in the garden, the flowers in the forest in the distance, and the bright moon in the sky complement each other.The purple eyes were shining brightly, and there was a trace of nostalgia on his face, "Yes! But I haven't been there for a long time."

Standing side by side with Lancer, he seemed to be remembering the past.They stood silently for a long time, Carlos said, "Are you really going to keep Eremir here?"

"Otherwise? Even if we take him back now, he will not be obedient. You and I are not in Yalin, let our Prime Minister save some time and concentrate on handling government affairs for me! In addition, I will put Ari Ya sent to Reminer's side, and things over there can't be left behind."

Carlos said: "If you are worried, go back! Leave the matter here to me!"

Lancer shook his head, "In my opinion, this matter is more important than Reminer's."

Carlos looked at him puzzled, "Then I don't understand, is that thing really worth your trouble?"

"If you were on the battlefield back then, you wouldn't have said that. Carlos, don't underestimate human beings! Ten thousand years ago was the best lesson."

"Elmond is just a special case, and I don't think there will be another Elmond." Carlos said.

Lancer said solemnly: "Carlos, never underestimate your opponent. In my opinion, nothing can be called accidental. If you lose, you lose. We have indeed lost to humans in 1 years..."

"That's because..." Carlos interrupted him, and he was interrupted by Lancer.

Lancer said: "There is no excuse, and no amount of excuses can change things. Even if there was such a thing, if we hadn't underestimated our opponents, we wouldn't be forced to retreat to the Demon Realm. There is nothing to argue about, don't you?" Do you feel ashamed to admit your failure like those fellows in the Senate?"

Carlos turned his head and didn't speak. In fact, when the war happened, Lancer was still a child. He hadn't been born at that time, but the education he received made him unable to accept that humans had defeated them. The strongest Mozu.

Lancer said: "Maybe failure is shameful, but it is cowardly to refuse to admit defeat."

Carlos turned around and asked, "Is Elmond really strong?"

He heard his brother say, "He is the second opponent I admit."

Carlos knew how terrifying Lancer's talent was. Those so-called geniuses were not worth mentioning in front of him, as weak as dust.He also knows how proud Lancer is, even if Andro from the Remila tribe (Ice and Snow Demon), Krubatu from the Redis tribe (Blaze Demon tribe), and Thunder from the Hekliu tribe (Ghost tribe) , Tolia (blood race) Orielwen, etc. are actually not regarded as opponents by him.

This is probably Lancer's greatest compliment to Elmond.

Carlos said: "You said, he is the second opponent you admit, who is the first one?"

Lancer's gaze suddenly dimmed like the stars at dawn. He closed his eyes and raised his hands to gently cover them.Realizing he had asked a rather stupid question, Carlos said, "I'm sorry."

Lancer put down his hand, he opened his eyes and said, "You don't need to apologize to me, you are no less sad than me."

Carlos recalled that year again, when flying snowflakes mixed with blood fell together, Carlos suddenly said: "Sizern is not dead, how did he dissolve my poison? He should not have such ability. "

This diversion of the subject was very blunt, he just wanted to say something to pull himself and Lancer out of that tragic memory.

It seemed to work, Lancer's expression returned to normal, and he said, "It's not him, it's the woman."

"That woman, Bai Ling. Does she have such high medical skills?"

"Isn't the truth right in front of you?"

"The elves are indeed an obstacle." Carlos said, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Lancer smiled and said, "It said that the woman was an elf, but in fact I doubt it."

"She's not an elf, she can't be a demon!"

"Who knows!"

Lancer said that Carlos looked at his half-smile face and always felt that there was something he didn't tell himself.

"What are you talking about?"

Eremir came from behind and stood between his two older brothers.Look at this, look at that.

Lancer smiled slyly and said, "Carlos is talking about sending you back."

"Brother, you... wait, Eremir, don't call first, I..."

"I'll hit you." Eremir said angrily, and started to fight while talking.

Carlos dodged his brother's attack, glanced at Lancer, and sure enough, he saw a mischievous smile on his face.Carlos didn't know what to say about Lancer's upright frame-up.

Eremir raised his two tender little hands, his nails turned into sharp blades, and chased Carlos around.Ping ping pong pong along the way broke countless exquisite furniture.

When the waiters and maids in the castle saw Qiqi lowering his head, they couldn't help peeking again.His Royal Highness Carlos, who is usually expressionless like an iceberg, would be in such a mess. They won't be silenced when they see it!
The instigator leaned against the railing, looked at this scene with a smile, and returned to the past in a trance.




Although Sizern's injuries are almost healed, his magic power has not yet recovered.Therefore, she plans to stay in the City Lord's Mansion for a while. Although Bai Ling doesn't like Catherine, Ophelia, etc., this decision is best for Cizern, so she doesn't mind staring at them for a while.Anyway, it won't be her who suffers.

Bai Ling had nothing to do that day and pulled Sizern out to go shopping. When they came out of the gate, Bai Ling saw the young man standing in the square outside the gate.She was a little strange, but still didn't ask anything, and she dragged Cizern away.

A combination like Sizern and Bai Ling is the focus no matter where they go.They are also used to the gaze of others.Bai Ling was very interested in the things here and dragged him around.Sizern paid a flower girl and handed the flowers to Ghost.Looking at the girl's blushing face, Bai Ling joked, "Sizern, you are really popular."

Sizern smiled and said, "How can I be half as good as Miss Bai Ling?"

They were chatting and laughing as they walked, when they heard: "Demon girl, stop—"

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