Bai Ling and Sizern looked at each other, and Sizern made a gesture of invitation, and Bai Ling knew that he would definitely not attack first, so he was not polite.She leaped up into the air, twirled in the air, and pointed her long sword directly between Sizern's eyebrows.

The Seventh Move of Nine Songs Swordsmanship—Junhui Xiangxi Below

The strong wind was fierce, and the ground was scratched with countless thin marks. If the demon power was used, the tournament platform made of ordinary stones would definitely be shattered.

Her move was as powerful as a rainbow, Ye Qingqing and Catherine saw that the sword reached a few centimeters between Sizern's eyebrows, he was still motionless, they were so frightened that they wanted to cry out.And at this moment, Sizern made a move.

With a "clang", Bai Ling's sword pierced Cizern's sword.She failed with one sword strike, and the second sword slashed out horizontally, her figure fluttered like flying snow.

The second move, the third move of Feixue swordsmanship——Xuewu Huifeng

Sizern raised his sword unhurriedly as before, and blocked another sword just right.

The crisp sound of "clang, clang, clang" was endless, and the two of them instantly performed dozens of tricks.

An Zi found that Sizern's sword skills were indeed very high. He always made moves in a leisurely manner, but he was always able to block Bai Ling's sword in time.Bai Ling even changed several sets of sword techniques, but he couldn't do anything about it.An Zi watched them undo a few more moves, and suddenly Cizern made an opening, and Bai Ling's sword pointed at his chest.

"You win," said the elf with a smile.

Ye Qingqing applauded from the side, "Bai Ling, you are so amazing!"

Catherine covered her mouth, she didn't know much about swordsmanship, she just thought it was impossible for Sizern to lose.She didn't have any reason, she just thought it was impossible for Sizern to lose to Bai Ling.

Seeing this, An Zi watched Bai Ling coldly "cut", it was clear that Sizern was letting her go.

Bai Ling looked at Sizern very unhappy: "I won't be happy if you let me like this. You still think I'm not worthy of your true strength."

Seeing her angry look, Cizern thought to himself: How could I have forgotten her always competitive nature, this must make her unhappy.He said: "I was wrong, then you should be careful." He made another gesture of invitation, letting Bai Ling make the first move.

Bai Ling leaped up into the air, twirled in the air, and pointed his long sword directly between Sizern's eyebrows.It's still the seventh move of Jiuge Sword Art - below Junhuixiangxi.Then Cizer Ense's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and suddenly came behind Bai Ling, raising his hand with a sword.Bai Ling turned around abruptly, and with a "clang", Bai Ling floated five steps diagonally, stepped on the ground suddenly when he landed, and directly cracked the cracks on the ground before he stabilized his figure.


Sizern came again, Bai Ling quickly dodged, and a deep ravine appeared on the ground.Sizern came and went like lightning, and his figure had turned into an afterimage during the high-speed movement.So is Bai Ling.Catherine, Ye Qingqing and a group of government soldiers beside them couldn't see their movements, they could only hear the sound of "dang, dang, dang" swords clashing endlessly.Seeing their sword skills, Anji admired them extremely.

Ye Qingqing couldn't see it, so she pestered An Zi and asked: "An Zi, An Zi, you can see it, right! Who do you think will win!"

An Zi didn't even think about it: "Cizern."

Reason: Sizern didn't use magic power, but Bai Ling had already used demon power to keep up with him.

An Zi watched the battle between Bai Ling and Sizern, thinking about how she would dismantle the move if it was her.She had fought Bai Ling many times, and knew that their sword skills were comparable.If Bai Ling couldn't win Cizern, she couldn't win either.If you only talk about the subtlety of swordsmanship, of course her and Bai Ling's swordsmanship is more subtle, but Sizern's swordsmanship is just a word of "fast", you can change it in a thousand ways, but the only thing that can't be broken is fast.And when it comes to the experience of fighting against the enemy, whether it is her or Bai Ling, compared with Sizern, an elf prince who has experienced several holy wars, they are all far behind.

Bai Ling's figure changes into thousands, ethereal and ethereal like flowing mist. Her long hair flutters and her skirt flutters, fluttering like a butterfly, as if she is dancing.All the men present were stunned. Anji was also distracted by this unprecedented swordsmanship. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help sweating, thinking: If it's a real fight, you should be distracted when fighting , is there still life?

Bai Ling's move can indeed be said to be a kind of dance, which originated from Aunt Gongsun in the Tang Dynasty.Aunt Gongsun was the first dancer of the Tang Palace in the prosperous Kaiyuan period.Good at dancing swords, his dancing moves the world.He is famous all over the world for dancing "Sword Weapon".She performed among the people, attracting a mountain of viewers, and was invited to perform at the court, which is unparalleled.Her "Sword Dance" was all the rage.On the basis of inheriting the traditional sword dance, she created a variety of "Sword Weapon" dances, such as "Xihe Sword Weapon" and "Sword Weapon Huntuo".Du Fu, the poet saint, also watched the dance of Gongsun when he was a boy. The lady of Gongsun, dressed in brocade clothes and beautiful appearance, was as graceful as a dragon swimming.Du Fu once wrote a poem titled "Watching Gongsun Da Niang's Disciples Dancing Swords", which described the prosperity of Gongsun's swords in those days: Keep low for a long time. Huo Ruyi shoots nine sunsets, and he is like a group of emperors flying dragons. Comes like thunder and absorbs wrath, and stops like rivers and seas congealed with clear light."

Someone from the Tianhu clan of the demon clan once watched her sword dance and learned it secretly.Later, the sword dance of the Gongsun family was lost, but it was preserved in the Yaozu.Bai Ling once learned dance with the Tianhu clan, so he also learned the sword dance of Aunt Gongsun.

Aunt Gongsun's sword dance is not powerful enough, but after being improved by the Tianhu clan, coupled with the stunning appearance of the Tianhu clan, it is simply a killer for men.And Bai Ling, as the most beautiful beauty of the demon clan, few men could resist the sword dance she performed.

An Zi frowned immediately when she saw this move, how could she not see the charm contained in this sword dance.She also thought of the fact that several senior brothers in Maoshan were deprived of their cultivation and expelled from the school because they were fascinated by this goblin.Thinking of these dislikes towards the flower demons increased a bit.Among the monster clans, in terms of charm, the Tianhu clan ranks first, followed by the snake monster clan and the flower monster clan.An Zi glanced at Sizern, wanting to see how the elf prince would respond.

Sizern closed his eyes, and his pointed elf ears moved slightly, relying on the flowing air current to determine the position and attack of the spirit.Although he closed his eyes, his speed did not slow down at all.

With a click of '铛', the two made another move.

Sizern raised his right hand suddenly, and the blade of the sword slapped Bai Ling's wrist. Bai Ling's hand went numb, and the long sword fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Qingqing, Catherine, Anji and others thought it was over, so they wanted to applaud.But Bai Ling suddenly got into trouble, and as soon as he let go of the long sword, he immediately kicked horizontally.Sizern made an arc with his free left hand, grabbed Bai Ling's ankle and threw her out.In the air, Bai Ling's slender waist twisted, fell to the ground and backed up again and again.Sizern saw her retreat to the edge of the competition ring, her foot was on the ground, she screamed, and she was about to fall.She yelled inwardly that she was not good, and came to catch her immediately.It's just that someone is faster than her.

An Zi rushed to Bai Ling's side like the wind, and she was about to touch her waist with her hand.Suddenly, Bai Ling's toes touched the edge of the competition platform, jumped up into the air, and landed firmly on the ground.Her pitch-black eyes turned into golden demon pupils, their eyes were gloomy and cold.An Zi met her eyes and smiled provocatively. "You still want to seduce men in front of me, stop daydreaming."

When Bai Ling clicked, the recoil buffer was real.But the one who retreated to the edge of the arena and stumbled and fell was pretending, she just wanted Cizern to come and save her.It's a pity that An Zi saw through her thoughts at a glance.

After hearing An Zi's words, Ye Qingqing immediately covered her face, An Zi, if you don't show hatred, you will die, right?

Bai Ling looked at the provocative An Zi, and really wanted to crush her to ashes.An Zi is definitely the person she wants to kill the most right now, not one of them.

The three of them were the only ones present who could understand Chinese. What An Zi said, the others definitely didn't know.Sizern, Anji and others only thought that Anzi would go to rescue Bai Ling when he saw Bai Ling was about to fall, but they didn't expect that Bai Ling didn't need their trouble at all.Seeing that Bai Ling was fine, he let out a long breath.

"Are you all right, Ghost," Sizern said.

Bai Ling gave An Zi a hard look, and really wanted to kill the woman who got in the way, but he could only bear it temporarily.She turned her head, her eyes had returned to normal, she smiled and said, "It's okay, it really is Sizern who is stronger!"

"Am I thousands of years older than you? When you reach my age, you must be far superior to me." The elf said with a smile.

Catherine was angry when she saw them talking and laughing.She adores Cizern, so she always wants to attract his attention, but no matter how hard she tries to get in front of the elf prince these days, that dead bitch Bai Ling will always have various reasons to pull Cizern away.It was not easy to "encounter" with Sizern in the garden today, this Bai Ling wanted to compete with Sizern, and now it was almost lunch time, how could he be alone with Sizern .Even if there was, Bai Ling would definitely not let her get what she wanted.

She went forward and maintained the etiquette that a lady should have. The more capricious and unreasonable Bai Ling is, the more she can only advance and retreat, be considerate, and generous, so as to make His Royal Highness Sizern look differently.She said: "Thank God, you guys finally finished the competition. I was scared to death on the sidelines. But then again, Miss Bai Ling's sword skills are really powerful, and I don't know which great swordsman taught Miss Bai Ling's sword skills." from."

Bai Ling hated her seemingly unintentional attempt to find out about her background, she smiled coolly, "It's hard to say."

"Your Highness's swordsmanship must have been taught by His Majesty the Elf King!" She looked like she knew Sizern very well.

"Not really," Sisern said.

At this time, the lady of the city owner sent someone over to invite them to have lunch.

Those who dined at noon today included the Duke's family, Sizern, Bai Ling, Anji, Ye Qingqing, An Zi, the Duke's elder brother, a marquis, and his wife.The Duchess dislikes Bai Ling as much as her daughters. She doesn't like Bai Ling because she thinks Bai Ling is arrogant and conceited.In fact, her definition of Bai Ling is indeed correct, she is indeed defiant.

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