Just as Ye Qingqing was thinking about it, she heard the Duke of Cairns chuckling, "Is Miss Ye Qingqing still satisfied with my appearance?"

Ye Qingqing blushed immediately, she glared at the Duke of Cairns, he was looking at her with a half-smile, Ye Qingqing thought angrily: What's the use of being beautiful, I don't like it.What I like is that she thinks of the teenager who passed by her like the wind on that moonlit night.Think of his clean and bright face under the sun.Thinking of not knowing when I could see him again, I felt melancholy and the light in my eyes dimmed.

"It's so sad! When you're dancing with me, you're thinking of other men."

Ye Qingqing blurted out: "How do you know I'm thinking about other men?" Halfway through, she stopped, and her face turned even redder. Doesn't this mean that she admitted that she was thinking about other men?She looked up and saw Duke Cairns smiling deeper.She said angrily: "I think who is my freedom."

"That's right, that must be Miss Ye Qingqing's sweetheart!" He looked down at Ye Qingqing, and whispered in her ear: "How is he better than me?"

This was an obvious tease, Ye Qingqing stepped on his foot unceremoniously, Duke Cairns let out a pain, Ye Qingqing said: "I'm not good at dancing, Duke Cairns should invite others to dance!" She After finishing speaking, she was about to leave. The Duke of Cairns's hand around her waist suddenly tightened, and Ye Qingqing was brought into his arms. Now Ye Qingqing was really angry. She just felt sorry for this guy because she was out of her mind!She became angry and said, "let go, if you don't want me to embarrass you."

The Duke of Cairns continued to laugh heartlessly, and he whispered in her ear: "Don't, so many people are watching, I am not the only one who is embarrassed!"

Ye Qingqing was very angry, Duke Cairns said at this time: "I was rude, I apologize to you, Miss Ye Qingqing."

Ye Qingqing turned her head away, and finished the dance with him patiently.The Duke of Cairns kept talking to her, "I heard that Miss Ye Qingqing, Miss An Zi and Miss Bai Ling are all from the Yuanyuan continent, right?"

The facial features of the three orientals are indeed the most similar to those of the people from the Oulton Continent here. Many people have asked Ye Qingqing similar questions before, and she nodded and said, "Yes." Did it come from time travel?

"Then can you tell me about Miss Ye Qingqing's hometown?"

God knows what the hell the Yuan Ou Dun Continent is here, if someone else asked, she would just make up a few words to fool it.But for the Duke of Cairns, Ye Qingqing didn't even make up a lie, she glared at him and said, "No."

The Duke of Cairns chuckled lightly, his fucking smile was really alluring.He said: "A weak and beautiful girl like you, I really don't understand how your family would let you come out alone."

Ye Qingqing complained in her heart: She didn't want to come here in the first place, if her grandparents, parents knew how hard she was suffering here, they would definitely feel distressed to death.Thinking of her family, she couldn't help feeling sad.I don't know what happened to them.They must be looking for her all over the world!
The Duke of Cairns took her look into his eyes, and said softly: "It seems that you have something to hide when you come here! Sure enough, if you need any help, please feel free to ask."

Ye Qingqing looked up at him, but didn't speak.But I feel that this person doesn't seem to be so annoying anymore.Soon she heard the Duke of Cairns say: "Miss Ye Qingqing knows Miss Bai Ling so well, so she must know what Miss Bai Ling likes?"

Look, it really is for Bai Ling, so the sentence just now is a foreshadowing for this sentence!Ye Qingqing said angrily: "I'm sorry, I don't know what Bai Ling likes, and we don't know each other as well as you said." This is the truth.

The Duke of Cairns looked at her with a half-smile, he came closer, Ye Qingqing subconsciously wanted to back away, but unfortunately he put his arms around her waist, he said: "Could it be that Miss Ye Qingqing is jealous."

Ye Qingqing stomped on him viciously again: "You think too much."

Then the evildoer laughed wantonly.




After An Zi ate a plate of fruit salad, her stomach was really full and she couldn't eat any more.Staying in the hall, there are always all kinds of people coming to strike up a conversation, although they quickly found An Zi's indifference and left quickly, but An Zi was also annoyed by this.So she came out of the main hall and walked around to the corridor behind the main hall. She was sitting on the railing to enjoy the cool breeze. From here, the sound of music and people's laughter from the dance scene in the main hall could be heard from a distance, but the sound was very vague. , as if in a dream.

An Zi felt that she was not used to such a lively scene. She didn't like it very much before, and she doesn't like it now.She looked at the dark blue sky, where a few stars blinked at her.Then she thought of her parents, younger brother, and grandpa in another world.What are they doing at this moment?Are they worrying about her, missing her?
Not long after she sat down, she saw a noble girl appearing around the corner, and she was also quite surprised to see An Zi.The girl was wearing a royal blue mermaid skirt with lilies on the skirt, her hair was coiled up, and only a few strands were left hanging by her ears and falling on her delicate collarbone.She looks seventeen or eighteen years old, which is about the same as her.

This girl was Bertha.When Bertha and her companions came to the ball, she looked around and was disappointed that no one she expected to see appeared.Soon after, noble men came to ask her to dance, and Bertha accepted the invitation as usual, and after dancing a few dances, she chatted with the noble ladies around.But suddenly, she felt very irritable and wanted to escape from all this.When she realized it, her footsteps had already come here.

Seeing An Zi sitting there, Bertha was taken aback for a moment, then came over with a smile, and said, "Good evening, Miss An Zi."

An Zi was a little surprised that she knew herself, but when she thought about it, everyone in the palace was all ears and eyesight, for example, she had never met those people tonight, but they all knew her.She also smiled and said: "Hello." (Common language)
Bertha sat beside her and said, "Why are you here alone?"

An Zi said: "I'm not used to this kind of scene, it's still quiet here." When An Zi uses common language, she speaks slowly, but she can still express her meaning clearly.

"I used to like this kind of scene very much, but now I'm tired of it." Bertha said, she deliberately slowed down her speech, obviously because she was considerate of An Zi's poor common language, which made An Zi feel like a girl Thoughtful.

"Why is that? Many girls around me like proms." For example, Ye Qingqing, her cousins ​​at home, and those at school.

"If you keep repeating the same thing you'll get bored, especially when you think about how you're going to spend the rest of your life."

An Zi could tell from her tone that she was worried, but they met by chance, and it was not easy for An Zi to ask her anything.She looked up and saw Bertha looking at her. Bertha smiled and said, "You and your friends are very beautiful, especially that Miss Bai Ling."

An Zi also smiled and said, "You are beautiful too."

Bertha looked over at the ball and said, "I've been out for a while, and I have to go back. Are you coming?"

An Zi shook her head, "I want to stay for a while."

"Then I'll go first." After Bertha finished speaking, she walked forward. After walking a few steps, she turned her head and smiled charmingly. She said, "Did I forget to say my name? My name is Bertha, Bertha." Reyd." After she finished speaking, she turned and turned into the flowers at the end of the corridor.

An Zi watched her skirt with lilies disappearing among the flowers, and her intuition told her that she would meet this girl again.

When Bertha returned to the hall, her friends came over and asked, "Where did you go just now, I can't find you anywhere."

Bertha said, "Just to walk around."

Yelena said: "The princess is over there, why don't we go there?"

Luo Lisa said with a smile: "The princess has His Royal Highness Ron, so why would we need us!"

They all laughed.

On the other side, after Ye Qingqing finished dancing with the Duke of Cairns, Ye Qingqing immediately turned around and left.She looked for An Zi in the crowd, but didn't see her, so she sat down to rest in a corner.At this time, the King, Queen Anne, and Queen Josephine walked up the white steps covered with red carpets in the center of the hall. The musicians also stopped playing music, and everyone in the hall stopped and looked at them.

The king held a high-level glass full of fine wine. He looked around and said loudly: "My subjects and distinguished guests, I am here today to welcome the beautiful Queen Josephine first." He looked at Josephine and raised his hand. With fine wine in his hand, "This is a toast to Queen Josephine." After he finished speaking, he drank the fine wine in the cup.

People around picked up the fine wine on the plates of the waiters and said in unison: "To Queen Josephine." Then they all drank the fine wine in their glasses.

Queen Josephine said with a smile, "Thank you for the kindness of the Kingdom of Lot. This cup wishes the friendship between the Kingdom of Lot and the Kingdom of Galle to last forever. Toast to friendship!" After she finished speaking, she drank the fine wine in the glass in one go.

Everyone put down their empty cups, picked up another cup from the waiter's tray, and said loudly, "We respect friendship!"

Queen Anne stepped forward with a smile on her face. She said with a smile, "Today, I would like to take this opportunity to announce something to you, Your Majesty the King."

After she finished speaking, Princess Gladys and Prince Ron stepped forward hand in hand. The king said with a smile, "His Royal Highness Ron and Gladys will get married next month on the Vulcan Festival."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was thunderous applause all around, and everyone picked up the wine and said loudly: "Honor Your Highness Ron and Gladys."

The band played, and Princess Gladys took Prince Ron's hand and stepped onto the dance floor. She shyly looked at her current fiancé and danced with him.The individuals at the ball are constantly exchanging glances.There were joys and disappointments. Undoubtedly, after tonight, the battle for the position between Louis and Ron was a foregone conclusion.The allies of Queen Anne first came to congratulate the queen, and then the neutrals also chose their own camp, and even many nobles who belonged to Louis' camp immediately offered their loyalty.

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