Invincible Chapter 291
In the following days, Su Nianchen's life returned to calm, and he was respected by everyone just like he just came here. At the same time, everyone lived happily as if nothing had happened.

However, ever since Bai Leyan returned to the city, he tried his best to draw Ye Xichen to his side. The two often appeared in the public eye as a couple.

Ye Xishen, who has gradually gotten used to the life with Bai Leyan, still cannot forget Su Nianchen in his heart, especially when some people around him keep slandering Su Nianchen.

Originally, Ye Xichen resisted at first and would criticize a few words, and he could refute when one or two people said something, but when everyone was accusing Su Nianchen of being bad, Ye Xichen found that he was really exhausted. Gradually, she also acquiesced to all this and at the same time accepted the fact that Su Nianchen abandoned herself.

But how could Ye Xichen know that the reason why the people around him would mention Su Nianchen by his side from time to time was all because of Lin Xishi's tricks. A good image is deeply ingrained in his heart.

At the same time, let Ye Xichen accept Bai Leyan's belief that she is his most beloved woman, so from the current state, Lin Xi's goal has been achieved. Ye Xichen has indeed accepted Bai Leyan's love for Su Nianchen at the same time. It was said that he hated it, and he felt that this woman was too vicious to do anything to achieve his goal.

Since Su Nian won't let him have a good life, then Ye Xichen won't let Su Nianchen succeed. After thinking twice, he decides to start with Cheng Shi. After all, the purpose of being together with Su Nianchen is Cheng Shi. Where do we start? Just end there!

Ye Xishen, who was leaning against the swivel chair, had a cold expression on his face. After thinking twice, he picked up the phone directly: "Call Chen Xitong in!" After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Not a few seconds later, I saw Chen Xitong walking in. Ever since Su Nianchen disappeared, Chen Xitong didn't dare to joke with him anymore. He was just working conscientiously. He was afraid that his actions would anger Ye Xichen. Eat your own good fruit.

So Chen Xitong, who was very sensible at this moment, walked in quickly: "Mr. Ye, you call me."

Ye Xichen, who nodded, didn't intend to sit up from the swivel chair, but still closed his eyes and meditated, saying, "I have something I need you to do now."

Chen Xitong, who was still respectful, nodded: "Say it."

"I need you to operate secretly to raise Cheng's stock."

Why do I feel that I am a bit confused? I don’t know if Mr. Ye is talking about Chen Rui, but it’s impossible! This is how Su Nianchen’s father’s company could attack him, even if it targeted any company. It is impossible to deal with the Cheng family.

Fearing that he would do something wrong, Chen Xitong didn't intend to leave, but just stayed where he was.

Ye Xichen, who didn't hear the footsteps leaving for a long time, slowly opened his eyes and stared at Chen Xitong who was standing there with a cold face: "Why are you still here? Didn't you hear clearly?"

Chen Xitong couldn't help clenching his fists and asked cautiously: "Mr. Ye, which Cheng family are you referring to?"

Ye Xichen, who sighed deeply, sat up straight, put his hands on the table and tapped the table with his index finger non-stop. Anyone who knew Ye Xichen's habit knew that his action meant that he was already very impatient.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Chen Xitong, who dared not raise his head, slowly lowered his head and waited for a storm to come. Sure enough, he still compared Ye Xichen.

Ye Xi, who stopped suddenly, was full of anger: "What do you say? Tell me who I am referring to, Cheng?"

Why did he throw this question to himself? It was because he was puzzled that he asked Ye Xichen, but he was stumped by the question. Chen Xitong shook his head and decided to pierce the bucket of paper to prevent himself from committing a crime. Big mistake: "Mr. Ye, I really don't know which Cheng family you are referring to?"

Ye Xichen, who glared at Chen Xitong, thought he was being angry on purpose. He straightened his body and stared at Chen Xitong with cold eyes: "What are you talking about, I will let you do it. I'm talking about Cheng Rui, can you hear me clearly Cheng Rui."

In fact, when Ye Xichen said the name Cheng Rui, he was also very conflicted in his heart. He didn't intend to target Cheng Rui, but he really couldn't let go of Su Nianchen's abandonment of himself.

The only thing he can do now is to make the Cheng family feel bad, and he also hopes that because of this incident, Su Nianchen can show up, because he really wants to ask Su Nianchen in person what she thinks of herself. Is it just acting on the occasion without a little bit of real emotion?
Looking at Ye Xichen who was hysterical and nodding his head, Chen Xitong ran away. He didn't want to make this storm more violent.

When Ye Xichen was the only one left in the office, he suddenly collapsed like a deflated ball. Ye Xichen, who was sitting on the swivel chair, stared blankly at the ceiling: "Su Nianchen, Su Nianchen, where are you?" ?”

At this moment, the door opened again. He thought it was Chen Xitong who ran in to make him angry, but Ye Xichen, who didn't look at the door, said angrily, "What else do you not understand?" His voice was so cold and impatient?

As soon as he took a step forward, he heard Ye Xichen's questioning angrily, and Bai Leyan, who couldn't help but froze for a moment, guessed that he must have suffered something before he lost his temper.

After hesitating for a while, Bai Leyan wanted to quit, but felt that since he had already appeared, wouldn't it be a bit cowardly to choose to escape?In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Bai Leyan didn't want to run into this gun.

Because she knows Ye Xichen's style of doing things too well, but at this point, she can only bite the bullet and walk in: "Xishen, I made you nutritious porridge, come and taste it."

Why did Ye Xichen, who was stunned for a moment, hear a voice he was all too familiar with, but this voice made him resist so much.

Just now, he mistakenly thought that it was Chen Xitong who came in, but he didn't expect it to be Bai Leyan. In fact, at this moment, Ye Xichen really didn't want anyone to disturb him. Now he really regrets that he and Bai Leyan have disclosed their identities so that she is now in and out of his room. The office is so casual, it seems that I have to explain this matter to the secretary.

As if he didn't hear Ye Xichen get angry just now, the smiling Bai Leyan put the bowl on the table for self-amusement: "Come and try it to see if it suits your taste."

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