The young man looked at her with black lines, "Sister Man, you overestimate me too."

"I hacked into the surveillance in their community and saw it." The young man clapped the computer in his hand.

Xu Man nodded, "I thought you developed some skills that I don't understand."

"I'm not as good as you. I'm not capable of completing a sex change in 10 minutes." The young man looked at Xu Man and sighed.At the beginning, Xu Maner turned from a woman into a mature and charming elite in 10 minutes, but he was willing to bow down.

"They're leaving, hurry up!"

Xu Man didn't have time to look at the younger brother's adoring eyes, and signaled the driver next to him to follow quickly.

The black Audi merged into the traffic flow, unremarkable, but kept staring at the few cars not far away.

"Looking at the distance, it should be going to the nightclub."

The few of them knew the places that Zhang Song often visited.

Sure enough, as they expected, the car finally stopped at the nightclub.

Seeing Zhang Song who got out of the car, Xu Man couldn't help sighing, men are indeed animals with lower body.

"Sister Man, what should I do next?"

"Call those people. If nothing can be done today, tomorrow I will personally drill you for Leng Yan."

Seeing Xu Man's eagerness to try, the young man couldn't help but shudder, and immediately notified in the group.

[If Zhang Song doesn't have an accident today, you should be careful, the tigress will train you personally. 】

【Depend on!Do you want to be so ruthless? 】

[If Zhang Song doesn't have an accident today, I'd rather hang up the southeast branch myself. 】

[Dead monster, if it weren't for you yesterday, we would have succeeded long ago. 】

[You can't blame me, why are you willing to let me drive this new car to scrape other cars. 】

【vomit!I want to quit the group! 】

[I can't take it anymore, kick him out. 】

The young man looked at the few people who were arguing in the group, and the corners of his eyes twitched, [Shemale, can you speak well, and this time he brought a total of seven bodyguards, please pay attention. 】

【clear. 】

【receive. 】

[This time I am going to eliminate my car, and I won't hold you back. 】

The young man put away his mobile phone and saw Xu Man going out, so he quickly asked, "Sister Man, why are you going?"

"Go in and have a look." Xu Man said and put on his coat, "You wait in the car, I'll check the situation and I'll be back in a while."

The young man didn't believe Xu Man's words, but since she said it, he didn't dare to stop her.

Xu Man drove and quickly walked to the nightclub.

The first floor is an open dance floor, and there are many people dancing on the dance floor at the moment.Xu Man wandered around on the first floor, and looked at the second floor. Seeing no one was guarding him, he went up the stairs.

There are several boxes on the second floor, and there is a large open space in the middle, with many single sofas on it, from which you can see the scene on the first floor.Xu Man went up to the third floor, and when he saw the fourth floor, his eyes flickered.

The fourth floor is obviously different, and there are guards at the stairs.

"Hello, this is the private box area, you can't just wander around!" said a waiter.

"Keep your eyes open to see clearly, do I look like someone who came to hang out?" Xu Man was a little dissatisfied with his words, and looked at him with a displeased expression.

Seeing that she was dressed in extraordinary clothes and had a strong temper, the other party thought she was some daughter or the lover maintained by the boss, and said in a good-tempered manner: "Miss, which box are you looking for, I will help you find it."

"Room 323." Xu Man said casually.

"At the extreme corner over there, shall I show you?"

"Is it over there?" Xu Man followed his gaze, "I can go by myself, if there are people over there who can't find me, ask again."

Xu Man refused his request to lead the way.

On the third floor, there were people holding hands at intervals. Under the watchful eyes of that person, Xu Man walked straight forward, and when he reached the corner, he dodged to another fork while no one was paying attention.

A waiter carrying a drink just came out of a box and asked upon seeing this, "Hello miss, may I ask you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Man knocked him unconscious with a knife in his hand.

After taking the wine from his tray, Xu Man dragged him to the toilet.After undressing him, throw the man into a compartment, then use tricks to lock the door on the outside.

Walking to the mirror and taking out a bunch of makeup tools from her arms, Xu Man started her own disguise.

Ten minutes later, a face similar to that of the waiter appeared in the mirror.Except for some differences in stature and figure from that person, the other parts can basically be confused with the real one.

As soon as he went out with the tray, a person who looked like a foreman came over.

"Why don't you get a drink." The foreman said as he walked.

"Everyone in private room 401 is waiting anxiously, hurry up."

After speaking, Xu Man pushed Xu Man, and Xu Man could only go upstairs with the tray.

He glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, the Grand Lafite of Bordeaux Chateau in 93, it seems that the people in the box are not young.

Thinking so in her heart, when she opened the door, Xu Man almost wanted to laugh three times, the person inside was exactly the Zhang Song she was looking for.

Xu Man walked in without squinting.

"Put the wine here, let's go out." Zhang Song said.

Xu Man put the wine on the table and withdrew slowly.Before leaving, I heard Zhang Song ask Xiaoxiao why she hasn't arrived yet.

Xu Man had already figured out who he was in contact with, and knew who he was talking about.

Fifteen minutes later, the door of a room in the nightclub was suddenly opened, and a woman's exclamation came from inside.

"who are you?"

Xiaoxiao looked at the 'man' who suddenly appeared and asked.

"The person who gave you money."

Xu Man came in on his own, closed the door, and took out a stack of money and a small medicine bottle from his pocket.

"As long as you put this in Zhang Song's drink, the money is yours."

Hearing the other party mention Zhang Song, Xiaoxiao picked up the medicine bottle with displeasure on her face, "What is this?"

"A medicine that makes people temporarily impotent."

Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"I don't have time to lie to you." Xu Man looked at her.

The woman put away the money, "I see."

After Xu Man left, he walked around the nightclub, took off his clothes and left the nightclub.

The young co-pilot still had wet sweat on his forehead.

"Sister Man, why are you asking for money all of a sudden?" Just now Xu Man suddenly called and asked him to prepare 5 yuan as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there was an ATM nearby.After he went, Xu Man asked him to climb the ventilation duct to take her up to the third floor.

"Of course, it's useful. Let them get ready, Zhang Song and the others will probably come out soon."

He had no objection to Xu Man's words, and immediately followed suit.

Sure enough, more than half an hour later, Zhang Song came out of the nightclub with a gloomy face.

"This is too fast!" The young man said with a look of disgust, a bit embarrassing to their men.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and follow."

Several cars drove out of the nightclub one after the other.

There were very few cars at night, the one in the middle drove smoothly in the middle, and one car guarded each side and the back.

While driving, the car in the middle suddenly stopped with a sudden brake.

"How the hell are you driving!" Zhang Song's furious voice came from behind.

"Chairman, there are people blocking the front." The driver said.

Zhang Song looked over and saw a modified motorcycle parked in the middle of the road.A man in a racing suit rode a motorcycle around his car, and then stopped there not too far away.

Zhang Song originally wanted to let out an evil fire tonight, but inexplicably softened when he was in the nightclub, and his anger was suffocated in his heart. Seeing the other party's provocation now, his blood surged up.

"Let someone chase after you, and teach him the principles of life!"

"Chairman, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this person's unreasonable provocation in the middle of the night, otherwise let's go back first."

"Go back?" Zhang Song looked at him, "Is there any problem at this late hour, don't you still have you? Let the bodyguards on the right chase after you!"

Seeing what Zhang Song said, the others didn't dare to speak, and they were chased immediately.

Soon the car on the right was chasing each other.

The roar of the motorcycle sounded.Just when everyone thought the motorcycle was about to run, the car suddenly drove towards the car.

The car passed by the car on the right, and the person on it shook the bottle in his hand and sprayed a bunch of colored paint on its car glass.

The people in the car looked at the provocative person, and asked the driver to chase him immediately without the boss's order.

"The car on the right has been taken away, shemale, and the two cars are handed over to you."

"Look at me."

The person in the microphone said, and then saw an off-road vehicle that was originally hidden in the traffic rushing towards the car in the middle.

Zhang Song's driver quickly turned the steering wheel and the car deviated from the lane.

The person in the SUV whistled, and the car slammed into the car on the left.The modified car is not comparable to those ordinary cars.After the two cars collided, the car slammed into a pillar on one side.

"Boss, the other party obviously came prepared."

Zhang Song also noticed it without his subordinates reminding him.

After the car on the left hit a pillar, the people inside quickly came out, took out their guns and shot at the off-road vehicle.

"It's not good for a harmonious society to play with guns." The person in the off-road vehicle suddenly said something, and turned the steering wheel and suddenly drove back.

Before those people could react, the car accelerated and rushed towards them.

"It's crazy!" Seeing the car rushing towards them desperately, they turned around and ran away in fright.The opponent's car is obviously a modified car, and the car is made of bulletproof materials. At this time, a head-on confrontation with him is simply hitting a stone with an egg.

"Run away now, won't you play for a while?"

The person in the off-road vehicle muttered, turned around and rushed towards the car behind.

The seemingly cumbersome off-road vehicle was nimble like a fat man in his hands, and he drove the car to the side of the road in less than half a minute.

"Can you do it? I can block the traffic system on this road for a while, and I won't care about it after 1 minute!"


An impatient voice came from inside, and then a truck loaded with steel rushed out and rushed towards the commercial vehicle Zhang Song was sitting in.

"What about the chairman?"

The driver asked while speeding up and driving forward.

Looking at the truck behind, Zhang Song felt a throbbing pain in his heart, and quickly took out the antihypertensive medicine from his pocket and swallowed it into his mouth.

"Hurry up." He only said these three words.

The truck behind him was getting closer and closer, and he was about to catch up.On the flank, the army green off-road vehicle drove in front of him, and the driver turned the steering wheel quickly.

The truck behind rushed over, and the driver stared at the rearview mirror with wide eyes.

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