At this time, the entire shareholders' meeting knew that Gu Yue was going to fight Gu Congshan, so they naturally chose to watch from the sidelines and would not express any opinions.

Gu Congshan, who was unable to get off the tiger, had no way to refuse, so he nodded.

After the meeting, Gu Yue got up naturally, and while walking out with Su Chen, he explained the next step of the account review.

"Yueyue," Gu Changhao chased up from behind, "I have something to tell you."

Is there anything?

Gu Yue's eyes changed slightly. Just now, Gu Changhao's words were very strange, making it impossible to judge what kind of attitude he maintained in this matter.

To be precise, the current Gu Changhao and Gu Yue are becoming increasingly incomprehensible.

This made her become more careful, and her red lips curled into a smile, "Brother, just tell me if you have anything to say, I have to go to the finance department to check the books."

Gu Changhao glanced at Su Chen beside him, but didn't speak.

Obviously, what he meant was that there were other people around, and some words were inconvenient to say.

Gu Yue didn't make things difficult for him, and after signaling to Su Chen that the finance department would prepare the account books, he returned to his office with Gu Changhao.

After entering, she poured a cup of tea, put one cup in front of Gu Changhao, and sat down on the sofa with another cup.

The slender white hands and the porcelain white teacup look extremely beautiful.

For a moment, Gu Changhao wanted to give up all his obsession with the Gu family, and take Gu Yue out of here, to a place where there were only the two of them, and they would stay together forever.

But looking up at her indifferent, almost indifferent face, he knew that he had lost this opportunity long ago.In other words, when she was born, he had no chance.

The relationship between them is not only a blood relationship, but also a blood feud.

Pursing his lips, Gu Changhao thought about it and said, "Yueyue, you came back to the company suddenly this time, and you brought up a problem with the company's account books, are you trying to find out Yanran?"

Tsk, do you still want to speak for Gu Yanran?

Although this made Gu Yue sneer in his heart, he also breathed a sigh of relief.Knowing what the opponent wants to do is far more reassuring than not knowing what the opponent's next plan is.

She curled her lips and smiled, her tone was gentle, "Why would elder brother think so? Since I promised my uncle and elder brother last time, I naturally wouldn't hold on to Yanran's question. But elder brother asks this, is it possible..."

After a slight pause, Gu Yue raised his eyes to meet Gu Changhao's, "This time, Yanran was responsible for the account book issue? She is too bold, won't she worry about the audit office at the end of the year?"

While Gu Yue was speaking, Gu Changhao's eyes never left her face, and he clearly saw every change on her face.

But he couldn't see anything except what she wanted to express.

Frowning, Gu Changhao could only bite the bullet and say, "I don't know if Yanran did it, but you are a bit too bold in doing so. The Cuilan project was really done by you, and many people in the company Shareholders and employees also admire you.

But these people are not enough to become your contacts in the company. If you really have a conflict with your father, even if you won't be kicked out of the company immediately, your next move will be difficult. "

He spoke earnestly and earnestly, and she nodded frequently.

It cannot be denied that what Gu Changhao said is the truth, but who knows, her goal has never been the company?

"Brother, even if this is the case, I can't just sit idly by, right? You should be very clear that if the company's finances have problems, the entire company will have problems. Don't you want me to watch the company that grandma worked so hard to build be ruined?" Yu once?" Gu Yue said heartbroken.

"Yueyue, I didn't mean that..."

"Since this is the case, elder brother should be on the same side as me, and we should face this audit together." Gu Yue directly interrupted Gu Changhao's words, with earnest expectations on his face.

Gu Changhao looked into her eyes and knew that she had her own calculations in her heart and would not tell the truth to herself.

He smiled wryly and said in a gesture of showing weakness, "Yueyue, I understand that I have disappointed you by doing too many things before, but I really understood later. You are also my sister..."

After a few seconds of silence, he shook his head and stood up, "Stop talking, my elder brother will help you if you need anything, so go ahead."

After saying this, he turned and walked out without any delay.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Yue squinted at the closed office door, feeling that he was becoming less and less able to see what Gu Changhao wanted to do.


Under the operation of Gu Yue and Su Chen, the entire Gu family quickly formed two forces, headed by Gu Congshan and Gu Yue, competing with each other.

On the surface, the two sides appear to be evenly matched.But Gu Yue knew very well in her heart that the people on her side were just middle-level backbones, and they couldn't compete with Gu Congshan if they really pretended to be.

But it seemed very intense, and it gave Gu Congshan a headache, so she achieved her goal.

Gu's side was busy, and Lu Nan's side was not idle, secretly looking for people in city A who might be involved in the drug trade.Huangtian paid off, and he really found it!
And according to the clues, this person is the one who traded with Gu Yanran back then!

After sending the person to the police station, he immediately called Gu Yue, "Miss Gu, send the person in!"

"People?" Gu Yue was in a bad state because he had been staying up late to check accounts recently, and he didn't react for a while.

"It's the one who traded with Miss Gu, big cat!"

big cat?She also beats tigers!
Gu Yue opened his mouth and wanted to yell back, but after turning his mind for a while, he calmed down and understood what Lu Nan was talking about.

She immediately put down the account book in her hand, made eye contact with the person, walked out of the financial room, entered the empty safe passage and said, "Are you sure this person is the one who contacted her?"

"There will be no problem at all!" Lu Nan on the opposite side seemed very proud, "I've made inquiries, she got those things from Big Cat. When Big Cat spits, the police will immediately come to arrest you !"


Gu Yue just felt refreshed.

The Gu family has been oppressed all the time, this time she wants to fight back and hurt the Gu family.

Because she was too excited, she couldn't continue to check the accounts with peace of mind, so she simply skipped work.But after leaving the company, she found that she had nowhere to go——

Go find Zhou Sicheng, it's working time, isn't it obviously disturbing people's work?

There was such a good thing, but she had no one to share it with, and she suddenly became depressed.

Just as she was standing there feeling emotional, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her, hugging her into her hot chest!

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