
Facing the voices coming from everywhere, Mrs. Zhang stepped forward decisively and grabbed Zhang Chengzhi's arm, "Calm down, son! For the face of the Zhang family, you must endure it!"

Zhang Chengzhi was stunned, why did continuing the wedding become the face of defending the Zhang family?

This woman is the murderer's daughter, if you marry her, wouldn't you be related to the murderer?

Sitting on the ground, Gu Yanran cried and said, "Chengzhi, I don't know that my father has done such a thing. But didn't you say you love me? Are you going to abandon me because of my family? Have you forgotten the child we lost..."

It has to be said that Gu Yanran has learned to be smart. She knows that Gu Congshan has such a thing, and the Gu family will no longer have a place for her to stand on.

Now she can only grasp the straw of the Zhang family with all her strength, and only by letting the wedding go ahead, can she make further considerations after marrying into the Zhang family.

Zhang Chengzhi's complexion kept changing, he really didn't care about these ruined reputations, and he didn't want to be trapped by Gu Yanran!

"Yan Ran, don't get excited. Cheng Zhi just got caught up in the incident too suddenly. I can see your feelings. He loves you, that's why he will hold such a grand wedding for you."

Mrs. Zhang helped Gu Yanran up as she spoke, and then continued to the people in the audience, "I'm making everyone laugh. We don't know about the in-laws, but Yanran is a good child, and our Zhang family naturally wants to marry her in." , and let her suffer less grievances."

When she was talking, she gave Father Zhang a wink, telling him to quickly process the video on the screen.

Zhang's father was already going crazy because of what happened just now, but he also understood that if he didn't deal with it in time, he would lose his people, so he had to go to the backstage to deal with it.

After reprimanding the staff, he took away the USB flash drive inserted into the computer.

When he returned to the hall, the trust on the stage seemed to be reconciled as before, but the eyes of the spectators in the audience were different, and they completely lost the happy and harmonious appearance before.

The master of ceremonies had also seen the big scene, so he calmed down and carried out the wedding ceremony smoothly according to the previous rehearsal.

However, this wedding will inevitably be talked about for a long time, and the scene of the on-stage wedding and the off-stage father being taken away by the police have also been recorded and posted everywhere on the Internet.

"Gu Yanran is much more cruel than I thought. Under such circumstances, she still insisted on marrying into the Zhang family." Gu Yue walked out of the hotel holding Zhou Sicheng's arm.

She originally thought that after the accident, if Gu Yanran had some filial piety, she would give up her petty thoughts and take advantage of the opportunity to break off the engagement with the Zhang family.Even if she can't let Gu Congshan go, she can still let Gu Yan live comfortably for the rest of her life.

But she didn't want to see Gu Congshan being taken away, but Gu Yanran still wanted to marry the Zhang family.It seems that her desire to bring down Gu Yue through the Zhang family is already invincible.

It's just a mere Zhang family, but Gu Yue really didn't pay attention to it.

Zhou Sicheng looked down at her, "After Sun Xian went to prison, Gu Yanran's status in the Gu family plummeted, and her feelings for Gu Congshan naturally faded."

Gu Yue nodded, "It seems that Gu Congshan was kind to her before, but she didn't remember it at all."

At that time, Gu Congshan gave her all the companies under his name in order to beg her to let go of Gu Yanran. As a result, Gu Yanran didn't remember anything.

Thinking about how pitiful Gu Congshan is, the only child he ever cared for had such a cold attitude towards him.

"Sympathize with them?" Zhou Sicheng asked.

"If my parents can come back from the dead, I can consider sympathizing with them." Gu Yue's lips curved into a sneer.

The feeling of a woman's benevolence has appeared in her too many times, and it shouldn't continue now.Back then, if Gu Congshan had a little kindness, he wouldn't have killed the family of three!
Now that their family is ruined, who will pity her?

A cold look flashed across Gu Yue's face, before he could say anything, Gu Changhao chased after him, "Yueyue, did you do it!"

Faced with Gu Changhao's blatant questioning, Gu Yue raised his eyes and looked over, his eyes filled with coolness, "What right do you have to ask me that now? I haven't asked you yet, why did you want to kill our family!"

Gu Changhao was so blocked that he couldn't say a word, and after keeping the secret, he said helplessly, "Yueyue, even if you know something, you shouldn't reveal it at Yanran's wedding, right? You know that the Zhang family is a land of tigers and wolves , Now that something like this has happened again, how will she live in the Zhang family in the future?"

When the incident happened, Gu Changhao was very surprised.

It's not that he didn't expect Gu Yue to find evidence.In fact, when he knew that Gu Yue was Gu Congshan's daughter, he knew that this day would appear, but he never thought that it would appear in such a way.

This is not only sending Gu Congshan to prison, but also bringing shame to the entire Gu family.And Gu Yanran, who is married, is doomed not to have a good life.

After figuring this out, he wanted to step forward and tear Gu Yanran down to cancel the wedding, but he didn't want Gu Yanran and Mrs. Zhang to let the wedding continue by singing together!
This saved the Zhang family's face, but it really started Gu Yanran's life in hell!

Gu Yue let go of Zhou Sicheng's arm, took a step forward and walked in front of Gu Changhao. She had a slight smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes at all.

"You said I wouldn't give Gu Yanran a living? You could see clearly at the wedding scene that marrying into the Zhang family was her willful choice. If she had been unwilling at that time, the wedding would have ended. Why did she have to marry into Zhang's family?" Don't say you don't know."

Gu Yue saw Gu Changhao's complexion changed slightly, knowing that he also knew what Gu Yanran was planning, "So it's not that I don't give Gu Yanran a way out, but that she wants to force me to die.

In addition, I really want to ask, when Gu Congshan attacked our family, did he ever think of leaving me a way out?I was only a few years old at that time, and I was stranded in an orphanage alone, and I had a serious illness and lost all my memories.

It's a good thing I lost my memory and didn't find it home, otherwise if I ran into Gu Congshan's hands, I'm afraid that the grass on my grave would be as tall as several people. "

Her voice was very calm, but every word and every sentence was an accusation filled with blood and tears, an indignation at her life experience over the years.

Originally, she also had a happy family, with parents who loved her... But because of Gu Congshan's selfishness and greed ruined everything, she was also called a homeless orphan, and even after she returned to Gu's house, she still tried every means Count on her.

Such relatives are just strangers related by blood. To put it more bluntly, they are enemies at all!

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