"What are you thinking?" Zhou Sicheng looked down at her who was silent.

It's not that Gu Yue is afraid to speak out about the Zhou family, but he just feels that if he tells the truth, it would be too bad for the scenery.And she thinks that she is still very capable, and she will never be easily calculated by others.

Pulling her lips and smiling, she seemed to ask casually, "Why did you choose to propose today? Wasn't 5.20 yesterday a bad day? Or do you prefer 5.21?"

"When I heard 5.20 and 5.21, I always felt that 5.20 was not good enough. It seemed to be a zero in the end, and it was empty. I hope we will be perfect and end from one, so I chose today." Zhou Sicheng said own interpretation.

"So you're still superstitious about numbers." Gu Yue smiled and shook his head.

The first time they met was at Gu Congshan's birthday banquet, and then she was tricked... Thinking about it carefully, every day is unlucky, but in the end they fulfilled the happiest of them.

Zhou Sicheng put his arms around her and looked up at the stars all over the sky, "It's not superstition, but because you love someone, you don't want her to suffer any harm. Even if there is some harm, it may just be a fantasy."

Gu Yue was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

Their country is very concerned about choosing a date in some important matters, so Zhou Sicheng treats her according to the ancient etiquette, and is always thinking of her.

Thinking of it this way, she only felt that her heart was sweeter, "Well, today is a good day, and I am very happy."

The two sat quietly in the sea of ​​flowers, admiring the sky full of stars.

What she once asked for in the game, she got it all in the real world.Gu Yue suddenly felt that God had never treated her kindly.


Because the sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful and there are too many memories about the game, it was already late at night when Gu Yue and Zhou Sicheng left the sea of ​​flowers.

"It's late, how is grandma?" Gu Yue frowned.

"After the marriage proposal ceremony, grandma went back. She said that the noise here is unaccustomed." Zhou Sicheng took her hand and walked towards the small buildings in the manor.

Gu Yuean calmed down, only felt that the man beside him was really worth relying on, but... "Aren't we going back tonight?"

"Liang Chen has prepared a room and said it is suitable for newlyweds. Let's go and see the situation." Zhou Sicheng took out the room card and handed it to her, "If you like it, we'll stay, if you don't like it, we'll go back."

Newlyweds suitable?

Gu Yue always felt that there was something hidden in this sentence that she didn't realize.

Raising her eyebrows, she opened the door with her key card and opened her mouth into an O shape.

I saw the antique decoration in the room, and there was a plaque in the center of the living room that said "the living will not be cured".She suddenly had the illusion of traveling through time and space, walked inside, and went up to the bedroom on the second floor.

The layout of the room still has an ancient charm, but the bed is covered with flower petals, and there are nuts that herald the birth of a baby. It really looks like a wedding room for newlyweds.

But what really attracted Gu Yue was that after opening the floor-to-ceiling windows, there was a large terrace with various flowers placed on it, through which one could directly go down to the backyard.

And there are small flowing water bridges in the garden, the whole is a condensed paradise.

Sure enough, the scenery here is based on the scenes in the game. Although it is not so standard, it makes people recall the starting point bit by bit.

She suddenly wanted to buy this small building and move in directly.

Zhou Sicheng, who hadn't heard Gu Yue's voice for a long time, also followed in. After looking at the furnishings in the room, he found her and said, "Don't you like it?"

"I like it!" Gu Yue's eyes widened excitedly, "Zhou Sicheng, how did you know I would like this place?"

Seeing her happy appearance, Zhou Sicheng was very glad that Secretary An had the authority to arrange all of this, but regretted that he didn't know her that well, "It's good if you like it, it was arranged by Secretary An."

"Secretary An has a heart." Seeing the change in his complexion, Gu Yue knew that he was a little disappointed. He hugged his arm and said, "It's actually normal. Secretary An is a woman. She naturally understands what I like. Even if you and I If you have played the same game, you will not understand. I am already very happy with all this arrangement."


"of course."

Looking at Gu Yue's smiling face like a flower, Zhou Sicheng couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her lips, and the night that belonged to lovers began.


The next day, the news that Zhou Sicheng proposed to Gu Yue was indeed on the trending searches as expected.And Gu Yue's originally quiet Weibo was almost overwhelmed, and the number of fans increased almost crazily.

However, Gu Yue had long been mentally prepared for this matter.

So when she clicked on Weibo, she put the phone on the table and went to wash up by herself. When she came back to pick up the phone, there was still the sound of ding ding dong dong.

It can be seen that after the news broke, how crazy it was on Weibo.

After a random glance, she knew that if she went out today, she must pay attention, otherwise she might be chased and intercepted by a lot of media at any time.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What's more serious is that Mrs. Zhou is probably about to arrive at the battlefield.

But what surprised her was that Mrs. Zhou didn't come directly, but called Zhou Sicheng and asked him to go home to explain, without mentioning her in a single word.

When I feel at ease, I feel a little uneasy. It seems that Mrs. Zhou is ignoring her directly.

In order to keep her mood happy, she scrolled through the Weibo comments. Some people wished them a happy marriage for a hundred years, and some Lemon Essence said that Zhou Sicheng was just for fun.

There are even more people who say that the male god's name is in possession, and their hearts are broken.

And what made her laugh the most was a person's goddamn sentence: Even if there is no Gu Yue, it will not be your turn, okay?
While Gu Yue was looking at Weibo and laughing, Zhou Sicheng returned to Zhou's house.

When Mrs. Zhou saw the news, she sat on the sofa early in the morning angrily, her face was full of displeasure.Especially when he saw Zhou Sicheng's happy face when he came back, he became even more angry.

"Zhou Sicheng, your wings are really hard. We have to watch the news to find out about getting married. Now that we know how to come back, why don't you come back with your new daughter-in-law? Let's see this serious Zhou Mistress of the family, you should be prepared to make room for her." Mrs. Zhou's tone was cold, and her words were full of yin and yang.

Zhou Sicheng didn't change much on his face. He walked over with long legs, sat on the sofa and said unhurriedly, "Mom, no matter who I marry, you are the hostess of the Zhou family. This point, right? will change."

"Really? Then why doesn't the ugly daughter-in-law come to see our in-laws? Afraid of scaring us?" Mrs. Zhou's tone was still very bad.

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