It sounded very touching, but Gu Yue's brows were tightly wrinkled, his face was full of surprise and astonishment.

It's normal for Zhou Sicheng to accompany her, and sometimes he is too busy with work, and she will play tricks and let him accompany her.

After all, two people have been together for a long time, not only need enough material, but also need long-term company.

So every once in a while, she would let him escape from his busy work and enjoy a quiet life with her.

However, what he said now was to stay with her until she was due to give birth?
After being stunned for a moment, she also understood.

This time she had an accident on the construction site, which really frightened Zhou Sicheng.

In fact, when that person appeared, she was also taken aback, thinking that she was really done just like that.

But when she woke up and found that she was lying in a good-looking bedroom, and Chen Yuan was still sitting on the sofa, she understood everything.

It's all by design.

In order to be realistic and prevent the other party from seeing any problems, she had no choice but to continue to pretend to be missing, but contacted Zhou Sicheng immediately.

In fact, it was at that time that Zhou Sicheng really learned the news of Gu Yue's disappearance.But there was a violent shock in one heart, and the whole person was frightened.

He always knew that someone secretly wanted to attack Gu Yue, but no one had ever succeeded.

This time Chen Yuan sang such a big play for the sake of acting, but it made Zhou Sicheng feel terrified.

He didn't really protect Gu Yue well, nor did he really keep her in a safe range. If it wasn't Chen Yuan, but Cheng Siyu who really hired a suitable killer, then this matter would be unimaginable.

Therefore, he decided to stay by her side every step of the way before she gave birth, and work at home through remote control.

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Yue also understood Zhou Sicheng's mood, but she frowned and said, "Sicheng, you will make FZ face a big loss like this."

"No amount of money can compare to yours. Besides, I can afford to lose."

I have to say that the three words "can afford to lose" are really powerful, giving people a very domineering feeling.

But there are some things, just feel it, and you don't really need to pay so much.

She chuckled, reached out and hugged his waist, trying to get closer to him, but found that her stomach was stuck there, and she couldn't get too close.

Helpless, she had no choice but to ignore these details.

Raising her head slightly, she looked at him and said with a smile, "Sicheng, I understand what you think, but now I'm standing beside you unscathed? Nothing happened, you don't need to worry. "

"It's luck this time. I can't imagine what will happen next time the same thing happens." Zhou Sicheng looked at her, obviously not intending to give in.

"You have to believe that auspicious people have their own signs, and whether it's me or the baby, we are all very lucky people and nothing will happen."

"If you are in front of me, I will feel at ease and know that you are really safe."

It's over, it's really hurting, so it's simply not acceptable to be separated?
But a group company as big as FZ can't let him be so self-willed.

Although the company is big and powerful, many people will give him face in many cases.But some businesses still need face-to-face talks, and things like business trips are unavoidable.

He just dropped everything and ran home to stay with her, that was like pushing the door-to-door business out of him.

At that time, maybe there will be something to say about Gu Yue's bewitching Zhou Sicheng!

At this time, Gu Yue was the first and the second big.

I am worried that the company will have unnecessary shocks, and I am also depressed that there will be a new round of public opinion related to myself soon.

This situation is really frustrating.

However, after being separated for such a long time just now, is it not bad for the two of them to get bored for a few days?

Thinking of this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Since you have already made arrangements, are you all right today?"


Meeting his black eyes, she puffed her stomach and said arrogantly, "Then accompany me to the supermarket today. I haven't been there for a long time, and I want to buy something delicious."

Since the first trimester of pregnancy, Gu Yue's appetite has increased greatly, and he wants to taste everything he sees, and wants to try.

I just saw the beef jerky in the advertisement yesterday, and I wanted to buy a pack all night long.

Knowing her current greedy appearance, Zhou Sicheng naturally did not refuse, he helped her up the stairs carefully, changed the clothes for going out, and carefully put on her hat and scarf before taking her out.

As soon as you go out, you can feel the cold and dry air outside.

After sitting in the car, Gu Yue slightly tore off the scarf, "The weather is really getting colder and colder, but it hasn't snowed these days."

After Zhou Sicheng ordered the driver to drive, he looked down at her and said, "Why, do you want it to snow?"

She smiled, and asked instead of answering, "Why, Mr. Zhou is rich and powerful, so it's possible that he even has to control the weather."

Originally, he wanted to join the army. After all, weather is something that cannot be controlled by manpower.

But Zhou Sicheng said indifferently, "I heard that there is suitable weather recently, and artificial snowfall can be done."

"..." Well, you are really rich and powerful!

While Gu Yue was complaining, Zhou Sicheng continued, "If you think that snow is not beautiful, we can go to a place where it has already snowed for vacation."

Where there is snow...

Gu Yue blinked and thought for a while.

In fact, in terms of her nature, she is not a person who likes snowing.She even felt that snow would not only cause traffic problems, but also make it more dirty when the snow melted.

In such a mood, she doesn't like snow very much in essence.

So she shook her head and said, "No, it's good to let the weather run naturally like this. As for artificial snowfall, the relevant departments will deal with it when necessary."

Zhou Sicheng responded without saying anything.

When the driver parked the car at the entrance of the supermarket, Zhou Sicheng got out of the car first, then walked around the rear of the car, opened the door, and carefully helped Gu Yue out of the car.

Since it is a working day and the time is relatively early, there are not many people going to the supermarket.

But even so, those who saw them couldn't help but look at them.

Not only because men are tall and handsome, but women are delicate and beautiful.It was because the man's eyeballs seemed to be glued to the woman's body, and he kept telling her to be careful along the way, for fear that she might make any mistakes.

Happy people always make people want to look at them a few more times, and make people feel happy so that they can have such happiness.

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