The person who sent the message was Zhou Liqian.

Gu Yue just glanced at the line of words, and casually put the phone aside, the expression on his face didn't change at all.

Obviously, she has no interest in Zhou Liqian's inquiries or threats.

In less than 5 minutes, there was noise outside, and even the occasional knock on the door.

This made Lu Nan frown slightly, and he strode to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Zhou Liqian standing outside the door impressively.

Seeing that the door was opened, Zhou Liqian immediately said loudly, "Where's Gu Yue? Since she's here, why doesn't she dare to come to see me? Could it be her attitude to solve problems by hiding now?"

Faced with such an aggressive attitude, Lu Nan said officially, "Miss Zhou, my wife is here as a special guest. You will naturally meet her on the show."

"I don't want to wait until the show starts, I want to see her now!" She said and was about to rush in.

But how could Lu Nan, who had been on guard all along, give her such a chance?So after seeing her movement, I immediately reached out to stop her.

Seeing that she was blocked and tried several times without any effect, the annoyance on Zhou Liqian's face became more obvious.

She shouted into the room, "Gu Yue, are you going to be a shrinking turtle? Just hide like this? I knew that you are a person who dares to act but dare not to be!"

A burst of laughter interrupted Zhou Liqian's shouting, and then she saw Gu Yue standing behind Lu Nan.

Gu Yue said softly, "Get out of the way, Lu Nan, I think Qianqian wants to see me at this time, but also to discuss some things. After all, there will be a show later, if our opinions are contrary, I am afraid that everyone will look bad. "

Zhou Liqian interrupted her with a sneer, "If you were really worried about everyone's bad face, you shouldn't have appeared today at all!"

"Oh? Why? Qianqian, you have already had such a big misunderstanding about Sicheng and me. If I still don't say anything, I'm worried that the misunderstanding will become bigger and bigger. At that time, our two families will be separated from each other by relatives. It’s not good to become an enemy.”

"We are enemies! Isn't it bad enough that my brother was hurt by you!"

"What's wrong with Zhou Yu? Isn't he chasing the footsteps of true love now?"

"What true love? He's gone crazy. He divorced my sister-in-law and even my nephew!"

Hearing this, Gu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and at the same time unconsciously raised his hand to gently brush his stomach.

Since her pregnancy, she has developed more affection for the child as a creature.

Not only do I hope that my baby can be born safely and grow up healthy, but I also hope that all children can have such treatment.

At this time, Search One heard that Zhou Yu didn't even want Jiabao, and his mood became quite complicated.

But this thought only lasts for a few seconds, and others will not notice the change in her face if they don't pay attention.

Gu Yue looked at Zhou Liqian and said softly, "Your brother made such a decision, it's his business, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with you? You were the one who instigated it. You designed that woman to hook up with my brother, causing my brother's family to be ruined!"

Gu Yue lightly clicked his tongue and said, "Don't say that what you said has no evidence, even if it is true, why don't you think about why your brother is so obedient and jumps into the circle I designed?"


"There was no so-called love between Zhou Yu and Chen Rong. The two of them were together and each had their own goals. So it's normal to come to this point, and it's their relief to part ways now."

Zhou Liqian's eyes widened, she never thought that Gu Yue would say that.

After a long while, she said with a sneer, "Gu Yue, I always knew that you were eloquent, and I also knew that you would not admit to so many vicious things you did.

But I didn't expect you to go down to such an extent that you did such a vicious thing yourself, but planted all your problems and mistakes on my brother! "

"This sentence should be said to yourself, right?"

Gu Yue raised his eyelids, and looked at Zhou Liqian coolly, "When you left Zhou's house that day, you didn't have any problems, but when you returned to Zhou's house, you were raped.

What happened during this period, you know very well, right?Speaking of which, you wanted to take revenge on the Zhou family, so you poured this basin of dirty water on the Zhou family, right? "

Thinking of the terrible things that happened in the villa that day, Zhou Liqian's face was almost pale.

During this time, she has been forcing herself not to think about what happened that day, but any detail is enough to remind her of what happened that day.

And every time she thinks about it, all the details will clearly emerge in her brain, making her feel like she has experienced all the perceptions again.

To her, that is undoubtedly a kind of delay!
Sensing the change in Zhou Liqian's expression, Gu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly.

She always felt that after Zhou Liqian left the Zhou family that day, she and Mrs. Zhou designed a play together, in order to find trouble for Cheng Yuang and at the same time pour dirty water on the Zhou family.

But looking at it now, I'm afraid that what happened that day was far from that simple.

Could it be that her thinking was wrong at the beginning, someone designed everything behind Zhou Liqian, and Zhou Liqian is just a pawn?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little chilly in her heart.

You must know that Zhou Liqian was raised by being pampered since she was a child, and she has the temper of an absolute eldest lady.With her personality, it will definitely not be easy to control her.

What happened in the villa that day that made Zhou Liqian do this obediently?

Of course, it does not rule out that Zhou Liqian herself wants to do this.


Gu Yue pursed his lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "Qianqian, do you know how much the things you announced have had an impact on Cheng Yuang? He was in a difficult state in the Cheng family, and now the public opinion from the outside world condemns him, let him It’s even more difficult in Cheng’s.”

Since Zhou Liqian has feelings for Cheng Yuang, it's better to play the emotional card.

But what Gu Yue didn't expect was that Zhou Liqian just sneered when she heard this sentence, "What's the problem? Hooked up with Zhou Sining, that fake Zhou family lady, FZ will naturally help him."

When she said this, she almost gritted her teeth, and there was slowly resentment in her eyes, and there was even a layer of sadness in her eyes.

Gu Yue took all her emotions into his eyes, "So you thought so, but in fact the Zhou family also suffered enemies because of this incident.

Everyone thinks that the Zhou family doesn't care about your thoughts because of Ning'er, but you know the truth best.Qianqian, now only if you tell the truth, the Zhou family can really uphold justice. "

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