City King Online

Chapter 0110: Accident? !

The person being questioned looked at the bread in his hands in surprise, his sallow face was a bit unbelievable, you must know that in this last days, a good piece of bread can be exchanged for a lot of things.

"Ask me, ask me, I know everything here."

"Go away, ask me, I'm the know-it-all here." Seeing someone getting the daily necessities so easily, the quiet environment just now boiled up instantly, countless people rushed to Li Fei's side, and said flatteringly .

Li Fei's body trembled slightly, and a mysterious force gushed out from around his body. The people gathered around Li Fei only felt a slight tremor in their bodies, then stopped, touched their heads in doubt, and dispersed.

"Who are you? Don't come here! I don't want to die yet! I don't want to be sacrificed yet, don't come here!" The figure in the corner seemed to sense someone walking towards him, and turned around quickly, holding his head growled at Li Fei.

Li Fei's footsteps faltered slightly, and then a smile emerged. It seems that this guy really knows something, a sacrifice?Who do you want to sacrifice to? !
"Don't be afraid, look into my eyes, and tell me everything you know, don't worry, take your time." Li Fei stopped in front of the figure in the corner, squatted down slowly, speaking in a low voice It rang slowly in his ears.

The deep words lingered in his ears. Driven by this force, the figure in the corner raised his head unconsciously, and his original crazy expression gradually stabilized, and he said slowly with a dull expression: "My name is Xiang Ze, originally It's the captain under Zhou Zhentian's command, and I was originally in charge of arresting ordinary humans."

"Then why did you appear here and lose all your abilities?" Li Fei asked again with a flash of light in his eyes.

"I, Xiang Ze, have been diligently working for him since the outbreak of the end of the world. Just because I had some complaints about Zhou Zhentian's order to me, I was ruthlessly abandoned by him, and even more so, I was deprived of all my abilities and became a Abandoned son, becoming one of the sacrifices of thousands of people, I hate it so much!" Xiang Ze's expression was dull, the hatred in his eyes soared into the sky, almost breaking through Li Fei's mind control.

"Sacrifice? What's going on? Why are so many ordinary people brought here?" Li Fei frowned, accurately capturing the words in his words, and then asked.

In Li Fei's consciousness, only extremely evil things need human beings as sacrifices, could it be evil gods?
"Hmph, Zhou Zhentian's strength was only a little bit stronger than mine. During another expedition, we obtained a mysterious statue in the ruins. Since that time, Zhou Zhentian's whole person seems to have changed. We began to wantonly capture the ordinary people around us, and it was at that time that Zhou Zhentian's strength began to increase by leaps and bounds." Under Li Fei's comfort, the hatred in Xiang Ze's eyes disappeared bit by bit, It became sluggish again.

"Once again, I wanted to discuss something with him, but I accidentally saw the mysterious statue we found in the ruins. In the pool of blood, the statue was up and down, and its face was soaked in blood. , In the deep red blood, behind Zhou Zhentian, I saw an extremely evil-looking monster, greedily lying on the blood pool and sucking something, we are all going to die, we will all die here, and be sacrificed to the monster..." Xiang Ze's murmured voice suddenly became crazy again, holding his head and speaking incoherently, even if Li Fei used his divine power to comfort him again, it would not help.

Li Fei took a few steps back, facing the suspicious eyes projected from around him, shook his head slightly, and remained silent.

Through Xiang Ze's words, Li Fei learned the fact that in order to gain strength, Zhou Zhentian asked his subordinates to continuously search the scattered ordinary survivors around him.

Gaining strength for the sacrifice of that statue, even destroying the large and small human gathering places around the steel, and gathering so many human survivors here, I am afraid it is not a small conspiracy.

The statue obtained by Zhou Zhentian may be a materialized object formed by the condensed projection of the incarnation of the evil god.

"Take them all away, take away everyone in this room, this room, this room." Suddenly the prison door was opened, and a group of people surrounded by a man wearing a big gun at the head walked in slowly. , the leader is not Zhou Zhentian or who.

"He is Zhou Zhentian, the one who hit me hard with one palm." Wang Zhihuan approached with a solemn expression, and whispered in Li Fei's ear.

In fact, Wang Zhihuan didn't need to open his mouth to point it out. As early as before Zhou Zhentian entered the prison, Li Fei had a premonition that a surge of resentment outside the prison was slowly moving towards the prison.

 "What a heavy resentment!" Li Fei recognized Zhou Zhentian at the first sight, and he was the only one who had soaring resentment. These resentments turned into ghosts and enveloped Zhou Zhentian's whole body. In the midst of the resentful ghosts, there is a hideous monster, who is staring at the people in the prison with an extremely greedy look.

"Strange, why is it so cold all of a sudden?" Someone in the prison couldn't help but sneezed, touched his arm and asked a little strangely.

This is the insidiousness of the ghost creature with resentment. The ghost creature with resentment entrenched around Zhou Zhentian's body has already begun to affect the surrounding environment. Over time, after the resentment in the ghost creature has accumulated to a certain extent, the monster hidden in the ghost creature will be completely destroyed. Occupying Zhou Zhentian's body, walking between heaven and earth, turning the whole world into a ghostly creature.

"User, what you are seeing now is the consciousness projection of the blood demon god. Once it continuously summons its own power through blood sacrifices and completely occupies Zhou Zhentian's body, it will be entangled with the world's consciousness in the core of the world. The main body will gain greater power, completely devour the consciousness of the world, turn this world into its bloody altar, and awaken the main body of the blood demon god." When Li Fei was thinking hard about how to solve Zhou Zhentian, the long-lost The notification from the God King system sounded.

Sure enough, it was related to the evil god. I had heard about the evil god for so long, and this was the first time I met the evil god. Although it was the incarnation of the power differentiated by the projection of the blood demon god's consciousness, it still made Li Fei feel excited.

Let me see what kind of means this so-called evil god possesses to be called a demon god!Li Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart, suppressed everyone who was about to do it, and shook his head slightly.

It's not time to fight at the scene, once you start fighting here, the aftermath of the battle alone is enough to shock and kill all ordinary people here. Li Fei intends to take all these people back intact.

After all, aren't the tens of thousands of people, including the Alliance of Steel, all good believers?Even if the power of faith provided by each person is far less than the power of faith produced by Wang Zhihuan and the others in a day, it cannot support the large population base.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, isn't it? !
"Come out, do you hear me?! Get out of here, don't let me do anything." The figure beside Zhou Zhentian shouted again, and the direction he was pointing included the prison room where Li Fei was.

The door of the prison room was suddenly opened, and under the escort of the Iron Alliance team of supernatural beings, everyone came out in a single file, holding their heads in their hands and walking out of the prison slowly. Punch and kick.

These people escorted the people in the prison to stop and go all the way, constantly walking towards the depths of the Iron Alliance. As they continued to go deeper, Li Fei and others were extremely surprised to find that the entire city of the Iron Alliance It turns out that they are all prehistoric relics, and a huge part of the entire city is submerged in the mountain. No wonder the outline of the city cannot be seen at all from the outside world.

Zhou Zhentian suddenly raised his hand, and the team responsible for escorting everyone in the prison stopped instantly. Li Fei glanced at them, and suddenly sighed regretfully.

The looks of these people were dull, and they had long lost the agility they had at the beginning. The bursts of bloody light that emerged from their bodies all showed that they had been corroded by the power of evil gods, lost their sanity and turned into puppets.

Only in the outside world will the little consciousness left in their bodies be released and their original appearance restored. This is the result of the Gorefiend God deliberately retaining it.

 Above the huge light field, a huge statue of the evil god appeared in front of everyone. Zhou Zhentian stepped towards the statue, pulled off the shoulders, exposed his majestic upper body, and flipped his palms, a dagger appeared in front of him. hands.

"Great God, your humble servant is here calling for your coming. The new blood food has been brought, please enjoy it." Zhou Zhentian bowed his body, and the deep voice sounded slowly, and the people in the prison were puzzled Amidst the expression on his face, the palm of his hand was cut suddenly, and scarlet blood flowed out of his wide palm in an instant, and was smeared on the body of the huge statue bit by bit by him.

"Do it!" Suddenly, a low shout resounded from the crowd in the prison, and then several figures rushed out and rushed towards Zhou Zhentian.

"Sure enough, there are some bedbugs who want to disturb my lord's sacrifice, but you will soon become the blood food my lord eats, and become a part of my lord's descending body." , Zhou Zhentian sneered, and a huge phantom suddenly appeared between waving his palms, sweeping away the several figures that were flying towards him.

"Damn, this guy's strength has increased again, there is nothing to do, don't sacrifice in vain, let's retreat!" Under the absolute power, several figures were bleeding in midair, and a figure in midair suddenly shouted, and his figure instantly Retired violently, rushing towards the outside world recklessly.

"Zhou Zhentian! You have colluded with evil spirits from outside the territory to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of survivors. Your crime is extremely heinous. I, Mu Rentian, will definitely make your crime public! You are doomed!" The moment the figure rushed out, an urgent voice suddenly resounded through the entire square , It also completely panicked everyone in the prison below.

Among the crowd, Li Fei and others looked at me and you, and they were all a little speechless. The moment the hands-on words sounded, if they hadn't had strong self-control, they might have rushed along with them. out.

But then again, who are these guys?

Vegetable Chicken has something to say: Humph, please... please ask for a monthly pass! ! !

hum! ! ! ! (>д<)

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