City King Online

Chapter 0294: Divine Sense Disappears

"Of course, as long as you complete the mission, the mission rewards you will get are also very impressive, except for the two weapons that I personally promised you to reward.

As for the Xuanqing Extraordinary Base, your authority level will be directly raised by one level, and all tasks will be open to you first. Director Li glanced at the two people who looked a little ugly, but the words he said made their hearts beat.

Since you want the horse to run, how can you not let the horse graze.The punishment for mission failure is terrible, but the reward for mission completion makes them even more tempted.

In the Xuanqing Extraordinary Base, the increase in authority level is not as simple as a simple increase in status. Resources and connections will also increase accordingly.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Huang Zetian and Lingan looked at each other, and they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

Isn't it just looking for someone, we took it!

The mission rewards given to them by the Xuanqing Transcendent Base moved their hearts very much. It was precisely because of this mentality that they accepted the mission obediently.

For them, since the superhuman boss in the extreme realm was able to save them when their life and death were in crisis, it showed that that existence had a certain affection for the superhuman from Huaguo.

Although if I wanted to find him in the vast crowd, I might offend him to a certain extent, and break his idea of ​​wanting to hide in the busy city, which made him a little unhappy.

But for the sake of being an extraordinary person in the Hua Kingdom, maybe that existence would not directly take action to kill him, at most it would be a slight punishment.

Huang Zetian and Ling Gan were almost [-]% sure of such a conjecture.

As long as you find that existence and try to persuade him to join our Xuanqing Transcendent Base, you will get huge rewards directly at your fingertips.

"Then Director Li, do you have a time limit for us to give us this task?" Suddenly Huang Zetian seemed to have thought of something, raised his head and asked Director Li in front of him.

"There is no time limit, as long as you don't fail the mission, it's fine, but don't let it go, no one can guarantee that that existence will suddenly appear in the eyes of all the extraordinary forces." Seeing the worry in the hearts of the two of them, Director Li shook his head slowly, and they were suddenly surprised by what he said.

"Okay, okay, you go, remember to seize the time and don't relax." Seeing the nervous look on the faces of the two of them, Director Li felt a little funny, and at the same time, the two of them waved their hands again and again. , directly drove the two out of the conference room.

"You must hurry up..." Director Li suddenly sighed and muttered to himself as he watched the two of them come out in a panic.

Huaguo is a new supernatural power, except for those small supernatural power groups spontaneously organized by the people, all the superhuman bases in Huaguo are the largest supernatural power in Huaguo.

Regardless of the huge population base of China, there are actually not many superhumans born. Although they account for 3/10 of the world's superhumans, the number of top superhumans born over the years is extremely rare, far less than other supernatural beings. Those who influence.

In the history of superhuman beings in China, they have been oppressed more than once by other supernatural powers!

In order to resist these joint oppression from other transcendent forces, the transcendents in Huaguo suffered heavy losses, and a large number of young and talented transcendents directly left themselves on the battlefield forever.

This has led to a fault phenomenon among the extraordinary people in Huaguo today.

Don't look at the power of the transcendent in Huaguo now among all the transcendent forces in the world, but it is the power that countless transcendent ancestors used their flesh and blood to forcibly exert.

The extraordinary people in the Hua Kingdom are already in a fault phenomenon. The reason why they have not fallen out of the ranks of the top teams of the extraordinary forces is because the high-level combat power is firmly at the forefront. The participants were under tremendous pressure.

Now the appearance of the suspected new top transcendent has made all the final high-level officials of Xuanqing transcendent base very happy. For them, and even for the entire transcendent world in Huaguo, this is undoubtedly great news.

As long as this person can join the forces of the extraordinary in Huaguo, he will be able to share the huge pressure from other extraordinary forces and contribute a lot to the cultivation of new transcendents in the world of extraordinary in Huaguo.

This is the real reason why Director Li insisted that Huang Zetian and Lin Gan invite that existence to join the Xuanqing Extraordinary Base in front of everyone.

However, what they didn't know in their hearts was that the extreme boss they were thinking about was actually Li Fei under their noses.

The black-robed figure who appeared in front of them that day was actually the incarnation of Li Fei's spiritual thoughts. Otherwise, how could he happen to meet them by chance and save them directly.

"Old Huang, why did our Director Li entrust us with this task?!" Lin Gan, who had just returned to his residence, came back to his senses, scratched the back of his head, and asked Huang Zetian .

"You asked me how I know, but the only thing I can know is that in our base, there are spies from other bases." Faced with Lingan's question, Huang Zetian, who had just sat down, rolled his eyes helplessly, and said His words are always surprising.

"I know this. Aren't all the transcendental bases in our country planted spies with each other? This is already an unspoken rule in our country." Ling Gan glanced at the words speechlessly. Huang Zetian looked a little surprised, but what he said made Huang Zetian a little surprised.

"So what if you know, anyway, you don't know who those spies are." Sensing the look of surprise flashing across Huang Zetian's eyes, Lingan sat up calmly, and the words he said really made Huang Zetian astonished. My heart fell silent.

As Lingan said, the spies planted in the base of Xuanqing superhumans are hidden so deeply that no one else knows except the controller of the base.

Among the transcendental bases in Huaguo, almost all the transcendental bases have spies placed by other transcendental bases. The purpose is to supervise and report major events in the base at any time.

In the extraordinary world of China, all extraordinary bases are in a relationship of competition and cooperation with each other. Those spies placed in other extraordinary bases are the existence that the base controllers tacitly agree to.

Of course, other extraordinary powers abroad will also try to insert spies, and these spies who are inserted will be dealt with secretly at the first time.

Take the Xuanqing Transcendent Base as an example. In the meeting held not long ago, Director Li can guarantee that his meeting has just finished, and the controllers of other Transcendent Bases in China will know about it. Clearly.

This is actually what Director Li acquiesced in his heart. Through the hands of these spies, the news was spread. Director Li believed in his heart that with the power of all the extraordinary bases in the country, he would not find the person he was looking for.

"Come on, I don't want the mission to fail." Lingan stood up, patted the silent Huang Zetian on the shoulder, opened the door and walked out.


"The superhumans in this world feel that their control over power is so weak." Li Fei, who returned to his residence, lay on his bed, recalling the scenes he saw in the Xuanqing superhuman base, and couldn't help sighing.

"Fortunately, I was there at the time, otherwise Huang Zetian and Lin Gan would be dead. If they died, all the hard work I had done would be in vain." Li Fei sighed and sat up from the bed silently, his expression was have no choice.

According to Li Fei's original plan, he was actually unwilling to use his power so early in his heart. In this world, the movement of extreme power would resonate with the law of power between heaven and earth.

At the same time, it will also attract the eyes of those powerful people who are hiding in this world. In order not to expose himself too early, Li Fei separated a touch of divine sense and condensed into an avatar, and then rescued the two of them.

Once Huang Zetian and Lin Gan died, he who acted together with them must also "die", otherwise it would be impossible to explain why he was the only one living alone.

Once this is the case, then everything I have done before will be in vain, and all my efforts will be useless, which runs counter to the plan in Li Fei's heart.

Therefore, even if Pang Tianyue did not arrive later, in order to prevent accidents from happening, Li Fei would take action in advance to save their lives.

Fortunately, it was his divine sense incarnation who made the move, it appeared quickly and left even faster.

In Li Fei's perception, at the moment when he dissipated the incarnation of divine thoughts, several strands of divine thoughts that were not inferior to his own directly descended from the sky and appeared in the sky that day.

The billowing spiritual thoughts followed one after another, almost without any concealment, the spiritual thoughts kept colliding and intertwined in the air, and then suddenly dispersed with a few awe-inspiring muffled sounds.

Li Fei laughed secretly in his heart. It was obvious that someone had suffered a lot during this brief confrontation of divine sense.

Although it was a confrontation in front of Li Fei, the hidden danger was not inferior to a life-and-death fight, but their use of power made Li Fei secretly despise.

Kong has a lot of strength, but he doesn't know how to use it 100%, which is why Li Fei said the words at the beginning.

"Finally gone! It's really lingering!" Li Fei felt relieved when he felt the spiritual thoughts above his body dissipate. He couldn't help but stretched and said slowly.

If it weren't for the plan in his heart, Li Fei would have directly killed the spiritual thoughts hovering above his head, so why would he have endured it for so long.

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