City King Online

Chapter 071: Qingfeng College

"Lu Ying, as the leader of Huo Yuan, lead your original thorn rose to protect Lin Qingxue's safety." Seeing that Li Fei's expression became serious, the four of them put away their playful expressions and listened very seriously. Li Fei's next words.

"Most of your members, Qian Ketie, are native-born residents of G City, so all the publicity related to the big and small matters of my god religion is entrusted to you. There is also the matter of my god religion's unification of the whole city this time. You have bothered a lot." Glancing at the four of them, Li Fei nodded with some satisfaction, these guys really deserved to be the existence of a giant in the past, and they knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Understood." Qian Ketie nodded without refusing.

"Qiu Youfei, I need you to integrate all the underground forces of our survivor base for me within the next month, and you will be in charge. Anyone who dares to block can be dealt with, understand? "Li Fei's slow words made Qiu Youfei on the side startled slightly, and nodded quickly.

"Okay, I won't disappoint you." Qiu Youfei said excitedly, licking her lips.

I have long wanted to integrate the underground forces of the entire Survivor Base, but I have been unable to succeed due to the obstruction of the other three major forces. Now the top forces of the entire Survivor Base have been integrated and become a force. There are no blocking factors, and the unification of the underground forces is not easy.

"Xue Yuecheng, do you still have vehicles in your iron-blooded unit that can support long-distance travel?" Li Fei asked Xue Yuecheng after giving so many instructions.

"Yes, our iron-blooded convoy started out relying on the transport convoy. Master, don't underestimate us." Xue Yuecheng rubbed his head and said in a muffled voice.

"That would be great. I will issue a mission to summon supernatural beings in the logistics department, and inform all members of your forces. If you think you have the strength, you might as well come to the logistics department to take over this mission." Li Fei nodded in satisfaction. Nodding his head, he slowly spoke to the four present.

"Is there a reward for the contribution value of the god religion?" The four of them looked at each other, with a flash of excitement in their eyes, and asked slowly.

"Yes, you will be satisfied. Besides, if you do what I asked you to do well, you will be rewarded with rich divine contribution points." Seeing that the motivation in the eyes of the four people had been fully mobilized, Li Fei smiled slightly and said explained.

"There are [-] gods watches in each box here. Take them back to those who you think are capable for certification. After passing the certification, you can also link them through the gods watch and exchange them." Li Fei walked to the counter and tapped on the counter a few times. Immediately afterwards, four metal boxes of different colors slowly emerged. Li Fei glanced at the four of them and spoke slowly.

All the things in the logistics department and even the core system were exchanged by Li Fei from the value of the God Cult store, which cost him a full 10000 belief points.

Of course, it is different from the castrated version of the god-religion exchange store in the logistics department. Li Fei has a higher store authority and can exchange more things. This system is also an item in the God King store value.

It is said that it comes from a world with highly developed technology. Among the God King's treasures, it is on the verge of entering the God King's treasure. In fact, it is the lowest among the tens of millions of God King believers (the previous God King).

"As for the ordinary people in your forces. The God of the End has not given up on them. If they want to gain strength to protect themselves, they can choose to pray to the gods and obtain the power bestowed by our God.

Of course, the amount you get is not free, you need to pay your own devout belief to the gods. The higher the level of devout belief, the more you can make the god of the end feel your existence, and the more rewards you will get from the gods.

In addition to giving faith, the God of the End will not interfere with any of your thoughts, nor will it interfere with any of your actions, you just need to believe in him. "Looking at them stepping forward to take their own boxes one after another, Li Fei continued speaking slowly.

"Can we also obtain the rewards of the gods through faith?" The four people looked at each other, and there was a flash of emotion in their eyes. Qian Ketie and Qiu Youfei looked at each other and asked first.

Thinking of the prayers that Li Fei gave them in the ruins, and feeling the enormous power contained in the prayers, it was precisely in this way that they obtained the cultivation inheritance of the third-level supernatural beings.

Being able to gain power without paying too much, who is not tempted by such a mechanism, that's why they asked this question.

"Actually, you have already experienced this kind of reward." Seeing the look of anticipation flashing in their eyes, Li Fei was slightly speechless, but he still opened his mouth to explain.

"Have you experienced it?!" Qian Ketie and Qiu Youfei looked at each other with such expressions, only Xue Yuecheng and Lu Ying looked at each other, and saw the bewildered look in each other's eyes.

"If you choose to join my god religion, you must choose to believe in the god of the end, and it is precisely because of this that you can perfectly obtain your own cultivation skills. The skills of the supernatural beings you are practicing now are all the end of the world. Otherwise, why do you think it is so easy to practice?"

Li Fei sighed, with a half-smile on his face.

Want to get without paying?There are such good things going on there!
"So we are also believers of the God of Finality now? But why don't I feel anything?!" Lu Ying smiled bitterly and finally understood. She spread her palms and saw an extremely solid mini fire kite flying slowly. With.

"Yes, because you are only the most low-level and superficial believers, and your connection with the divine religion is not deep. The divine power blessing you have obtained is extremely rare and almost insignificant. Of course, you can't feel it." Li Fei glanced at the top of Lu Ying's head The thread of faith fluttering slowly explained in a speechless voice.

In fact, it's not just Lu Ying who is like this, the same is true for the silk thread of faith on the top of the other three people's heads. It is so thin that it is not as thick as a normal hair. Under the impact of the sea of ​​luck, it trembles violently. It seems to break at the touch of a finger.

"As a believer of the God of Demise, you will receive the blessings of the gods. The higher the degree of belief, the higher the blessings of divine power you will get, and the faster you can practice exercises." Li Fei looked at the contemplative The four spoke.

"You all go back and prepare. Once the preparations are completed, we will leave." Li Fei's slightly magnetic voice sounded slowly, waking up the four of them.

"Yes." The four nodded, with extremely serious expressions, and slowly retreated. Although they didn't know what the leader wanted to do, as the man closest to the gods, there must be deep meaning in every move he made.

Now that the matter here has been resolved, it is time to fulfill the last wish of this body.

By the way... what is it?Li Fei looked at the backs of the four gradually leaving, and rubbed his chin thinking.

"Return mission: Find my sister Li Xueqi who is studying in City M to fulfill this body's last wish." Just as Li Fei was thinking hard in his heart, the system couldn't stand it anymore, and the mechanical words sounded, which made Li Fei feel embarrassed.

Qingfeng College in M ​​City, the younger sister of this body used to study in the art department of Qingfeng College. It has been so long since the end of the world, I don’t know how the younger sister is now.

Since she has inherited everything from this body, her sister is naturally her sister. This makes Li Fei, who has been alone now, suddenly feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

…………………………split line……………………

When people talk about City M, they first think of Qingfeng College located in the center of M. It was Qingfeng College that made City M an international metropolis in peacetime, not City M that made Qingfeng College famous internationally.

As an international first-tier city under the direct jurisdiction of the central town government, this city accommodates millions of people. People from all corners of the country from all over the country are desperately crowding here for better development opportunities.

The extremely tragic scene of the apocalypse has already begun. At the beginning of the apocalypse, the overly large population here also became the source of the disaster. When the apocalypse broke out, countless people fleeing instantly blocked all the routes in the city. The exit from the outside world has turned this former international metropolis into an isolated city.

 Wandering zombies can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of this city, burning cars and commercial streets that have been robbed and ruined are everywhere. The smell is disgusting.

As the world-renowned Qingfeng Academy, the thick walls of the academy and the power grid flooded with strong currents on the high walls, as well as the rigorous and world-renowned teaching style, made the students of the academy before the end of the world miserable.

But it is precisely because of this that Qingfeng College is also the only building complex that survived intact at the beginning of the apocalypse. When looking at the bloody zombies dragging their broken bodies, and their bodies were blackened by electric shocks on the towering walls of the college, Only then did the students of the college discover that the things they usually hated so much had become the things they relied on the most.

It is also true that the people who survived from City M established a line of defense relying on the towering walls of Qingfeng College, and survived the waves of monster attacks.

"Dean, the materials stored in the academy plus the materials brought by those outsiders are only enough for us for two weeks. This is still the most frugal use of me. It is imminent to send people out to find materials. In the conference hall of the college, dozens of people sat on both sides, discussing something in low voices, when suddenly someone stood up and said to the leading middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man sitting at the top gave a suit, and sat on the seat with his clothes straight. He frowned on his tired face, scanned everyone with sharp eyes, and finally returned to the face of the person who spoke before, and opened his mouth. Asked: "I see, haven't you contacted the outside world yet?"

"It's a pity that those people who fled frantically at the beginning of the end of the world completely blocked the roads between the entire cities. Not only can we not escape from these cities, but it is also extremely difficult for outsiders to come in." The dean just said After falling, another person stood up, glanced at the crowd, and said another worrying fact.

"Hmph! Those who only know how to escape deserve their death." During the meeting, someone muttered dissatisfiedly, his tone full of resentment.

If it wasn't for those guys, how could the road leading to the outside world be blocked? If it wasn't for those guys, he must have already escaped from this city and went to a safe city to have a good time.

"Not only that, car accidents occurred frequently among the people fleeing, which destroyed many infrastructures in these cities. Among the destroyed infrastructures, communication towers accounted for 80.00%. This is why we have been so late One of the main reasons for not being able to contact the outside world." The figure who spoke looked at the figure who was muttering speechlessly, and spoke directly, making everyone present frown even more.

Now not only is there an abnormal lack of supplies, but even the means of communication with the outside world cannot function normally. Qingfeng Academy has fallen into a desperate situation.

"I will find a way, everyone, please stay safe." The dean took a deep breath, and slowly comforted him.

Fortunately, I resisted the crowd and purchased a large-scale generator with the funds of the college. Otherwise, the electricity consumption in my college would have been exhausted, let alone maintaining the college's power grid.

Because I had a premonition that something big would happen before the end of the world, at the beginning of the college turmoil, the law enforcement officers of the joint school solved the turmoil at a very small cost, and then gradually stabilized the order of the college, so that the loss was huge. As for the tragedy.

 It is also by relying on his sudden appearance that he has led the tens of thousands of teachers and students in the academy to accurately avoid monster attacks time after time, and avoid accidents that may happen time after time in advance.

Although he had a premonition in his heart that something bad was about to happen, he never expected such a terrible thing to happen. He could clearly sense that the scope of this disaster was no longer limited to his own m city, but throughout the world.

Once you close your eyes, you can hear the souls wailing in the void and the world order that is collapsing a little bit.

If Li Fei could see what happened to the dean, he would definitely be shocked at the birth of a prophet.

This ability to accurately foresee changes in the world and what is about to happen is an ability that is extremely rare in any world. Once it grows up, it is something that no force dares to easily provoke.

It is a pity that the scarcity of supernatural power information in this world has caused the dean to still be groping, and the awakened ability has not yet been fully developed.

"Tu Ying, tell you to restrain yourself. This is the academy, not where you used to live!" After a short period of silence in the conference room, a teacher seemed to have received some news, and suddenly stood up. With an ugly face, he opened his mouth and shouted to the leading man on the opposite side.

Just now, those social personnel who were kindly taken in by the college openly touched their own students. If the surrounding students hadn't noticed in time and stopped them, that female student would have been defiled by someone.

How could this not make them, as teachers, angry? If something happened to their students under the nose of the ruins, they would no longer have to be teachers.

"Hmph, what's there to do with what you love and what I want, but your students, because of the large number of people, I haven't settled with you for those who hurt me!" Apparently, the man named Tu Ying also accepted When he got the news, he snorted coldly and whispered to the teacher who had spoken before with a bad expression.

"You!" The teacher who has lived in the ivory tower for many years is the opponent of these old fritters who have been mixed in the society. After a few words, he was so angry that his whole body trembled, and he was speechless for a long time.

"Enough, Tu Ying, take good care of the people under you. Once something like this happens again, don't blame me for kicking you out of the academy!" Looking at the two forces below who were quarreling again, the dean suddenly felt a headache , as a member of the Academy faction, he was naturally more protective of himself, and said lowly to Tu Ying.

"Huh!" Tu Ying snorted when he heard the words, and he agreed without opening his mouth to refute, but no one saw it. The moment he lowered his head, a trace of coldness flashed away in his eyes.

Not long after the end of the world broke out, Qingfeng Academy, as the only surviving force, accepted some social personnel who had fled. With no hope of fleeing, these people flocked to Qingfeng Academy in a riot.

These survivors from society come from all walks of life, but most of them are idle gangsters wandering around the society. They have no other abilities, but their ability to escape is the best.

As time went by, the college admitted more and more survivors, and the number gradually exceeded the total number of teachers and students in the college, so conflicts broke out.

The survivors couldn't bear the sight of these powerless students who were not capable enough to occupy the best survival resources in the college, and felt dissatisfied.

The students of the college pride themselves on their noble status and look down on these people who are at the bottom of the society. Therefore, there are often frictions between the two sides, but they are extremely restrained and have not caused major problems.

As time passed, the staff of the college spontaneously divided into two groups. One group was the academic force headed by the college dean Zheng Yan, and the other group was the social survivors headed by Tu Ying.

Normally, although there were small conflicts between the two sides, under the guidance of the leaders of both sides, they were extremely restrained, but now it was different. The shortage of supplies would intensify the conflicts between the two sides, and the long-standing conflicts would completely erupt.

Zheng Yan knew that once the material problem could not be resolved, the conflict between the two parties would completely erupt, and people could do anything under despair.

"Deploy manpower to form a material search team and go out to the academy to find usable materials!" Zheng Yan rubbed his brows and said slowly.

"I have no objection, so how to solve the problem of personnel allocation?" Tu Ying, who was below, nodded and agreed to come down and ask.

"The number of people in the material search team should not be too large, otherwise it will easily attract monsters and become targets. How about taking 6 people from each of the two factions in the academy to form a material search team?" Zheng Yan glanced at Tu Ying and asked. .

"it is good"

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