Regardless of Shen Rongjin's young age, watching everyone's reports with a cold face still made the company's senior executives in their 40s sweat all over their faces. After all, the hero's aura is [-] meters.Li Wei next to him was lighting candles for these people in his heart. Since last night, Shen Rongjin has been in a very bad mood, and now his aura is in full swing. It's no wonder that those people can't stand it, but he feels that the air conditioner can be turned off. The temperature is really high. Somewhat low.

"This is your performance? Half a year has passed this year, and it is only the same as the same period last year, and the complaint rate is higher than the same period, and even the after-sales service has offended customers and made them no longer cooperate with us. The company has high salaries. You get this kind of reward for hiring you?" Shen Rongjin looked at the people below coldly.

Although the company is run by Chinese people, the general manager here is Jack, an American. Although he is employed by Shen Rongjin, a man of yellow race, his racial pride still makes him ignore the fear in his heart and say, "This year's economic situation is not good. It is already very good to be on the same level as last year. As for the complaints, it is because we have improved the technology, and customers will not use it to increase the complaint rate. We have carefully taught how to use it.

Regarding the issue of the after-sales department, this was our mistake, because the vice president in charge of this area was poached and the company was in chaos for a moment, which caused that result, but we have now re-ordered personnel, and there will be no more in the future This kind of thing. ' explained Jack.

Shen Rongjin sneered, "Fair is not bad. The global economy is down. Why are branches in other places more profitable than in the same period? Even the Swiss branch completed last year's annual turnover in half a year." Shen Rongjin looked at Jack, who was watched The cold sweat broke out, and he wanted to speak but found that he couldn't speak under Shen Rongjin's gaze.

"Technical improvement? If it doesn't make it easier for customers to use, it means that the direction of technological improvement is wrong, and last year's technology research and development funds were three percentage points higher than in the past, and the result is that the more changes are made, the worse? Now you have the face to say that it has been solved?

As for the after-sales department, the fact that the vice president of a company can be poached by others without knowing it already shows that there is a problem with the management. What's more, the people under the leadership will not work because of the resignation of the leader, and even offend customers. What you said Is it the reason? "Shen Rongjin looked at the information in his hand and threw it on the table, scaring everyone to look a little bad.

"Manager Jack seems to have a good relationship with the deputy general manager of Yamisi Company." Shen Rongjin didn't talk about the problem but turned to the person in charge, but what he said next made everyone slightly open their eyes and looked at Jack. There was an expression of disbelief, and of course some people were a little gloating.

Yamisi is a competitor of their company. In fact, they did not say that many potential customers have been cut off by the other party in the past six months. Even the customer who is not working with them has cooperated with Yamisi. Before that, they were still wondering He even had some doubts. Hearing what Mr. Shen said now, it was obvious that there was something wrong with Jack.

"Hehe, what's the matter with Mr. Shen? He just met a few times by chance and didn't have any friendship." Jack's heartbeat stopped for a moment. The company knows, so what will happen to him?
No, Shen Rongjin must be deceiving himself. He is very cautious when meeting with the other party. In addition, Shen Rongjin is not old and does not work here, so it is impossible to find out. The more Jack thinks about it, the calmer he becomes, and he gradually calms down.

"Really? But how did I hear that you have met more than three times in the past six months, and each time lasted for more than an hour. It was very interesting to see General Manager Jack talking with each other, especially in the last stage of our development. Then It doesn't matter if you're busy, you can meet." After that, he took out a few photos, especially a photo of him handing a document to the other party, which made Jack's expression flicker.

"Jack, it's really you, I said that our technology could have been more perfect, but Yamisi developed this technology in advance, so we had to change the technical plan, and made the new technology problematic in order to save time. It turns out that you are the one doing the trick." The technical director slapped the table with popularity, if there is a problem with the technology, don't complain, they bear the brunt of the technical department, no wonder the eyes of the technical department are red because of how much anger they have suffered during this period.

"Nonsense, this is slander. I just met him for a meal by chance. There is no technical disclosure at all." Jack gritted his teeth. Those must be fake, and the other party couldn't know. Shen Rongjin was not interested in distinguishing from Jack, so Li Wei asked Open the door and come in. Several uniformed men see Jack and handcuff him.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, if Yamisi is suspected of illegal competition, we will definitely find out." The attitude of the visitor is very good, after all, the higher-ups have also put pressure on them, so it's okay to be unhappy.Shen Rongjin nodded, Jack was still struggling and was escorted away, the others looked at Shen Rongjin sitting there, their backs were drenched with sweat.

"It's a matter of ability to do a good job. The company will reschedule the work according to the actual situation, but if the company's secrets are leaked, it's not a small problem, you guys." Shen Rongjin said slowly, looking at the pale face of the people below, she had no sympathy at all. .

Just as Shen Rongjin wanted to continue, he heard a cell phone ringing. Everyone was startled. Whose cell phone was ringing at this time? Don't worry. But when everyone looked around, they saw Shen Rongjin who was seated on top calmly picked up the phone. It was very calm, but the master's tone could be heard to be very gentle, even very happy, and everyone's eyes widened slightly.

"Brother Rong Jin, are you busy?" He Nuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, you called just after a meeting." Shen Rongjin's words made the people below who were waiting to be scolded look at each other in blank dismay.

"Oh, I'm downstairs in your company. Didn't I agree to bring you meals?" He Nuan didn't pay much attention to Shen Rongjin's words, but she was still joking in her heart, wondering if Shen Rongjin would be like the heroine described in the novel. When you come, put down the ongoing meeting and pretend to be okay, and then hastily end the meeting?But He Nuan just thought about it, and felt that it was completely impossible for him and Shen Rongjin to happen.

"Sorry Nuan Nuan, I forgot, wait a minute, I'll go down to pick you up." After finishing speaking, Shen Rongjin got up to leave, He Nuan just wanted to say no, so she told the front desk to let her go up by herself, but the other party had already hung up the phone.Other people in the conference room were a little puzzled and looked at Li Wei.

Li Wei also packed up his things and said, "Don't look at it, the meeting is over, everyone should deal with their work quickly, and the next meeting will not be so lucky." , being fired can be fatal.

The lady at the front desk looked at Shen Rongjin who went downstairs to take He Nuan upstairs, her mouth was slightly opened, and her face was a little ugly when the backs of the two disappeared. Did she have a bad attitude just now and offended someone, will she be fired?But thinking that she didn't violate the company's system, there shouldn't be any problems, so she felt at ease again, and just decided that if she saw that oriental girl again in the future, she must greet that oriental girl as soon as possible.

Following Shen Rongjin to his office, He Nuan took out the prepared food, "Brother Rongjin, I made sushi, sauced beef and mushroom soup, try it and see how it goes." Shen Rongjin looked at the carefully prepared food, The irritable mood became very calm.

Looking at the girl's bright face, Shen Rongjin felt that the depression last night was a little overdone, she was still so young, what did she know, what was wrong was the person who made her fall in love early, as for the person named An Ze, Shen Rongjin didn't take it seriously, In Shen Rongjin's eyes, the other party is just a brat, completely incomparable to him, this is Shen Rongjin's self-confidence.

"That's right, you can get married now." Shen Rongjin joked, He Nuan was a little embarrassed, and could only express her dissatisfaction by eating hard, seeing He Nuan's bulging cheeks while eating, Shen Rongjin felt better.After the two had dinner, He Nuan wanted to leave, but Shen Rongjin disagreed, saying that in order to thank her for her hard work, he would treat her to a delicious meal in the evening.

He Nuan was really helpless and complained in her heart, if it wasn't for your request, my old lady wouldn't come here to deliver some loving lunch.He Nuan curled her lips, she had no choice but to agree, but she also said that she wanted to go out with Qian Duoduo tomorrow, meaning that she didn't have time to bring him meals.

Shen Rongjin also thought about the work arrangement for the past few days, and agreed to He Nuan's words, but He Nuan didn't know, Shen Rongjin wanted to finish the work as soon as possible and spend more time with He Nuan.In the afternoon, while Shen Rongjin was handling official business, He Nuan was playing with her mobile phone on the sofa, and before she knew it, He Nuan fell asleep on the sofa.

Shen Rongjin looked up at He Nuan who was sleeping tightly, shook her head a little, and went to sleep when she was full, life is really good.How did Shen Rongjin know that He Nuan had a nightmare yesterday caused by Qian Duoduo's words, and got up early to make food again, and of course fell asleep in the afternoon.

Shen Rongjin got up and picked up He Nuan who was sleeping soundly, took her to the lounge that came with the office, pinched her cheek lightly, smiled inwardly, she looked thin and quite heavy.He Nuan vaguely felt that he had changed to a comfortable environment, so he slept deeper.

Shen Rongjin looked at the blushing He Nuan who unconsciously rubbed against the quilt, touched her forehead lightly, moved her fingers slowly, and gently rubbed He Nuan's lips, which were very soft and faintly fragrant. .He Nuan slightly opened his mouth and unconsciously made a sucking movement, Shen Rongjin's fingers were slightly stiff, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Shen Rongjin looked at the defenseless He Nuan who was sleeping, suddenly smiled wryly, and lightly kissed him on the cheek, "Sleep well, my girl." Shen Rongjin got up and left, yes, this is his girl, no one else He can snatch He Nuan away from him, but he is not in a hurry now, she is too young to adapt to his turbulent feelings, so he has to restrain himself and not scare He Nuan.

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