Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 110 Jin Liang's Prayer

This operation surprised not only Xiao Yizhong, but also Shi Mianmian.

Not only did Xiao Yizhong turn his head to look at Shi Mianmian worriedly, but the girl frowned slightly, feeling a little distressed in her heart.

She is just a child, she has to go through so much, she has a bold and generous personality, but she just blocks the way of others.

"Boycott time!!"

"Shi Mianmian get out of the entertainment circle!!"

"If she doesn't leave, we won't leave!!"

"Trash shows produce trash idols, reject negative energy!"

There was a lot of noise and resistance, and Shi Mianmian's face completely collapsed. She raised her head and looked at the middle-aged woman standing on the high platform, her eyes flashed in thought.

Photos of her in the past have been picked up. Just looking at her current limelight, it is indeed easy to mislead teenagers who have not yet formed three views.

Perhaps, where she couldn't see it, there were really some teenagers who killed Matt, who mistakenly thought that they could lie down and win like her without doing anything.

This is indeed a big trouble.

Shi Mianmian rubbed her eyebrows with a headache.

She was still thinking about countermeasures, when the woman with the trumpet on the high platform thought she was going to escape, she immediately put the knife in her hand an inch into her own neck.

Heart-piercing roar, "My daughter was not like this before, she is diligent and studious, she is a good student in the eyes of the teacher, it is you, your success blinded her eyes, let her learn all your crooked ways, If you don't study hard, you spend all day at home trying to figure out your own style..."

The aunt's touching speech deeply touched the hearts of everyone.

Let them unconsciously come to mind how a good girl with excellent character and learning turned into an idle social sister because of time.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the scene was brought to the highest level, the tide.

The voice of letting Shi Mianmian quit the entertainment industry is getting louder and louder!

Shi Mian pursed her lips speechlessly.

Please, her identity as a killer was only revealed yesterday, and the aunt's daughter turned bad didn't start yesterday. Does this have any direct relationship with her?

Xiao Yizhong raised his hand and glanced at his watch, with an anxious expression on his face, "Please get out of the way, don't hinder us from recording the program!"

His expression has always been serious and staid, and his voice has an air-conditioning effect. What he said now is like poking a hornet's nest at a troublemaker!
Those people immediately cursed and said, "What are you recording?! If Shi Mianmian doesn't retire, you don't want to record the show!"


Witnessed with my own eyes, Su Tiantian, whose fans descended at a speed of every second, did not lower the arc of the corner of her mouth.

"I don't know who broke the news, it's just timely rain, hehe, Shi Mianmian, you're finished, fight with me, tsk tsk, you really overestimate your capabilities."

In the private lounge, Su Tiantian stared at the phone and sneered.

The person she was skeptical about, Shen Xi made Xu Weilan very satisfied because of the revelations, and the latter packed and threw her a dozen unwanted skirts, and Shen Xi happily changed clothes in front of the dressing mirror.

Su Tiantian touched her face, and then looked at Shi Mianmian's profile picture. The profile picture was a selfie taken by the latter casually. Without makeup, it looked like she had put on some scheming makeup and added a beautifying effect. She was so beautiful that she was not like ordinary people.

Everyone in the program group knows that the live-action version is even more beautiful than the one under the camera.

In this way, she has 300 million fans on Weibo. If she performs acrobatic dance again, then...

The sharp nails scratched across the screen of the phone, leaving an abrupt mark.

After a pause, Su Tiantian made an anonymous call, "Is it the General Administration? I want to report Shi Mianmian. As an idol, she has created a bad image for fans..."

At the entrance of the program recording, Shi Mian and Xiao Yizhong were still in a stalemate with a group of black fans.

The starlight in Shi Mianmian's eyes gradually dimmed.

She knew very well that whether the aunt cut her neck or not, she would be caught in a storm of public opinion.

For now, she can only leave the show temporarily.

Xiaobai was in her pocket, jumping violently to get out.

"It's too much, why are those people so hateful? It's obviously not your fault, but they want to pour dirty water on you..."

He casually brushed aside a strand of hair hanging from his forehead, and said in a soft voice with no emotion, "Don't be angry, I'm used to being blamed."

Xiao Yizhong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and as irritable as a trapped animal. He wanted to protect him, but he was powerless.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Don't you know Bo Shao? Ask him for help!"

"Rely on the mountain to fall, rely on everyone to run, I can solve it, so don't bother others."

Shi Mianmian was very calm and said solemnly.

Xiao Yizhong, "..." Can he kill her if he wants to? !

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!
"Now is not the time to be brave." He muttered, "A matter of a phone call can be resolved, why not do it?"

Shi Mianmian glanced at the angry crowd and shook her head, "It's not that simple."

Bo Hanye could help her evacuate the crowd this time, but what about next time?What should I do every time in the future?
"But don't worry, I have my own way." Xiao Yizhong's concern still moved her very much, and Shi Mianmian couldn't help but comfort him.

At this moment, Xiao Yizhong's cell phone rang, and it was a call from above.

After answering the phone call, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and then he looked at Shi Mianmian sadly and said, "You have been reported, and the Imperial People's Administration wants you to retire..."

After listening to his words, Shi Mianmian's eyes did not fluctuate at all, and there was even a feeling that it was finally here.


Among the crowd, the girl stood upright. Even though so many people resisted her, her brows were as indifferent as a gurgling stream in the mountains, clear and translucent.

The aura emanating from her body did not match her petite physique, making everyone hold their breath and listen to her.

The line of sight flicked over everyone's faces one by one, and finally stopped at the aunt who was threatening her with a knife. The girl's delicate face was filled with a confident and firm brilliance.

She said word by word, "I can retire from the race, but I won't retire from the lap. I don't fight unless it's self-defense. As for you saying that I used to be a killer and brought negative energy to everyone..."

Shi Mianmian raised her lips, her smile flamboyant and wanton, "In the near future, I will use my strength to prove to everyone that killing Matt is not shameful, and is not something that others can casually criticize!"

As the voice fell, a needle could be heard at the door.

No one spoke for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by the aura emanating from her body when she uttered bold words.

It wasn't until she walked out that the crowd began to commotion.

Looking at the empty space around him, Xiao Yizhong went in to record without saying a word with a cold face.

Anyone can see that he is in a bad mood at the moment, and no one touches his bad luck.


"Miss Mianmian, where are we going?" the driver uncle asked her carefully.

Sensing the other party's kindness, Shi Mianmian smiled slightly, "Don't worry about me, I'm not as weak as you think, please send me to Shengde High School."

Without a catalog, she still has school to learn.

And the proof she just mentioned is the upcoming Olympic selection contest!

Her strong heart made the driver look at her a few more times.

Uncle Driver: She is indeed the woman Bo Shao likes, but she is different from other women!
If it was any other woman, she would have been crying angrily, not like Miss Mianmian, like someone who has nothing to do.

In fact, there is still some influence. At this moment, Xiaobai is crying in her mind because she missed the chance to become famous.

Shi Mianmian, crying until his head hurts, took out his phone and swiped Weibo to relieve stress.

Then, when she saw her 300 million fans, they were like an elevator falling from the top floor, falling to the negative floor in a short period of time!
Her 300 million fans! ! !

There are only one hundred thousand left! !

Shi Mianmian hugged the phone, two lines of wide tears shed in her heart.

During class time, Shi Mianmian's return to school didn't cause much of a commotion, it just caused the entire Class [-] of the third year to erupt inside.

After the last monthly exam, Yu Xiaoqin re-assigned positions according to her ranking.

Le Chi, the representative of the mathematics class, who usually listens wholeheartedly, secretly passed a note to Shi Mianmian.

The students all chatted with her privately on WeChat, passing notes or something was still very novel to Shi Mianmian, especially when the person passing the notes was "nerd" Le Chi.

Open the small note with great interest.

Le Chi:

We've all seen the comments on the Internet, are you okay?Don't worry, even if the "foolish people" don't believe you and follow the trend to slander you, we will all believe you!By the way, the Olympic municipal trials will be held in a few days. Are you ready?

Seeing this, Shi Mianmian felt a warm current in his heart.

She flipped through her phone, and although there were a few messages that insulted her, most of them were comforting and encouraging her.

Picking up the note, she picked up the pen, finished writing, and handed it over.

Shi Mianmian:
Thank you for your concern, I'm fine.This small matter will not affect my mood, I will seriously compete! ^_^
Le Chi's back was poked lightly with the tip of a pen, as if an electric current passed through his whole body, his back stiffened instantly, and he took the note with stiff hands.

Seeing the content above, his expression gradually relaxed, especially the smiling face at the back, which made people laugh.

Le Chi stared at the blackboard, not listening to a word of the teacher's lecture.

He was thinking, Shi Mianmian is such a good person, there are people who hate him.

The person who broke the news claimed to be her friend.

Judging from the photos posted by that person, the relationship between the two is indeed close.

This is too chilling.

He and Shi Mianmian are just ordinary classmates. He has questions that he doesn't know how to do. If he asks the latter, the latter will answer him in a very detailed and patient manner, even more detailed than the teacher.

With such a good person, others are willing to betray her? !
Aware of You Dao's gaze, she stared at herself scorchingly, Shi Mianmian raised her eyes and looked over suspiciously.

As soon as he caught her sight, Shen Xi quickly moved his eyes away with guilt, lowered his head, and stared at the unopened textbook on the table, pretending to read it seriously.

"Little man."

Shi Mianmian clicked his tongue, looked away, stopped being distracted, and listened carefully to the class.

Do you think a few ugly photos of Sha Matt can knock her down?Oh, naive!

Her pink lips raised a slight arc, and Shi Mianmian lowered her eyes.

Queen Kill Matt is about to come out of the arena again, so I ask you if you are afraid? ! !

There are a few people gathered around Shen Xi, who are envious of her newly bought little skirt inside and out.

"Oh, Shenxi, has your family developed recently? This skirt is so expensive, it's worth a thousand dollars. I've pestered my mother for a long time, but she won't buy it for me."

Shen Xi was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and pretended to be indifferent, "It's not very expensive..."

"My brother's birthday is this weekend, do you want to come to my house..."

When Shen Xi was busy making contacts, Shi Mianmian came back from the office, holding the thick stack of documents Yu Xiaoqin gave her, wanting to cry but not crying.

School in the afternoon.

Shi Mianmian thought it was too troublesome to be surrounded by people, so she slowly packed her things when all her classmates were almost gone.

She went out through the back door of the classroom and side bumped into an unexpected person.

I wanted to keep my eyes on the process, but unexpectedly, Jin Liang grabbed her wrist and begged, "Can we talk?"

Shi Mianmian shook off his hand and looked at the person in front of her.

The young man who used to be high-spirited, like a noble and elegant little prince, turned out to be a completely different person!

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