Then I went to buy a thin quilt and a thicker quilt, wrapped them in parcels, put all the things I bought inside and carried them on my back, and went to the pharmacy to buy gold sore medicine and a few packs of anti-inflammatory herbs. They were placed inside together, and instead of going through the city gate with their backs on their backs, they went to a relatively distant city wall with no one there, and flew over.

It was already dark when I went back. Su Hua first put a pack on the ground, and she took out the oysters and eggs inside, and also took out the other packs of medicine and jars. Su Hua Looking at Linghu Junhan, he said, "I have bamboo here. If you don't like sleeping on the ground, you can cut some bamboo and tie them together." Then he gave Linghu Junhan the dagger he was wearing, "This You take it, the jar is for you to cook porridge, you boil the eggs and eat them, I should be back in two or three days."

Linghu Junhan grabbed Su Hua's hand and said, "You must be careful, don't cause any accidents."

Su Hua said, "I see, I'm leaving"

As soon as she came back, she had to go there quickly and rushed to the capital. She could rest for a while. She hid in the capital and went to find Xiaocheng. Now they are all wanted in the capital. Xiaocheng is very happy to see Su Hua." Miss, you are finally back, I thought you abandoned me"

Su Hua said, "We won't leave you behind. I have something to deal with these few days. I have something to do tonight. I'll go to rest first."

Xiao Cheng said, "Miss, is the prince alright?"

Su Hua said, "It's okay, he's fine, I'll go to rest first"

Su Hua went to the bedroom, saying he was going to rest, but actually he was practicing. In the evening, He Lian came here. He walked up to Su Hua and sat down. Su Hua opened his eyes and looked at him.

Helian said, "Didn't you say that if you want me to go with you, I'll go with you, and see if I'm considerate?"

Su Hua pushed him away and said, "Caring, but can you get involved in the task here?"

Helian said, "I will escort you, you can just go find something."

Su Hua said, "Well, I'm a lot bolder with you around."

"That's natural." Helian patted his chest, "I don't even look at who I am." He is still dressed in red, and he looks very coquettish.

In the middle of the night, they went there. Su Hua had been to the palace and knew a little about the palace. She quickly found the place where the old emperor stayed. The doors and windows were sealed, and they went directly over the roof. After turning it over again, I didn't know what the so-called imperial decree was, and finally my eyes were on a dragon robe.

There was still no search there, so she hurried over, the outside was already crowing, she touched the dragon robe, and felt that there was something wrong, so she took it apart and looked, there was a soft cloth on one side, on it was the imperial decree, and she found it After that, they restored the inside of the house, flew up to the roof, and restored the tiles on the roof before they flew away. In the suburbs, Helian put his arms around Su Hua's waist and said, "It's too slow to fly like this, I'll see you off." past"

When she arrived at the foot of the mountain where Linghu Junhan was, Helian went back to the system space, but she came back too early, and it was easy to arouse suspicion. She just stayed outside for a day and only went back at night.

Su Hua handed over the imperial decree to him, and he said, "That's it, you rest for a night first, let's go out to find the elders and the others tomorrow"

Linghu Junhan gave the bed to Su Hua. He really listened to Su Hua's words and made a bamboo bed directly. A few bricks were placed underneath to separate it from the ground, so he didn't have to worry about bugs. Su Hua went to rest. Linghu Junhan cooked porridge in a medicine pot. He cut two long chopsticks with a wooden branch and used them to stir the rice in the pot.

Linghu Jun said coldly, "There is mountain spring water near here, it is very sweet to cook rice"

Su Hua said, "Then I have to try it out."

After the rice porridge was ready, Linghu Junhan waited for it to cool down a bit before pouring a bowl for Su Hua. Linghu Junhan also handed her a chopstick to pull the rice out of the bowl , Su Hua almost ate a bowl, she gave the bowl to Linghu Junhan and said, "I'm full, I won't eat anymore"

Linghu Junhan directly used this bowl and poured a bowl for himself. Su Hua lay on the bamboo bed to rest, and Linghu Junhan directly spread weeds by the fire. It wasn't that Su Hua didn't let Linghu Junhan come over. On the other hand, the bed is too small and can only accommodate one person. Seeing him, Su Hua said, "Why don't we cut a few more bamboos, let's lie down sideways, and it's okay to make do for the night first."

Hearing this, Linghu Jun said coldly, "I have cultivated well these few days, you can go to sleep, you are running around outside these few days, working harder than me, so you don't need to chop bamboo."

They are leaving tomorrow, so there is no need to waste time here. Su Hua saw several bamboo tubes beside him, which should be filled with water by Linghu Junhan. The next day, Su Hua cooked some rice into rice, and then After letting it cool, she put it in a bamboo tube, and she went to find a nearby water source for the rest. After washing her hands, she found some reed leaves. The way of wrapping zongzi.

A total of ten dumplings were wrapped, and when Linghu Junhan woke up, he gave him a zongzi. Linghu Junhan said, "Is this a zongzi?"

Su Hua said, "I cooked the rice and wrapped it in zongzi leaves. We are not going to the capital. We are still a while away from the capital. It is not convenient to go to the town. We can go all the way and eat on the way when we are hungry. "

Linghu Junhan picked up two bamboo tubes and said, "I'm going to fill this place with water, and we can start right away."

He went out to fetch water, and Su Hua opened a zongzi to eat. After eating, she felt much better in her stomach. Seeing that there were still some eggs, she simply beat all the eggs in the medicine jar, and then used It became scrambled eggs, and I used the chopsticks he made. After the eggs were cooked, I took out the rice in the bamboo tube and mixed them. When he came back he said "we can go"

When they left here, Linghu Junhan didn't miss this place at all. They took the remote road on the way. Did they just eat rice dumplings when they were hungry? It took them a day and a night to fly to the capital, Su Hua and the others When they arrived in the capital, they hid outside and waited until it was dark. When others could not see, they flew in with him. They went to the abandoned yard. Xiaocheng and the others saw Su Hua and Linghu Junhan, When they came to let you come back together, they were very excited. Fortunately, neither of them had anything to do.

They went to rest first. In the bedroom, there were only the two of them here. Su Hua said, "Should we go to Mr. Yun and the others first? I'm afraid there will be problems if it takes a long time."

Linghu Junhan walked up to Su Hua's side, stretched out his hand and hugged her, "Don't think too much about nothing, these things can't be rushed, we have to wait for an opportunity."

Su Hua took out the lotus necklace from his neck. The moment Linghu Junhan smelled it, he fell on the bed. The emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuch, and he had an idea in his heart not to disturb him.

The next day, he had a day off during the day, and at night Linghu Junhan asked her to take him to the homes of the three elders, and let them read the imperial decree, and they all expressed their support for them.

It's just that it's more troublesome to expose Linghu Yunzhi. Now the palace is full of his people. In the end, they decided to ask Linghu Junhan to sneak into the palace first. I found a disguiser for them, and changed them into someone else's appearance, and now they changed into the clothes of a court lady and eunuch.

Su Hua took him into the palace. They wanted to hide at the old emperor's side for a while, but a maid asked them to follow her there. After they arrived, they found out that it was Cailian's hall. Su Hua When Hua came here, he thought he would meet Linghu Yunzhi, but Linghu Yunzhi never came.

It seems that Cailian's situation is not going well either, men like the new and dislike the old, and he even said that he would let them out, but who knew he would plot against them directly.

They waited at the door all night, and only told them to leave the next day. Su Hua asked them why they did this, and the maid actually replied yes, when Cailian wanted to see Linghu Yunzhi coming over, she was waiting for him. Since she was waiting, the maids and eunuchs in the courtyard had to wait, Su Hua hurriedly left here with Linghu Junhan, no one in the palace was normal, and when it was time to go to court, Su Hua said, "Since we If you come in, you have to make preparations quickly. If you want to move him, I am afraid it will be very difficult. We have to come and use external cooperation to win them."

Linghu Jun said coldly, "Don't worry, I've been guarding against him for so many years, it's impossible not to be prepared."

Seeing his confident appearance, Su Hua said, "In this case, let's be careful, and don't be caught by others."

Linghu Junhan nodded, "Let's find a place to hide first, or we'll have to be called over again."

They stood all night yesterday, Su Hua said, "Just go to the old emperor's place, there is no one there"

Before dawn, they hurried to the old emperor's side. When Su Hua and the others arrived, they took him and flew in. She opened the roof, and they jumped directly from the roof in front of them. When they got inside, Linghu Junhan looked around Familiar scenery, eyes a little moist, Su Hua said, "I'll go find some food before dawn"

Linghu Junhan avoided Su Hua's gaze, "Be careful"

Su Hua flew out of the roof. She shuttled on the roof and arrived at the imperial dining room. She filled some water in a bamboo tube, took a plate of pastries, and also some chicken, elbow meat, and a cup of porridge.

She went to the old emperor's side before dawn. Linghu Junhan should be reminiscing with his father. Su Hua took a deep breath and put the food on the table. Linghu Junhan saw that Su Hua had brought it over. After eating the food, he said in a funny way, "The food you brought here is so rich."

Su Hua said, "Let's eat first"

Linghu Junhan took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve, he pushed the porcelain bottle in front of Su Hua, Su Hua said, "What is this?"

"Poison" Linghu Jun said coldly, "I need you to pour some poison into his meal every day."

Su Huadao: "It will be easy to scare the snake if it is found out"

Linghu Junhan stretched out his hand to hold Su Hua's hand, "I know you have great martial arts skills. If it is possible for you to poison him while he is sleeping, our power here is too low. If you don't do this Now, we have no chance of winning at all."

Linghu Junhan asked Su Hua to go to Linghu Yunzhi in the middle of the night, and to use poison on Linghu Yunzhi when he was not at bedtime. Su Hua hesitated and asked her to use poison.

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