Su Hua absorbed a large amount of aura and stored it in her dantian. In the remaining seven days, she drew a teleportation talisman and two blasting talismans. In this way, her talismans were divided into five teleportation talismans and three blasting talismans. Zhang, it should be possible, it is already her limit, if she is asked to draw one more drawing, she really has no spare energy to do it well, after all, she kept her energy high on the day of going to the illusion.

Han Ye also prepared a lot of things. Su Hua tidied up his space ring. Two days before departure, Han Ye came to talk to Su Hua.

"Brother, drink tea." Su Hua got Han Ye a glass of water and handed it to him.

Han Ye took a sip and put it on the table, while Su Hua sat opposite, "Senior brother, what should we pay attention to when we enter the illusion?"

"Whatever you prepare is nothing more than that you have to be careful. Don't let others harm you. The elders in the inner sect can't get in. If someone steals your things with evil intentions, if you have an accident because of this, wait for everyone After coming out, no one knows the situation inside, so it will be regarded as an accident. In addition, there are many high-level monsters inside. It is not that no disciples died inside in previous years, and no one will pursue it. This is what must be done. Be careful, you don't trust anyone in it except teaming up with me, and take out some of the things that our master gave you in your space ring, and only take a small part, you estimate and see Keep as much as you can use, otherwise your ring will be snatched away, and the contents inside will be cheaper for others." Han Ye ordered a lot of things, and Su Hua wrote them down one by one. Han Ye said, "The reason why I The reason for you to be prepared alone is just in case, when you get inside, you have to follow me closely and don’t fall behind.”

The two of them discussed everything that might happen, and Han Ye also explained to Su Hua how to escape when dealing with a crisis.

Until the afternoon, before Han Ye went back, he took out a jade talisman and handed it to Su Hua, "This is for you"

Su Hua stretched out his hand and asked, "Master, is this the jade talisman you drew?"

Han Ye nodded, "Exactly, this talisman is an amulet. You put the talisman in your clothes so that no one will find out. When your life is in danger, the amulet will protect you from danger and provide you with chance to escape"

When Su Hua heard that it was an amulet to protect him, he quickly took a rope and put it around his neck, and put it inside his clothes. Han Ye had nothing else to do, so he went back to himself. Su Hua heard what Han Ye said , I cleaned up the ring in my space again, and took out all the unnecessary things. Su Hua also took a big jar and put it in the space of my ring. I heard from Han Ye that there is spiritual water in it, as long as you drink it The spiritual energy in one mouthful is equivalent to what I have absorbed for 50 years, because it is like condensing the spiritual energy in the spiritual water. However, the spiritual water spring is very difficult to find, but Han Ye found it once, and said that he took her to find it after entering it this time. .

Su Hua felt that a jar was too small, so he freshened and cleaned the two vases in the house and put them in his space ring. After two days, their tokens were bright, and they took them out to inform them to go to the illusion According to the news, both Han Ye and Su Hua were fully armed, Han Ye and the others went out of the yard, and he injected spiritual power into the token, "Girl, inject your spiritual power into your token"

Hearing this, Su Hua hurriedly poured his spiritual power into the tokens according to Han Ye's instructions. Their tokens burst out a ray of light and shone on the ground, and an illusory door appeared. Han Ye looked at Su Hua After a glance, "Go in and we will arrive at the meeting place of the illusion"

Han Ye walked in first, followed by Su Hua. After entering, she came to a platform where many people gathered, and there were some disciples from other sects. As soon as Su Hua came over, he looked for Han Ye's Shadow felt that someone was patting her shoulder from behind. Su Hua turned around and found that it was Han Ye. He grabbed his sleeve excitedly, glanced at the other sects, and asked Han Ye in a low voice, "Senior brother?" , why are there people from other sects?"

"Illusion is only opened here, doesn't it belong to our sect, so other sects can also come to participate." Han Ye explained, "This will increase the danger even more. Just follow what I said, be careful, and you won't be afraid." what's the big deal"

Hearing Han Ye's comfort, Su Hua's nervous mood improved a lot. A group of people stood on the high platform. According to Su Hua's estimation, there were about 600 people, all of whom were eager to try. Each sect sent two elders over , Su Hua and the two elders on their side counted how many people there were on their side, and told them some precautions, and then the illusion opened and let them all go in.

Su Hua went in with Han Ye, and the group of them dispersed afterward. Han Ye Yujian was flying in front, Su Hua also took out his own sword, and Yujian followed Han Ye.

Han Ye took her to a high mountain, Su Hua fell behind him, Han Ye said, "Look around now"

Hearing this, Su Hua looked down the mountain, as if a plane world had been opened up as far as the eye could see. Han Ye said, "I heard people say that this is a huge space. If anyone can find the eye of a needle and become the master of this illusion, then this illusion belongs to the world." He (she), then the resources of the illusion will be unimaginably rich. If you practice here in the future, you don’t have to worry about your own cultivation. For so many years, various sects have sent disciples here, but they have not been able to find the central formation of the illusion. This time, since God has given me a chance, then this illusion will belong to me."

Su Hua was listening, and Han Ye told her so much, should he also ask her to help find the formation? Just when Su Hua was thinking wildly, Han Ye said to her, "I will send you to Lingquan right away, You take advantage of this opportunity to work hard and improve your cultivation base. If you don’t reach the core formation, you can walk around here at will. If you encounter high-level monsters, you won’t even have a chance to escape.”

"Listen to senior brother's arrangement." Su Hua came here to join in the fun, but if she could form an alchemy, she would be very happy.

Han Ye took Su Hua's hand, and the two came to a strange place in a flash. He took Su Hua into a cave, and inside the cave, there was nothing. Su Hua opened his mouth to say something, Han Ye pulled Watching Su Hua go straight to the front wall, they walked through to a valley surrounded by mountains, and there was a majestic waterfall right in front of them.

Han Ye said, "In order to prevent others from finding out, I have set up a restriction in the cave. Without me opening the restriction, people outside will not find this place as long as they enter the mountain. I am going to find the formation now. You are here first." breakthrough"

Saying that Han was about to leave, Su Hua quickly stopped him, "Master, when will you come back? What should I do if I go out? If the time comes for the illusion, will I not be able to get out?"

Han Ye couldn't help laughing, "My illusion is facing the outside, you can go out directly from the inside, and this illusion will be closed after three months, you just need to rush to the place where we came in ahead of time. "

Su Hua continued to ask, "What if Master can't get out in time? Are people trapped here?"

Han Ye nodded, "Yes, the people inside can only go out when the next 100-year illusion opens."

"Master, has anyone been trapped here before?"

Han Ye nodded without hesitation, "There are people, but they didn't come out. This place is full of dangers. Now that the illusion is open, it is time for some high-level monsters to rest collectively. Once the illusion is closed, the monks inside are equivalent to turtles in a jar, have they been caught?" If you do, you will be torn into pieces by some monsters, and it is impossible to get out alive. The noses of those monsters will track like a dog's nose."

Su Hua listened to Han Ye's introduction, and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Never stay here in such a terrifying place. Han Ye patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, "You are not a three-year-old child anymore, even if I don't come back Pick you up, you fly in the east direction, and you have to go there a few days earlier, do you understand?"

Su Hua nodded, saying that he must go a few days in advance.

Only then did Han Ye leave to look for the eyes of the formation. After Su Hua waited for him to leave, she walked to the pool below the waterfall. She took out a handful of water and smelled it. Just by smelling it, she could feel the aura coming from the pavement. How sufficient it is, Su Hua just tried to taste it and felt that his body was full of aura.

Su Hua drank all the water in his hand, and immediately sat down cross-legged, ready to break through the foundation and promote the cultivation of alchemy. At this time, Helian's voice sounded.

"Su Hua, jump into the water immediately" He Lian appeared directly in front of Su Hua and ordered.

Su Hua opened his eyes, feeling very puzzled by Helian's sudden and unreasonable request, "Why do you want me to dive? I can't breathe underwater."

He Lian directly took out a elixir, pinched Su Hua's jaw and fed it directly, "This is a water-avoiding bead, and you can breathe underwater, now go down immediately."

Helian pulled Su Hua towards the water's edge, and Su Hua struggled, "What's going on with Helian, can you tell me clearly?"

Helian suddenly leaned into Su Hua, staring at her with red eyes, Helian's voice rang in her mind, this is the eye of this illusion, you go down immediately, let the illusion recognize you as the master, in the future you can Walking sideways in every world.

"Really?" Su Hua couldn't believe it. If the bottom was really a hole, then she would be willing to go down.

He Lian said, "Really, get out of here right now." He grabbed Su Hua's neck and threw her down. Su Hua quickly sank into the water.

Su Hua struggled subconsciously, and found that she could breathe underwater, as Helian said, and it was amazing to avoid water drops. Su Hua looked down, but couldn't see anything clearly. How could she find it.

When she was at a loss, Helian's voice continued to come over.

"sink to the bottom"

Su Hua followed the other party's words and sank down to the bottom of the water drop. At the bottom, Su Hua felt her body was sucked down by a strong attraction. She came to a palace where there was no water. Su Hua wanted to contact He face to ask him what to do next. After calling for a long time, there was no movement from He Lian's side. It seems that the two of them disconnected. Is it because of the former palace?
She looked around to make sure that there was no danger, and then she reached the palace gate. She pushed the door directly with her hands. With a mentality of trying, she really pushed the palace gate open. She first glanced at the environment in front of her. It is tens of thousands of square meters, and you can't see the end at a glance, but Su Hua noticed that there was a table in the middle of the palace, on which was a transparent bead the size of an egg. Su Hua walked over with a feeling in his heart There was a feeling that she was going to get the bead, but Su Hua couldn't resist touching it. The bead shook and turned into a ray of purple light, which penetrated into Su Hua's soul. On the position of the heart, a bead-sized original pattern appeared. There was nothing on the girl's body, but ran to her soul, which made Su Hua worried, whether he was cursed, and then dizzy for a while, Su Hua passed out directly, and fell into the hall, the opened hall The door slammed shut.

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