Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 389 Who doesn't know that he is the cash cow of the Smith family

The waist is one of her most irritated places.

Xu Qingzhi suddenly came back to her senses, and she quickly knocked off the man's hand on her waist, quite annoyed: "What are you doing?" "Charging interest.

"Yu Yanchen was sitting on the back seat of the car, the eyes of the two just collided, and she also met the man's black and white, curved eyes.

His thin lips were parted, and invisible heat seemed to spray out from inside: "After taking my advantage, don't you allow me to ask for some interest back?" Xu Qingzhi was momentarily at a loss for words.

In fact, it is easy to guess that with her current background and identity, it is not enough to dig out the evidence decades ago.

It was all thanks to this man that he was able to produce those evidences and let the Shangguan family be convicted.

It's just... Xu Qingzhi feels impatient every time she sees his eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling.

"What do you want to do?" She calmed down, "The promised things... I will definitely do it.

"Yu Yanchen's eyes deepened. This time, he didn't speak, but put his hand on Xu Qingzhi's waist again when Xu Qingzhi was unprepared.

Just when the woman wanted to resist subconsciously, he said softly: "Don't move.

" "Don't forget what you just said.

"Xu Qingzhi: ... Just when she thought this man was going to do something wrong to her, Ai Wen, who was sitting in the front driver's seat, suddenly said: "Boss, the time is almost up.

"Xu Qingzhi felt her hands shrink back, and then met the man's playful eyes: "Are you scared? "It was only then that she realized that the other party didn't intend to touch her here at all.

What happened just now... I'm afraid it was just teasing.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

I can't speak my usual eloquence.

Fortunately, Yu Yanchen didn't continue to say anything, and let Ai Wen continue to drive.

A few hours later, Xu Qingzhi stepped off Yu's private jet.

Yu Yanchen directly took her out of the country, which is still the familiar country M.

After getting off the plane, the two also took a yacht and car for several hours before arriving at their destination.

Eversal Casino.

This is the largest casino in country M, Xu Qingzhi has also heard of it.

Although Avisar is the largest casino, it is also the most luxurious casino. For this reason, the class division is serious and only accepts guests with a certain status.

There are many forms of gambling here, and it is a place for the rich to have fun.

Because of the tight schedule, Xu Qingzhi didn't even have time to change clothes, she was still wearing the casual clothes she had worn before going abroad.

Even if Avisar is just a casino, the guests inside are all well-dressed, all of them are extraordinary and full of jewels.

Looking at Xu Qingzhi again, she was dressed in casual clothes, so she was a bit different among this group of people.

Fortunately, her temperament is outstanding enough, so she won't be too out of place.

The two arrived at the casino and took the elevator directly to the top floor.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, there was a burst of noise.

"Miss Allan, hurry up and play the cards! You are the only one missing!" "We have so many people waiting for you, Miss Allan, why are you still hesitating?" .

Ireland?Hearing this familiar name, Xu Qingzhi paused.

She cast her gaze along the sound source, and sure enough, she saw a group of people gathered around a super-sized long table in the center of the busiest hall.

Even at the largest table, spectators will be surrounded by water.

Just when she wanted to see what happened, Yu Yanchen's voice came from beside her ear: "Give me your hand.

Before Xu Qingzhi could react, she was forced to put her hand on Yu Yanchen's arm.

Yu Yanchen's Chinese face is very familiar even in country M, not to mention, who doesn't know that he is the cash cow of the Smith family?For this reason, as soon as Yu Yanchen walked in, someone tacitly stepped aside.

Because of this, Xu Qingzhi saw Ellan sitting at the table.

Elland was dressed in the same coquettish and sexy outfit as last time. She was holding a poker card in her hand with red cat's eye nail polish, and her brows were frowning on her proud face as she remembered it, full of rigor.

She didn't seem to notice the two people approaching, her eyes were still fixed on the cards in her hand.

On the contrary, the person sitting opposite her got a little impatient: "Airlan, you still haven't played your cards by this time? How long do you want me to wait?" It was a blond foreign man with outstanding looks, even worthy of Than male models.

He was just wearing a pink shirt, and a peachy gold silk tie loosely hung around his neck, looking sloppy.

When speaking, the ending sound is also accented, and one can tell at a glance that he is not a serious young master.

"none of your business.

"Irland said bluntly, "Is the time set by you, Arthur?"I don't play cards if I don't want to play cards, can you control it? "Airlan, you are so unruly."

"The man called Arthur cocked his legs in a sly manner, "Don't forget our bet, as long as you lose, you have to give me the imperial green that was opened a few days ago.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't threaten you, you took the initiative to ask me to bet."

Elland gritted her teeth angrily, "You're dreaming!" "I can't wait to poo him to drool! She just came down to play, but she met Arthur, a shameless thing.

Arthur provoked her, and she made a bet with him in a fit of anger.

Who knew that this black-hearted fox had taken a liking to the "Emperor Green" that he got out of gambling with luck a few days ago!She, Ireland, is also a good gambler, but compared to Arthur who has been around all the time, she is still a lot worse.

Right now, looking at the deck of cards in his hand, Elland felt that he was bound to lose.

Arthur looked at Elland's aggrieved expression, and gloated even more: "Airlan, you haven't decided yet? There are so many people watching.

You only have two flips left, so hurry up and decide.

"Whatever..." Elland was about to speak, when suddenly, a slender and fair hand walked around behind her and quietly landed on the cards in her hand.

She looked up in astonishment, and saw a face wearing a mask.


The red lips under the mask parted slightly, and then, the hand drew a new replacement card from the spare poker pile.

Erlan was stunned for a moment, and then recognized Xu Qingzhi.

"Little beauty, why are you here?

Elland said in amazement, but Xu Qingzhi remained unmoved, and after looking at the new cards, continued to change cards.

How does this kind of oriental woman understand these things?Elland became anxious immediately: "Hey, little beauty, do you want to help me? Forget it, I'll do it myself..." As a result, her throat was blocked, and when she saw the cards in her hand, she hadn't finished speaking , and swallowed again.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird, not only Elland, but even the people who saw the cards in her hand widened their eyes.

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