The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1750 Is this a place where Xiaobao can go?

Xiao Zhang's face stiffened immediately, and he subconsciously turned his head to one side.


Lao Zhang ignored him.

Like an abandoned child, he suddenly knelt down on the ground unreasonably.

Hold the old thigh tightly.

"Dad, how much is this money? Is it enough for us to buy a house in the urban area? Outside the fourth ring road is also fine! Dad, this is our family's hope. You don't want us to be poor in the future, and our children can't even get a good school." I can't afford it."

Mo Junzhe had already walked away.

The group of people behind got into the car without looking back.

As for the heart-piercing cry that floated from the air, it had long since calmed down.


"President, Mr. Wang has already replied. Experts are already on their way."

Mo Junzhe gave a "hmm" and pressed his aching temples, and the word "displeasure" was written on Jun's face.

"I don't want to see something like this happen a second time."

"Yes." Xiong Dong nodded cautiously, "I'll keep an eye on the people below. Manager Wang is the vice president's man. If you didn't clean the nails before, it's good to pull them out now. I just don't know how many people are still vacillating like this." of."

A large group with tens of thousands of employees cannot guarantee everyone's loyalty.

It's nothing more than job-hopping and poaching on weekdays, but in these extraordinary times, the people below are also easily incited. If something goes wrong at a critical moment, it will be a big deal.

Mo Junzhe stroked the center of his eyebrows subconsciously, and for a moment he felt that even his temples were throbbing.

"What's the next itinerary?"

"Meet a real estate agent. If we stop the development of this real estate, the next one must be done sooner." Xiong Dong also looked a little dignified.

"If you don't let the wind out, I'm afraid it will cause secondary damage to the group's reputation."

There was already a lot of trouble before, and it was hard to calm down.

Now this land is preparing to be developed, but unexpectedly, another moth appeared.

Again and again, the credit value of the Mohs Group will drop to a record low.

Mo Junzhe said "Yes", closed his eyes slightly and fell asleep, "Read me the cooperation plan."


Both Xiong Dong and the driver are used to this mode.

Since Mo Junzhe suffered from that serious illness, his energy has not been as good as before.

I used to be able to stay in the company for more than ten hours a day, and even for a few days without taking a break, but now it is completely impossible.

When going out for a trip, it is often Xiong Dong who reads the materials to him on the way.

His phone just rang.

The sound of "buzzing" is obvious.

Mo Junzhe opened his eyes to look at the note on it, and quickly connected, "What's the matter."

"Sir, the matter you asked us to investigate last time has preliminary results."


The people inside began to explain.

After finishing speaking, Mo Junzhe's dark eyes immediately lit up, and he gave the order again, "Turn around and go to Meizhuang."


Bai Xiran received the news almost at the same time.

"The clue we finally found, the person appeared in Guomeizhuang. But it disappeared soon, we are now investigating..."

"I'll go over now." Bai Xiran was still at home playing around with the two children, and stood up immediately when he received the call.

"Ranran, where are you going?" Mo Xiaobao clapped his hands and got up, glanced at his sister who was sleeping next to him, and looked at Bai Xiran with clean eyes.

She was startled.

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