No one knew what kind of mood Gu Longwu was in now.

He just sat quietly on the chair in the corridor, with a cold and ugly expression, then lowered his head and buried his whole face in the palm of his hand.

It seems that... everything is actually doomed.

"You stay here first, and if someone wakes up, notify me directly."

"Okay." The butler responded, seeing Gu Longwu get up and leave, he didn't forget to ask, "So where are you going?"

"Do something."

He took out his cell phone and wanted to call Cen Yan.

Whenever this happens, the first person that comes to mind is him.

But his mind was full of all the things that happened in Anning County. When connected together, they were like needles, forcing him to retreat step by step.

No way.

out of the hospital.

The extremely familiar number on the screen was not dialed after all.

Gu Longwu stood beside him, quietly raised his head and saw the gray sky.

The smog in Ningcheng is quite heavy.

Got into a taxi.

The phone number was finally dialed out.

After waiting for a while, they finally received a reply.

Cen Yan finally got through, with a very cold voice, only two simple words, "What's the matter?"

The air froze for quite a while, Gu Longwu remained silent in a daze.

The other side seemed to be impatient, and urged in a low voice, "I'm busy, if you have something to tell me directly."

"Ah Yan..."

Gu Longwu opened his mouth quickly, but only said these two words.

His tone was full of hesitation, but he didn't know where to start when it came to his mouth.

"What would you think if I got engaged to Tang Yao?"

The air froze again.

On the other end of the phone, Cen Yan chuckled, "It's a good thing. I'm really happy for you to get engaged. It doesn't matter if it's Tang Yao or who it is. The important thing is that this is the new life we ​​should start. .”


"The captain said that there are only two of us who have left the team. You are the only one who can really adapt completely. I haven't been able to fully adapt to the pace of life in Ningcheng for more than a year."

"It's okay now. It's been a long time."

Gu Longwu smiled lowly, but he couldn't tell if he was really happy from the bottom of his heart, or just helpless.

He gave a long "hmm", "What about you? What are you going to do? Cen Ruchang has already found it."

"Tell Wang Shuyi that the Wang family will settle the matter in the future. As for Cen Lijiang... I will watch him in the dark. If the Wang family's attack is not cruel enough, I will make up for it with a fatal blow."

"And after that?"

What he cared about was not this, but Cen Yan's future plans.

After a pause, Cen Yan explained in a low voice, "Should be traveling. Except for Gers and the two cities I stayed in China, I have never been to other places. Now I have time and opportunity. "

This result is expected.

People like them, full of bloody and murderous aura, would be the best if they could stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Gu Longwu nodded, he also thought this arrangement was very good.

It's just that he suddenly thought of something else, and after hesitating for a while, he decided to take advantage of this phone call and make it clear all at once.

"You can do this, but what about others."

"Others? Who?"

Cen Yan only felt that she was alone, so where would anyone else come from?

The only thing he would care about was Gu Longwu.

"Xiao Tang, are you with me?"

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