The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 669 What I don't want now, you snatched it back then

After what happened just now, the others are calm now.

It's not that Master You can't give pointers.

Isn't it just waiting for Master An Duofu's teaching...isn't it... so powerful that Master You will skip the class!Get used to it!But when he looked at Xiaobao again, he seemed to be looking at...a rare animal!And the protagonist of the entire birthday party, from this moment on, completely changed.

... The little guy was made a fuss by Youbele and played another song on stage.

And Bai Xiran was happy and leisurely, sitting in the corner and enjoying slowly.

A familiar figure appeared beside him.

"Sister seems very proud?" Bai Yinger just found an excuse to leave the meeting, and now she reappeared in a calm mood, so she didn't feel ashamed at all.

Bai Xiran raised her eyes and glanced at her, "My son is talented, shouldn't he be proud?" "He is not your own! After all, this is just a child adopted by your brother-in-law. Even if you have a good relationship with you now, who will happen in the future?" That's right.

It is not uncommon for wealthy families to fight for wealth.

After a while of silence, Bai Xiran put down the wine glass in his hand, but looked at her as if she was mentally retarded.

"Who told you that I still plan to have a child? Little Treasure is enough for the Mo family, okay?

"She had thought about this a long time ago, not to mention the shadow she had in the past, even if it was for Xiaobao's good, she would never want it again.

Bai Yinger's voice was choked, " actually..." "I don't need to use children to consolidate my position.

The Mohists don't even need it.

"Bai Xiyan smiled lightly, and immediately stood up, "But Niuniu, I met her once before, it seems... a little different.

""What do you mean! "Bai Yinger instantly felt like a weasel whose tail had been poked, and her whole body became tense.

"It's nothing, just to remind you that the Xu family is not stupid.

If you take advantage of Mr. Xu's poor health to seize power, you have to think about the consequences.

"Especially... when even the child is a fake.

After Bai Xiran finished speaking, seeing her pale face, she shook her head and stood up.

I've said everything that needs to be said, but even if she thinks about it, she won't listen to it, so there's no need to waste any more time.

But just a few steps away, Bai Yinger's resentful voice came over, "If I hadn't changed my marriage back then, I would be the one who married the Mo family now... Xu Fei, who is not as good as a beast, should be yours." Man!" Bai Xiran's footsteps paused slightly, and the smile on his face faded a little.

Turning around, the voice was clear and flat, with no ups and downs in the tone, "You can blame me for this?" "If it weren't for you, I would have been the high-ranking mistress of the Mo family by now, and my daughter would have become a member of the Mo family group." Heir!" Her face was full of ferocity and resentment, obviously venting all her dissatisfaction.

Bai Xiran shook her head, but she only felt pitiful in her heart.

"Little sister has long forgotten that everything you have done now is due to your deliberate efforts to snatch it away..." After she finished speaking, she left without looking at Bai Ying Er again.

Some people are used to blaming others, to blaming others for their bad lives, to blaming others and being cynical.

But I have long forgotten that everything that exists comes from my own choices.

...back to the center of the hall.

Xiao Bao was still surrounded by people, but at this time he no longer had the elegance and elegance of playing the piano, and instead frowned with displeasure.

Beside him, Niu Niu, who was much taller than him, was pointing at Xiao Bao proudly.

"It's all your fault for showing off, I'm going to beat you to death!"

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