The children all laughed, and under the sun, their little faces were shining with innocence.

"Sister Qingqing, tell me quickly, do you like that brother?"

Luo Qingqing was a little embarrassed. Isn't it inappropriate to say this to the children?Moreover, she told them about Tang Chen as a hero. Why did these villains change the topic to the personal problems of the two of them?
She cleared her throat, and deliberately said seriously: "You are still young, let's not talk about this issue."

The children didn't do it: "Sister Qingqing, just talk about it. You are a little princess, and that brother is a prince. Did the prince kiss the princess, and then the princess married the prince, and then they were happy live together?"

Luo Qingqing: ...Do the children nowadays know what it means to be married and what it means to be together happily?
Is the educational significance of fairy tales a bit off?

A very beautiful five or six-year-old boy said: "Sister Qingqing, have you never told that brother that you like him? Since you like him, you should say it out loud. For example, if I like Tian Mengna, I will Tell her I love her."

Another five or six-year-old girl said, "Yes, I said, coincidentally, I like him too, so we are together. Love, it's that simple!"

Luo Qingqing: ...She yelled ten times in her heart, shit, was she instantly killed by a group of little ones?

Love, is it that simple?Why is her love so complicated and difficult?
However, there is one thing that she really sighs to herself, that is, she really didn't say a word to Tang Chen, I like you, or I love you!

In her subconscious, she always felt that if he didn't say that sentence, she would never say it first!

If she took the initiative to speak out, would something different happen?

Luo Qingqing was distracted for a moment, but there was a surge of enthusiasm in her heart.

She suddenly wanted to see Tang Chen impatiently, and then said to him, I love you!always love you!

At this time, a little girl suddenly said loudly: "Pei Shengqi, Tian Mengna, stop showing your affection here, be careful that Sui Enai dies quickly!"

Luo Qingqing couldn't control herself, and burst out laughing.

Such a young child, do you know what showing affection is?

Tian Mengna snapped back: "Qi Jiayao, you are envious and jealous!"

Pei Shengqi nodded loyally: "Nana, you are right!"

Another older boy said, "Yeah!"

Qi Jiayao smiled: "Liu Yuntao, I like you!"

Luo Qingqing was already dumbfounded, these kids were simply too grown up.But looking at their innocent and cute little faces, she couldn't help laughing.

It's so cool!

But there was one thing that I was very puzzled, so I asked: "Pei Shengqi, Tian Mengna, right, how did you get together?"

Tian Mengna looked at Luo Qingqing like an idiot: "We just go to school together, eat together, do homework together, and fight together. We haven't slept together yet, because we are still young, and because the dean's mother has separated us , I live in the girls' dormitory, and he sleeps in the boys' dormitory. Sister Qingqing, can I apply for a single room from you? You know, people who love each other don't want to part for a second!"

God damn it!
Luo Qingqing almost sat down on the ground, this child dared to think too much.Is there only Pei Shengqi in her head?

She quickly said: "No, firstly, there is no vacant house now, and secondly, you are too young to take care of yourself, which will increase the work pressure of the dean's mother and aunts. Another point, your current main The task is to study, understand?"

The children said in unison: "Understood. Don't worry, sister Qingqing, we study hard!"

The children have experienced ups and downs since they were young, and they have long known that only by studying hard can they change their destiny.They couldn't rely on Zhou Ruoyun and Luo Qingqing to rescue them for a lifetime!

Luo Qingqing applauded, then gave two thumbs up, and said: "You are all great. When the new year comes, if you all get good grades, I will take you out to play, okay?"

"Good!" The children jumped and cheered happily.

Luo Qingqing looked at them with a smile. Only when there is hope, will there be energy?
They study hard, and she has to work hard for them!
In the future, don't be afraid!
At this moment, a big boy finally interjected and said a word: "Qingqing, sister, I will participate in Tangcheng's youth basketball championship next week, representing Tangcheng's youth team against Ancheng's youth team, will you Come to see me play?"

Luo Qingqing still remembered him, he was Mai Yuzhe who wanted to be a star like Yao Ming.

Her eyes lit up: "Oh, have you joined Tangcheng's youth team now?"

Mai Yuzhe shook his head: "Not yet, I was selected from the school. If I can perform well in this competition, they will agree to let me join the team!"

"Really? Then you have to work harder. Would you like to show me your strength?"

Mai Yuzhe was taken aback: "Do you want to watch me play?"

Luo Qingqing said with a smile: "When I was in middle school, I was always a member of the school basketball team. Although I haven't touched the ball for so many years, it should be enough for you, a brat!"

Mai Yuzhe blushed: "Sister, my name is Mai Yuzhe, I'm 15 years old, I'm not a brat anymore."

Luo Qingqing laughed, "Okay, big sunny boy, Mai Mai!"

Such an affectionate address by her made Mai Yuzhe blush even more.

He likes the title.

So the two brought a group of little tails to the basketball court.

When Luo Qingqing arrived, she went home and changed into a shirt, jeans, and sneakers, which were quite suitable for this kind of strenuous exercise.

Those children automatically stood on the edge of the basketball court and acted as cheerleaders.

Each of them was also a villain, and they all cheered for Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing said: "Mai Mai, bet on five goals, whoever gets five goals first will win."

Mai Yuzhe nodded: "Okay."

So, the two officially competed.

Luo Qingqing really wasn't talking nonsense. When she was in middle school, she was the tallest girl in her class, and she was pretty good.Therefore, when choosing an interest group, she signed up for basketball.

When she was sweating profusely on the basketball court, Su Zixi sat beside her and cheered for her.

Luo Qingqing's heart suddenly ached.

She took a deep breath, ready to attack.

"Mike, come on!"

Mai Yuzhe's game skills are quite good, Luo Qingqing failed to intercept several times.

Moreover, Mai Yuzhe's running ability and speed were far above Luo Qingqing's.

Especially when he jumped up and threw the ball gracefully, Luo Qingqing suddenly remembered the scene when Tang Chen was playing on the school playground before he went to college.

Every time he appears, it will cause a sensation.Almost all the girls in the school would run to cheer him on.

"Ah, sister Qingqing, be careful!"

When Luo Qingqing was distracted, Mai Yuzhe missed a long shot and was bounced off the backboard, hitting Luo Qingqing directly.

The children closed their eyes in fright, for fear that Luo Qingqing would be hit.

The basketball fell, but it missed Luo Qingqing.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a thin but strong boy stretching out his arms to block the ball for Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing came back to her senses, and quickly asked: "Mai Mai, are you alright?"

Mai Yuzhe shook his head, looked at Luo Qingqing, and said, "It's okay."

"How many goals have you scored?"


"And me?"

The children laughed: "Sister Qingqing, you only scored one goal."

Luo Qingqing wasn't shy either, and said with a smile, "I just entered one? Looks like it's time to show my true skills. Mai Mai, come again!"

At this moment, on the second floor not far away, at a window, there were two women standing.

One is Zhou Ruoyun, and the other is the dean hired by Zhou Ruoyun.

Zhou Ruoyun has been using her mobile phone to take pictures of Luo Qingqing.

The distance is a bit far away, so I can't hear what she said to the children, but seeing her and the children laughing so happily, I know that she has become one with the children.

Later, she saw that Luo Qingqing went to the basketball court with a big boy, which surprised Zhou Ruoyun.

This kid really dares to play with anything.

When she saw that Mai Yuzhe would rather be hit by a basketball than protect Luo Qingqing under his own arms, the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

She put away her phone, saved the video, and sent it to Tang Chen.

She watched Luo Qingqing jumping and throwing the ball on the basketball court, the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably.

She smiled and asked the dean beside her: "Dean Guo, what do you think of this child Qingqing?"

Dean Guo smiled and said, "Very good. Although this is the first time I've seen her, you can tell from her eyes that she is sincerely treating the children well, not just for show. And she is very free and easy. Which girl can play basketball?

Mrs. Tang, you don't know that Mai Yuzhe is a famous gourd.All day long, apart from going to school and playing basketball, I don't say a word of unnecessary words, and I don't even say a word with girls.Look at him, it's so rare that he can play with Miss Luo. "

"Yes, it's so rare!" Zhou Ruoyun echoed.

It's just that she was talking about Luo Qingqing.

After the confrontation with Su Zixi just now, and Tang Chen's indifference, it is really rare that she can still smile so happily.

Only in this way, a broad-minded and tolerant person can take on the heavy responsibility of the future mistress of the Tang family.

And Su Zixi is a person who treats everyone as a tool for her advancement. If it is useless, she will completely abandon it and use all means to persecute her. She will never be able to enter the hall of elegance!
Therefore, no matter what Tang Chen wants to do, she will definitely help him and protect Luo Qingqing!

Tang Chen, who was drinking with Xiao Yu in Jinse, received a video from his mother.

He saw that Luo Qingqing was smiling so brightly in the video, and her tightly gripped heart was relieved.

He pointed to Luo Qingqing in the video and said, "You are a fool, how can you still laugh?"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly: "Do you want her to cry every day?"

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