Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 11 Destroy the "bandits"

"The C-level mission is to destroy the bandits. The mission requires the destruction of all the people in the bandits' stronghold." Kakashi announced the mission requirements without any emotion in his cold voice.

"What, all the staff. The old people and children in the cottage, they are innocent." Although it is said that human life is worthless in troubled times, Mian Ma never expected that it would be to such an extent.

"Ninjas must abide by the rules, and those who break the rules will be regarded as waste." Kakashi's expression at this time was extremely frightening.

"But ninjas also have feelings, how can they be so cold. Those teenagers are not at fault!" Mian Ma wanted to fight for the civilians in the cottage!
Kakashi was silent for a while, "I feel numb when I perform the task."After that, he left without looking back.

Because this mission is likely to kill weak and innocent people, Mian Ma is silent all the way.There are always many bandits in the world of Naruto.It can be said that there are countless. They used natural dangers such as mountains and rivers as barriers, and they plundered and killed everywhere after a while.They regard the people in the village as domestic animals, and the bandits on Sanleng Mountain are one of them.This mission also means facing Mahjong for the first real battle after traveling to the world of Naruto, the first drop of blood.

The night was as dark as black clouds, not a single ray of moonlight.From time to time, a gust of cold wind blows by, making the branches sound like night owls.Mian Ma looked up at the sky, it seemed that it was going to rain.After Kakashi led Mima to Sanlong Mountain, he stopped, "Go, Mima, you can't guard everyone in this world. The only thing you can guard is your relatives and companions. The task I'll wait for you here for 2 hours." After Kakashi finished speaking, he jumped onto the tree and lay down with his head in his hands and one leg up. "Okay, Kakashi-sensei" after saying that, Mima jumped and disappeared into the night. I don't know why Mima always felt that Kakashi-sensei seemed to be a little different.

After Mina left, Kakashi looked at the direction in which Mina left and said in a low voice, "Mianma, I know you know a lot of ninjutsu, and Naruto-sama knows it too. I hope you can inherit the will of fire to protect Konoha, otherwise ..." Thinking about it, Kakashi's eyes flashed coldly.

Let's say that after leaving with Kakashi, Mianma stopped under a cliff.Looking at the Sanleng Mountain in front of you, as the name suggests, Sanleng Mountain is a towering mountain with cliffs on three sides.The main road up the mountain was set up by the bandits and guarded by people.There are more than 80 bandits on the mountain, but there are more than 200 bandits including their women and children. "There are too many people, it seems that we can only outsmart them." While talking to himself, he looked numbly at the direction where Kakashi was staying, and more than 30 shadow clones appeared beside him in an instant with the "Shadow Clone Technique". In the stage, we must keep our hole cards and show our combat power. There are only so many avatars.

"Everyone, assign a task now. 4 people use the transformation technique to disguise a ninja team, and the rest walk into the mountain village to carry out the assassination. If the village becomes chaotic, it proves that the assassination failed. The disguise team immediately attacks the mountain gate to attract the attention of the bandits. and control the passage down the mountain to prevent the bandits from escaping. At the same time, the assassination team is automatically divided into two groups, one group is responsible for killing women and children with low combat power and setting fire to create disturbances. The other group is responsible for forcibly killing the bandits with strong attack power. Women and children Try to kill them with one blow, and don't cause them too much pain. Let's start to act."

After the assassination team arrived at the cottage, they found that the task level seemed wrong, because the gangsters here were obviously trained.The village is full of patrollers in groups of two and two, and there are even light and dark sentries.Mian Ma quietly came behind a sentry post, covering the bandit's mouth with one hand, and the kunai in the other hand slashed across the bandit's neck in an instant.The blood splattered onto Mianma's still immature face, making it look extremely strange.Quietly put down the bandit's body, his numb hands trembled slightly.I haven't killed anyone for many years, I didn't expect it to be so unbearable.

Just when Mian Ma was in a daze, there was a heart-piercing roar not far behind him, "Enemy attack, there are enemies—." Mian Ma turned his head and gave him a cold look, his figure shook and "poof" Mian Ma's hands Like lightning, the kunai slid across the gangster's throat. "Ho ho~~" Blood gushed out, the gangster's eyes widened and he fell down.

"53, 54, 55..." At this moment, life turned into a merciless killing of cold numbers, and Mianma kicked open a door.A woman grabbed a short knife and rushed over screaming, and reflexively pierced the kunai in her hand into the woman's chest.Mian Ma looked at the pair of eyes that were gradually losing their spirit in front of her and looked towards the corner with difficulty, where there was a baby who was still in the swaddling position, and Mian Ma froze for a moment.The lifeless corpse fell limply to the ground, eyes full of longing for life. "This is a ninja, ha ha!!" His numb eyes were sour for some reason, and two lines of crystal tears fell down.

As the battle progressed, Mian Ma was finally blocked in the house by a group of bandits, and when the bandits saw the forehead guard on Mian Ma's left arm, they were all shocked.But soon, the fear was overcome. "Don't be afraid, the other party is just a child, and there is only one person, everyone go up and chop him up!" There was a commotion among the bandits, "Yes, chop him up, to avenge the dead brothers" "Go up, kill him" (This group of bandits is not simple, they can recognize common ninjutsu. They are not very afraid of ninjas. And they seem to find that the people outside are just shadow clones. This group has already killed several shadow clones. Face numb After slashing a bandit's throat with Kunai again, he did a backflip immediately, narrowly dodging the mace that hit him.

The corpses were lying on the ground in a mess, and the blood gathered into countless streams flowing on the ground.Then it slowly seeped into the soil, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

"Even if I die, I will drag you in!" A bandit yelled sharply, and when the others heard the words, they suddenly burst into anger.They have lost their humanity and live on the tip of the knife every day.Everyone's hands are covered with blood, and killing people has no psychological pressure on them.More and more bandits gathered, "Fire Escape · Great Fireball Technique" Peng! !The high-temperature fireball killed more than 20 gangsters in an instant, and there was an unpleasant smell of burnt meat in the air.

The thunder continued in the sky, and then the downpour of rain fell, which promptly extinguished the flames caused by the fireball.One hour later, the smell of burnt, bloody, and feces mixed together was extremely unpleasant. My face turned numb and I ignored it. I raised my head slightly, closed my eyes expressionlessly, and let the cold rain fall on my face, washing the bright red blood. , lying not far from his feet were cold corpses.

"It's over." Mianma said coldly.

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