Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 130 Snow Country Chapter (End)

This kind of chakra armor makes Mianma think of the "attack blade faction" of Takumi Ninja Village. Perhaps it is because of this technology that Feng Hua Nu Tao has the courage to launch a rebellion!The "Attack Knife faction" of Takumi Ninja Village is a success, and it seems that there is also an infighting against the "Auxiliary Ninja faction".Looking at his sharp teeth, Mianma felt that he had discovered something, but he couldn't grasp it.

But the most important thing at this time is to go to the rainbow ice wall, so I have to suppress this feeling first.In front of the rainbow ice wall, the snow on the ground began to melt, and the frantic wind and anger finally discovered that there was no treasure here, only a super-large geothermal generator that needed a hexagonal ice crystal as a key to activate it.

The pain of shattered dreams is what this kind of hero can bear, and the strong personality of the hero is destined to make it difficult for them to accept the blow of failure.In other words, this is a typical example of "the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment". Suddenly, I found that what I had been pursuing for more than ten years was completely denied. This contrast made Feng Hua Fu Tao feel like killing people.

Naruto, who just arrived with the help of the film crew, became a punching bag for the storm.Naruto, who directly ate a "Black Dragon Storm Kill", saw that the big boss in front of him finally broke out the Nine-Tails Chakra, and directly KO'd himself with the special shackles that blocked Chakra in the Snow Kingdom.

Then he was hit by the big boss directly into the icy lake water.Sasuke, who had just arrived with his face numb, saw that his good friend was hit into the water by the big boss and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and expressed that he couldn't accept it.He directly took the energy stone of Crane Wing Fubuki that Sakura had obtained just now for research, and the chidori mobilization in his hand rushed to the front of the big boss and made a full blow.Successfully smashed the energy stone shield of the energy device, but at the cost of being swept away with a punch by the big boss, and lost the power to fight again for a short time.

Naruto, who never gave up, seemed to hear the call of a good friend in the icy lake.Nine-Tails Chakra erupted again, and a bunch of shadow clones burst out of the lake to buy time for Naruto to launch his big move.But the real Naruto sneaked ashore and sneaked behind the big boss.

"It's over, now no matter what tricks you play, it's over." After the big boss wiped out all the clones of Naruto, he was finally driven crazy by the ups and downs, and laughed wildly. "Didn't I say it's too early! The so-called ending, doesn't it all end with the victory of justice and the defeat of evil! Absolutely perfect ending." Naruto, who had finished preparing for the ultimate move, said a wonderful concluding remark.The Princess Fenghua Yuki next to her was directly moved to give Naruto the title of "the strongest ninja recognized by Princess Fengyun". It happened at this time that the first ray of sunlight in the morning hit the rainbow ice wall in the valley, passed by the rainbow ice wall The reflection of Naruto's spiral pill reflects colorful light.

Just like the ending of the movie, the big villain boss was directly defeated by Naruto, and the energy stone of the Chakra armor was swept away to the rainbow ice wall. Under the "geothermal generating device" arranged by Zaoyuki, it played its role.

The spring of the Land of Snow is coming at this moment, and at the same time, Mian Ma and Zhu Weihong, who came secretly, play the strongest Mudun together, and the flowers and plants cover the entire valley in an instant.The pre-set holographic 3D projection also plays a role at this moment, and the voice of the former king is remembered in the valley.

"Believe in the future, then spring will definitely come!" "What does Xiaoxue want to do when spring comes 1" "Xiaoxue wants to become Her Royal Highness, a gentle, strong, and righteous Princess" "That's very difficult." His Royal Highness Fenghua Zaoxue let out a hearty laugh.Looking at her father in the projection, and listening to her childhood words and father's teachings, the real and responsible Princess Snowman officially awakens.Along with the spring breeze of the Snow Country, a rainbow hangs directly above the rainbow ice wall.

If Mian Ma is the protagonist of the system flow at this time, you will hear it. "Ding, the mission strategy of Snow Country dungeon is completed, and the host will be rewarded with a Snow Country Industrial Park, an energy conversion device, an energy storage device, and an energy stone design blueprint. Reward the host Snow Country with infinite friendship points!!"

The subsequent princess of the Snow Country ascended the throne as the monarch of the Snow Country, and stated that she will continue to develop the device, striving to keep the spring of the Snow Country forever! !At the same time, Fuji Fuxuee, who is a superstar, took over the filming, and the news of the screenplay of Intimate Paradise also spread quietly! !

That afternoon, Mianma in front of the Rainbow Ice Wall looked at Sasuke who was facing him and scratched his head, "There's no need for a duel with Sasuke, I also have the strength of a special ninja now!"

"As a ninja, how can you refuse your opponent's application for a duel! As a ninja who used to be Konoha, I formally request you to wear your forehead protection and fight me." Seeing Sasuke who obviously had hatred in his heart , sighed with a numb face.I thought in my heart, "It seems that Sasuke is a bit extreme. He was okay when he was with Naruto. After all, Naruto's personality is infinitely charming. But once he entered this stubborn state, his dark side was revived. Or Let's make a quick decision! Just don't let Sasuke activate the curse seal of the sky, I hope Sasuke will not be too cruel to me in the future!!!."

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