Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 139 The Sorrow of the Remnants of War

That is really as embarrassing as it is.It's as miserable as it needs to be.But at this time, Sasuke just frowned, showing a painful expression, and then it was over.

"This guy is about to catch up to that pervert Jun Malu!!" Zuo Jin sneered in his heart at this moment.

When Jun Malu was taking Xinxin Pill, his expression didn't change, he just closed his eyes, so calmly that the four of them felt that the guy was sleeping.

Seeing the dull four, Sasuke's eyes became cold.Surprised by Sasuke's eyes, the four started the next steps as quickly as possible. From the huge scroll behind him, Zuojin summoned the coffin that had been prepared for a long time.

Then the four of them directly summoned the black mist formation, and the thick black mist continued to emit yin and death, giving people the feeling that "this mist is the legendary underworld".

"No wonder this kind of black mist can provide the energy needed for Curse Seal [-], and it can also make the host's body stay alive in a state of suspended animation!" Looking at the strange black air that looks like the underworld, Sasuke understood it after a little thought the reason.

"This black mist simulates the environment of the underworld. The strange virus in the deception spell quickly divides and proliferates, and the virus in this black mist will involuntarily reduce its attack ability. It is like the same amount of firewood in a stove. Then it will make people feel very hot, but it doesn’t feel this way in the wild. Part of the cursed virus that erodes the human body will disperse into the black mist to ensure the safety of the recipient’s life.” The academic explanation turned Explained by Kidomaru, the smartest of them all.

At the same time, in front of the gate of Konoha Village, a blond-haired boy raised his right thumb with a bright smile on his face, "I will definitely bring Sasuke back, this is our lifetime promise!"

But the pink-haired girl on the opposite side understood too much from the slightly trembling right arm of the golden boy and the slightly forced smile on his face.

Naruto did not have absolute confidence, but he helped himself without hesitation, and understood himself without hesitation.

"Hey, if you put it down so big, it really doesn't matter!! Naruto." As a professional confrontation with Naruto for 12 years, I was used to pouring a basin of cold water from the side, "Do what you say, this is mine. Endurance!!" Naruto raised his thumb and pointed at himself, and suddenly rose to the height of ninja.

"Okay, it's been a while. Let's go." Shikamaru gave the order to go at the right time.

Sakura, with blurry eyes, watched the five people gradually go away, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.There are not only the dawn of hope, but also the warmth of moving, as well as the panic of fear and trembling of tension.

"Don't worry, Sakura, the task will be successfully completed!" Xiao Li, who was leaning on a cane, said, these words passed through Sakura's heart like a clear stream, smoothing out all of Sakura's negative emotions.All that is left is full of faith, full of faith in the trust of our companions.

Behind the two is a breakfast shop that has been open for half a year. The owner is a survivor of Uzumaki.At this time, he was stirring the wontons that had just been poured into the pot. Looking at the group of five going away, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The boss, who was in his 30s, turned around and entered the room, took out a special green lunch box, put a wonton on it, and greeted him; Go, that little guy told me yesterday that he suddenly wants to eat our wontons!!"

"Cut, uncle. Your wonton stall didn't open with the help of the "Han and Tang Prosperity" group. Don't think I don't know, even the way of making wontons was handed down by the "Han and Tang Prosperity" group!! "Oda Begiri had a contemptuous expression over there.

"What do you know, wonton is a delicacy created by a ninja from our country of vortex after traveling the whole continent and gathering the essence of mainland cuisine. This is the best food in our country of vortex !!" The middle-aged uncle wasn't angry either, he feigned a few angry curses over there.

"Okay, okay, uncle, I'm going now!!" Odabegiri curled his lips the moment he turned around, "The country of Uzumaki has been destroyed long ago, and where is the country of Uzumaki, the country of Uzumaki? Sooner or later Will be driven out by the people of the Fire Nation, or our Fire Nation is stronger, if our Fire Nation hadn’t taken in you 'bad people'. You are now, hmph."

A little guy is scolding the boss of his country of vortex behind his back.It is self-evident how the survivors of the country in the vortex of the world will be treated.

Only some former famous families in the country of vortex rely on money to gain a foothold in some small countries, but because there is no support and protection of the country behind them.It is also constantly being forcibly added by some unequal treaties, and constantly blackmailed in different ways! !
And people with ninja abilities are just as miserable.Some of them were used as cannon fodder and consumables, and were randomly sent to deadly missions, such as the situation of Xianglin and his mother in Kusanagi Village. Even if they survived the mission by luck, they would soon be assigned to a new " Send to death" task!

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