Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 21 Ninjutsu "True Clone Jutsu"

More than 3 months have passed unknowingly.While Hinata was working hard to practice how to dissipate the power of the bird to take off, Mian Ma was thinking about the principles of Tai Chi and came to the river.The slowly flowing river water submerged the numb waist, feeling the buoyancy and resistance of the water, the numbness began to slowly turn into a vortex. "I remember that there was a TV series in the original world that used the vortex. It should be to catch the vortex and master the strength!" Mian Ma underestimated in a low voice alone.

A small stone under the water slowly approached the vortex with the power of the turning water of Mian Ma, and Mian Ma used the power of the rotating water to make the small stone float in the current of the vortex.And control the strength so that the small stones rise and fall with the vortex in the vortex. If someone comes to the vortex in the water in front of Mianma at this time, they will find that there is a small stone in the vortex that rises and falls with the vortex. The scope of the vortex does not sink to the bottom of the river.This frontal hemp borrows the power of the vortex to offset the falling force of the stone falling to the bottom and the centrifugal force required for the stone to leave the vortex. It is simple to say but quite difficult to do. This requires "using force" It can only be achieved when the understanding reaches a certain level and the control of the team's strength reaches an extremely precise level. "This is the second stage of the new ninjutsu. Although the requirements are a bit high, Hinata will definitely be able to do it. Hinata's tenacity is not inferior to the protagonist Naruto!!" It took more than three months Inside hemp finally found a touch of stickiness and entanglement in Tai Chi softness applied to actual combat.What we have to do now is to combine the rigidity in Xingyiquan and turn it into our own physical technique "Tai Chi Xingyiquan".

During the same period of time, Naima combined with the technique of Guiyaluo, and integrated the mask fragments with the power of heretics into the wooden clone.The wooden clone has a different kind of vitality, but it still can't let the wooden clone generate chakra by itself.Once the chakra of the wooden avatar is exhausted, although the wooden avatar will not become inactive wood as before.But it also became immobile like a vegetative person, and the consciousness passed by the main wooden avatar was also imprisoned in the wooden avatar.Only when the main body is injected with chakra, does the wooden avatar have vitality again like an electrified robot.

"Hey, the shadow avatar is a disposable battery, the wooden avatar has been upgraded to become a Nanfu battery, and the wooden avatar that has integrated the power of the outside world is being upgraded to a recyclable rechargeable battery. Can it really not be transformed into a "Bai Jue"? Can it generate chakra autonomously, a permanent clone??".Mian Ma's clone plan failed again, and he was listlessly walking on the road of the village, at this time the troublesome four-member group of Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang came out from the flank with great momentum.

"Hey, noodles. Let's go eat Ichiraku ramen, shall we?" Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba chased after him, and Naruto's right hand was still wrapped in the gauze.

"Why did you appear together again?" According to Mian Ma's experience, it is definitely not a good thing for these four little ghosts to appear together.

"I can't help it, I don't have pocket money anymore," Ding Ci said as a matter of course, without any embarrassment at all.

"Except for Naruto, you all seem to have pocket money, okay?" Mian Ma started to roll his eyes.

"Our pocket money is exhausted, so you won't leave us alone if you have mianma, right?!" "Wang, Wang" Ya was next to him and directly explained the problem of mianma.Hearing this domineering answer, Mian Ma's head was instantly covered with black lines.

"Yeah, if you need to explain where the pocket money goes to the family, you might get scolded." Shikamaru said with a discount. "Ga, ga" Mianma felt that a bird called a crow flew over his head at low altitude, "Mianma, it's rare for us to be together. Let's eat Yile ramen!" Naruto directly made noodles for Mianma decided. "Okay, this is really the last time"

"Hmm," the four of them surprisingly unanimously replied, and then nodded unanimously.No matter who sees this scene, they will regard these "kids" as "good babies".

In fact, since Mian Ma made the hot pot, the four unscrupulous teenagers who have a close relationship with Mian Ma meet from time to time to fight the local tyrants together.For this reason, Mian Ma also feels helpless, but the relationship between several people is getting better and better, and Mian Ma also enjoys it.Mian Ma was also an orphan in her previous life. Although her mental age is now in her 30s, she still cannot live without friends.When I was in the ninja school, because of the relationship between Mianma and Naruto, I successfully established a deep friendship with four bad guys, and often played together. 
"Naruto, what's wrong with your hand." Arriving at Yile Ramen Shop, Mian Ma asked Naruto.Naruto raised his right hand, "Here, I'm practicing shuriken today. I accidentally hurt it, but I've been hurt faster than others since I was a child." A thunderbolt from the blue sky woke up the bewildered numbness with the rumbling. "That's right, I can integrate part of my flesh and blood into the 'wooden avatar fused with the power of the outside world', so as long as my flesh and blood are active and can produce part of the chakra. I can avoid the fate of the rechargeable battery." Eat After passing the ramen, Ma hurried home and decided to experiment.Because facial numbness has the ability to heal, the flesh and blood damage on the body can be recovered very quickly.In the original world, Mian Ma also had a miracle of rebirth from a broken limb.

Sure enough, as Mian Ma had guessed, after the wooden avatar fused with the power of outsiders once again fused its own flesh and blood with the technique of ghost buds.Finally, a certain amount of chakra can be produced, and the more flesh and blood are fused, the more chakra will be produced.

"Fight, anyway, you can regenerate the broken limbs, at most it will be weak for a period of time." Mian Ma picked up the awn iron broken teeth, and chopped down towards his left hand, and the left hand fell with a "click".Then Mima quickly used the combination of medical ninjutsu, wood escape chakra, and healing abilities to quickly give birth to a new left hand.Although the appearance is the same, it will take at least three months to restore the original level.And the moment the Mu Dun avatar fused with the power of outsiders merged into the body, the numb left hand melted strangely.It was as if the left hand was made of ice and slowly melted, and the numb left hand started beating regularly like a heart while melting.A stream of translucent colloidal energy slowly spread to every corner of the wooden dungeon clone along with the rhythm.Moreover, it is still continuously produced. At this time, Mianma can clearly perceive the potential of the wooden dungeon clone, "Can it grow to generate the amount of chakra equivalent to the amount of chakra of teacher Iruka at this time? Yay!!! It's a success !"

Two months later, Mian Ma returned from completing a mission in the Land of Wind, and clearly felt that the new avatar still existed, and Mian Ma's left hand was completely melted. At the same time, it seemed that the Mu Dun avatar actually had meridians, bones, and muscles...At this time, it was finally possible to formally determine the new avatar technique, and it succeeded.This new wood dungeon avatar, which combines numbness, muscle, flesh and blood, can produce chakra by itself, and has a strange activity that is different from humans and plants.The main body can still maintain stability and activity after leaving the country of fire, but it is a pity that the separated flesh and blood can maintain activity and produce chakra under the influence of the power of wood escape, the power of outsiders, and the healing ability.But it can only produce chakra quantitatively, and the maximum amount of chakra cannot be increased.But Mian Ma was also satisfied, so Mian Ma decided to name this technique that only he could use as "True Clone Technique". A clone of Chunin strength.This avatar decided to use steel on the blade, and it would be good to use it to study the "Susano" of the Uchiha family, to see if it is possible to develop its own version of the "Susano" technique.

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